Why is days logged in such a big deal to people?



  • Cakepiebeer
    Why do you care ?

    and that
  • Cakepiebeer
    Just curious from reading several posts now, it seems to people days logged in means more almost then living the healthy lifestyle and losing weight. Seriously people come to terms with your addiction. Days logged in gets you nothing in the end but a big number. If you are living healthy and losing weight who cares if you have 300 days logged in. No one cares about your large days logged in e-peen. /rant off.

    I should of been more descriptive... I'm talking the people that are like.. OMG I'm going on vacation and no internet HOW DO I KEEP MY DAYS logged in....

    go on vacation, eat right, that is more important than coming back to a larger days logged in number... that is the key of the rant!
    Many people have started and quit "dieting" over and over again if they do it on their own. Some need support, some need insight and let's face it, for some these might be the friends that may be the only ones that understand them.
    Others use is as accountability or may use it as their guide to eating right.
    To discount what's important to people because you don't think is important, just shows that some people really don't understand how other's perceive their weight loss journey's.
    Get over it. It's not that big a deal.

    especially this
  • Cakepiebeer
    I don't see why it deserved a rant though?

    I've now seen three people complain about things such as..

    OMG, I'm going on vacation I won't have internet, I need a way to keep my days logged in!

    Items like that is why there is a rant.

    Ah, okay well fair enough then. I still see no point in ranting about people being gutted they can't log though. The thread kinda serves no purpose, it's moaning about other people moaning?

    I can see why that would annoy you but starting a thread about it changes nothing

    It's called ranting, people do it for their own mental sanity. Also balances out the other crazies and returns balance to the universe! If you don't like the rant why post on it. Circle logic!

    You asked a question and I answered it with my reason! That's what you wanted isn't it?! Annnd, I never said I didn't like the rant, I said I understood. Just that it was pointless!

    ok, he has a point. I'd rather someone rant behind a computer screen than to see them go out on a shooting spree
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    To me it shows dedication and accountability.

    How easy would it be to just avoid logging when you eat poorly?
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    here is how i look at it. if i am logging in everyday it puts my new lifestyle at the front of my mind. Its purely psychological to me.


    Also, I enjoy these kind of posts. It amuses me to see what inconsequential crap gets peoples panties in such a twist they have to start a new thread to ***** about it.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Just because they do,if it is not important or meaningful to someone they can ignore it.

    Why is it important enough to start a tread about?
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    A way to see how far you've come. No big deal.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Just curious from reading several posts now, it seems to people days logged in means more almost then living the healthy lifestyle and losing weight. Seriously people come to terms with your addiction. Days logged in gets you nothing in the end but a big number. If you are living healthy and losing weight who cares if you have 300 days logged in. No one cares about your large days logged in e-peen. /rant off.

    I should of been more descriptive... I'm talking the people that are like.. OMG I'm going on vacation and no internet HOW DO I KEEP MY DAYS logged in....

    go on vacation, eat right, that is more important than coming back to a larger days logged in number... that is the key of the rant!
    Many people have started and quit "dieting" over and over again if they do it on their own. Some need support, some need insight and let's face it, for some these might be the friends that may be the only ones that understand them.
    Others use is as accountability or may use it as their guide to eating right.
    To discount what's important to people because you don't think is important, just shows that some people really don't understand how other's perceive their weight loss journey's.
    Get over it. It's not that big a deal.
    I like it because it reminds me how long I've been on MFP and therefore how long I've been committed to getting back in shape.

    It's not MORE important than "living the healthy lifestyle and losing weight", but it's a reinforcement of when I started and how I'm progressing.

    i cans ee the OP's point, but equally I can also see the points of view of the respondents too. :bigsmile:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    Why ask why. It just is.