

  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Thanks! Good luck to you too! I did my strength last night yay! And had breakfast this morning about an hour after waking. Just wondering, does breakfast starve anyone else? haha When I eat it soon after waking I feel ravenous within a couple of hours.

    Oh definitely more hungry if I eat breakfast, and it doesn't seem to matter what type of food I eat, I'm still hungry within a couple of hours.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    2.5 miles at lunch
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    KrisPage: great job on the miles midday!

    Chalean, four times this week: 0/4 today, still busy getting settled into my town
    2 fruits/veggies: three, yippee
    Within calories: yep, hoping this becomes a habit soon
    Don't emotionally eat this week: today was better, but it's been a better day. Still stressed, but much much better

    Early check in because I'm afraid once I get started organizing and cleaning the house I won't stop until it's time for bed. Hope everyone is well and meeting their goals.
  • 34again
    34again Posts: 91 Member
    This is such a busy thread, I just can't keep up with you all but please know that I am cheering you all on and welcome to the newbies!! Everyone is doing great!!

    Tuesday check-in

    1. Crunches 3/3
    2. Charger440's daily challenge - success! 2/3
    3. No snacking after 7pm - 3/3

    Yesterday I just couldn't finish charger's challenge. Too tired but successful today! :)

    Have a great night everyone! Stay strong!
  • littlemount
    10/18 Tuesday check in-

    Only snacked on fruits resisted all the chips /candies at lunch
    Walked for 90 minutes did not wear my pedometer definetely way over 3000 steps walking takes my mind off food and gets me to observe nature if outdoors or indoors it distracts me.

    How is everone today, Krispage I love that you walk during your lunchtime.

    lttee you comment on hunger and eating at breakfast I was reading a book ' hardwired for fitness'recently which goes like this
    7am- 9am- restoration phase- eat carbs
    9am- 5pm- activity phase- eat carbs
    5 pm- 8 pm- rebulding phase- eat protein/fats- seafood,olive oil soyabeans walnuts
    11pm- 7 am- sleep/anti stress phase- eat small amt high protein beverage,cottage cheeses or turkey.
    The peak physical performance is between 1pm- 9 pm ,strength peaks between 2 pm - 6 pm.

    Will be back again tomorrow.
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    danlyn: great job on walking

    Chalean, four times this week: 0/4 today, was so busy today getting settled into my town
    2 fruits/veggies: two, just realized I didn't accomplish this and can munch on carrots, so yay for having this goal
    Within calories: yep, even if I add the carrots
    Don't emotionally eat this week: tough but yes. My dog may have to be put down, she's currently hospitalized for three days. My teenager really needs her to transition to our new town.

    Oh, I'm so sorry about your dog. I can really sympathize with you as I had to put my dog, Sophie, down about 2-1/2 weeks ago. :cry: She is the one in my profile picture. It's very lonely here without her. I hope your dog is ok :heart:
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Forgot to post for today.

    Walked this morning, but couldn't this afternoon. Had to take my Dad to the doctor. I hope we all had a good day and continue to have a good day tomorrow :flowerforyou:
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Pooped! I almost quit after 30mins of Kenpo X. But I didnt, I knew that once I quit the first time the second time would be so much easier to quit again... and so on. I will do all of my work outs this week! That hated TOM came yesterday, I now know why I was so moody and *****y last week.

    1) P90X: 2/7
    2) Water: 0/7 - 6 cups - Uggg again!
    3) No food after 8p: 2/7
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Hearts Desire, if I had water, I’d do a workout. Sadly, I don’t want to pay for a pool—to access a public one or own one of my own. Tried having an above ground one; but it turned into a bee haven thanks to the neighbor’s honeybee raising attempt. Great job on your goals today!

    La_nanita, glad you found a way to keep it fun. Exercise is hard enough without liking it or having someone to enjoy it with. Good job with food. You will get there with water. Sorry about the TOM, but yay you for exercising through it!

    amyB27, welcome! Great starting goals. You can do it!

    Animamika, it’s okay to have bad days. We all do. The key is to enjoy life’s punches and keep trying.

    Fitnhealthyccthats, I think it’s good to have attainable goals and do what you can each day. There’s no way for us to be super exercise machines and keep this lifestyle sustainable.

    Kris, thanks for making me laugh. I know what you mean about sitting down and not wanting to get back up. That’s hard. The good news is, we all get back up at some point. :)

    Cvrobinson, you only have to post your goals and you’re in. We love having new people involved. Welcome!

    Diane13bell, welcome to the challenge. We love having new members. Great job on developing goals this week. I think you will make them!

    Bhurley1424, way to go on making all of your goals today! You rock! Keep it up!

    Papillion, I’m a huge fan of the good fats. I wouldn’t worry so much about them. Great job on your goals!

    Lttee, I used to have that problem. It’s just part of the bone structure. Thankfully, the pants they make these days make it slightly easier to find something close enough should I ever run into this problem again. I’m also a huge fan of the new curvy fits, even in smaller size pants these days. You are doing great and will be back in the swing of Chalean in no time. If your balance is better than mine, then you will no doubt rock Lean. I hope you get some de-stressing time ASAP. I know there is a lot going on, but relaxing is necessary, even if it’s only a few moments. So happy to hear you’re back with your hubby though.

    34again, we are a busy group. Glad you’re doing so well with your goals. Keep up the good work!

    Littlemount, interesting research. Where is that from? It makes totally sense to me. I’ve always heard to eat bigger during the day and then smaller, higher protein meals in the evening. Many countries do that. I just don’t have time to cook for earlier meals and I love a good dinner. Great job on your goals!

    Danlyn, sorry to hear about your dog. It’s hard when you lose a family member. I hope your dad is okay. Great job on your goals today.

    My progress:
    1. Start Lean phase of Chalean and keep up with her schedule, with cardio substitutions of Zumba as I can attend classes.-Couldn’t do it tonight. It was technically an off day, but I wanted to add in extra cardio and had planned food accordingly. Oh well, guess I’m over.
    2. Check in daily with you wonderful people and remind you how awesome you are.-Here I am. Almost missed it!
    3. Continue recovery in the sickness department. I'd like to return to 100% before Zumba class on Thursday. –feeling about 75% today, so getting there. Going to head to be early tonight.
    4. Eat at least 3 fruits and/or veggies each day.-um, not unless you count the extra veggies on my chicken sandwich at lunch.
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Philo – How were you eating the pecans? All by themselves or with something else? Maybe if you substituted with a dried fruit, would that work? Also, great on the no gain!
    Thanks! I needed to be reminded that a no loss is still a NO GAIN! Hooray!:laugh: As for the pecans, I've just been eating them raw mixed with raw almonds. I started with 1 ounce of each and that was WAY too high in fat/calories. Then I backed down to 1/2 oz of each, but it's still keeping my fat grams on the high side. I tried to convince my dietitian that it's okay because these are the good fats, right, but she said I need to work on lower fat OVERALL first, and then look at the different types. Rats.:tongue: Oh, and my pecan/almond mix is unsalted, so I started mixing them with my pita chips so I could get the salty without adding anything extra to my sodium. I'm actually proud of that little idea.

    Tuesday night check in:
    1) Keep monitoring macro ratios to reach Carbs 50%/Protein 25%/Fat 25%: 52.5/23.3/24.2 Much better today!
    2) Identify highest fat content item of the day and research a lower fat alternative: Highest fat content item of the day--Pecans again, so no new item for the day. Fat grams were in the green and way closer to goal.
    3) 3500 calorie deficit for the week: Zumba Step-by-Step today...ALL the way through for the whole hour! Really enjoying it. :smile: Total deficit so far--971
    4) Sodium under 2000: 1930. Close but under!
    5) I WILL NOT WEIGH IN ON ANY DAY OTHER THAN MONDAY.--I did not weigh in today despite a considerable amount of temptation this morning and when I got home from work. I PROMISE, AVOW, AND AFFIRM THAT I WILL NOT WEIGH IN TOMORROW.

    Food NSV's over the last couple days: twice yesterday people tried to soothe my crappy mood with candy and/or ice cream; twice I turned them down and worked on other coping skills. Today, I thought about having ice cream for dinner, logged it in to see what it would do to my numbers, and decided against it because it would push me over goal on sodium and screw up my pretty ratios. I'm going to call this progress and go to bed before I change my mind. :laugh:

    Good night all. Happy Challenge-Butt-Kicking-Wednesday to you!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hello all my mini goal pals! Hope you all had a great Tuesday.

    34again – Great job with your goals Monday and Tuesday. Hope you can fight off that cold!

    Ladygloria – I love your quote “IS IT AWESOME IN IT’S BRUTALNESS” love it! Great job with the veggies!! Hope you continue to feel better.

    Hearts♥Desire – So glad your back again :happy: I like your reworded goal #1 what a great idea.

    La_nanita – Sorry to hear TOM is showing it's mood head. Kempo is a tough one, CONGRATS on pushing through and getting it done. KEEP IT UP! I love that your kids want to do the workouts with you. Great family activity!

    AmyB27 – Welcome! Great goals, good luck to you this week. Yeah I do find myself hungrier when I have breakfast then when I don’t, I typically have a snack about 2 hours after breakfast.

    Aninamika – Look at you partying like a rockstar! Good luck with your goals this week (gotta love the BLTS right :laugh:) Good luck with your studies!

    Fitnhealthyccthats – Welcome back for another week. I know you are going to do great! Good luck with your goal what a great idea.

    KrisPage – Great job with your walk today. Keep it up!

    Cvrobinson – Welcome. Looking forward to seeing your goals.

    Diane13bell – Welcome to you as well. Great goals. You can do this.

    Bhurley1424 – Great job with your Monday, that sodium is a tough one isn’t it. Keep up all the hard work.

    Philosohoe – Great job with your goals. I’m still so jealous of your macros, you are doing so great with that goal. Keep it up. Great info on the pecans! Keep it coming :happy: Nice job with Zumba today! AWESOME NSV! Great job not turning to food to cope.

    Ittee - Thank you so much! I honestly didn’t think I would ever be able to run either, I figured a block at the most. It felt great. Hope you get settled into the new town and get the house in order. Good luck with the stress eating, you’ve been going through a lot lately you are such an inspiration to keep pushing though the rough times. HUGGS!

    Littlemount – Way to resist the chips and candy today! Great job with the walk. I to find when I walk after work I think less about food and eating and just enjoy being outside after a long day in the office.

    Danlyn – I’m sorry to hear you had to put your dog down so very sad. Great job getting your walk in this morning, good luck getting both your walks in tomorrow.

    Tuesday check in:
    1. 30DS - level 3 – Day 22 done! This level 3 is tough!
    2. Get in 4 non 30DS workouts in - 2/4 bowling league tonight. Had a pretty good night too.
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work every day - Done
    4. Log all extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, and sips) – Didn’t really have any extra BLTS today.

    Pretty wiped out so I’m going to log off and head off to catch some ZZZZ’s. Keep up all the great work everyone. HUGGS to you all, have an AWESOME Wednesday.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Oops...passed the Midnight hour!

    Tuesday Check-in

    1. √
    2. √
    3. √
    4. √

    :laugh: :laugh: I love the character map, I use it as a toy.:tongue:
    A pretty good day over all, everyday I hope to be a smidge better than the one before.

    My apologies for a 'check & dash' check-in tonight but I'll share a bit more tomorrow (oops..guess that would be today Weds).

    :flowerforyou: :smooched:
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    Good Morning! Hope all is going well!

    So far so good for me!

    Logging all food and staying under!!!
    Making good food choices!!
    and started c25k!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    I just did Chalean after a week and half break, and wow! Both impressed and sad: :ohwell: impressed was able to maintain same amount of weights and reps on weights, sad because my abs couldn't even come close to completing the ab burner. :grumble:
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm back for a super mini week!

    lttee: glad you liked the picture and welcome back!

    Littlemount: I've had enough crepes in the 4 years I've lived here so staying away from them wasn't a challenge. I did indulge in a raspberry tartelette today and it was worth every one of its 315 calories!

    MAK: ask me anything about Paris! I was lucky enough to live there for 1 1/2 years, so if you need any sugestions/info just let me know!

    34again: glad you liked the picture. 20 years it's a long time, I think it's time for you to come back! :happy: Good job on your goals!

    Ladygloria: I can't think of a better way to use your passport for the first time than by coming to France! The trip went great, thanks for asking. Oh, and hubby got a job near Chicago. i'm already shivering at the thought of a winter in Illinois!

    Bhurley: glad you liked the pic and good job on your goals!

    -I have to say I didn't eat anything crazy on my trip, but I certainly ate a lot of processed/restaurant food, and my body didn't like it. Even now, I feel off and yucky in my stomach. Needless to say, I won't visit the scale any time soon!

    So, my goal for the rest of this week is to get back to normal eating with a special focus on raw/simply prepared veggies and fruits. And water!

    Keep up the good work, everyone!
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Wednesday check-in:

    Walked this morning, but not this afternoon :grumble: Tomorrow is another day and I should be able to get that second walk in. I hope everyone had a great day and had success with your goals :drinker:
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    34 again: great on crunches, I struggled with this one today. And way to finish the charger

    littlemount: great snacks, and I love getting distracted by nature. Just recently moved and the leaves changing colors are amazing me (didn't really see that in my desert). Thanks for the advice/article.

    danlyn: saw you got in your walk, thank you for your sympathy. We visited her in the pet hospital and she looked wonderful, so much better, but she's hooked up to an IV. Hopefully tests will come back positive tomorrow and we can bring her home. Tomorrow is kind of the defining factor.

    la_nanita: good job on not quitting. Kenpo is the only one I've tried of P90X besides the short ab video. It's tough, no doubt. And you look fantastic for a mom of three.

    ladygloria: I do need to relax, thank you for all your support. Tried the new curvy jeans I saw at JCPenny, no luck there, but I'm hopeful since now they're coming out. Sorry you're still not 100%.

    Philosohoe: it's weird responding to you via typed vs. just swimming and hanging out. Miss it!! My goal is to try to stay motivated without you near me. So happy you did Zumba, and glad you're helping her workout and maintain too! Proud of you for not weighing, and saying no to crap food.

    MAK: your saying that I'm an inspiration is very touching, especially considering how I view you in that same light. You're so dedicated. Glad you had a great bowling night, surprised you worked out that day, thought you didn't want to do that as it throws off your game? Fantastic, no BLTS, woot!

    HeartsDesire: love love love the check marks.

    ladylu: It appears as so far so fantastic, go you!!

    Papillon: sorry you felt icky with food, knowing you, you'll consume mass amounts of fruits/veggies that I can't yet come even close to comparing to. I hope it makes your stomach feel better, and the scale (when you check it) happier numbers.

    Chalean, four times this week: 1.5/4 today, despite being unusually exhausted (moving finally catching up with me?), I decided no more excuses and did chalean burn 3 and half the abs. Abs used to be my strong point in this workout, after a week of driving, it's now mushy and weak :brokenheart:
    2 fruits/veggies: two, mmm, so good too
    Within calories: yep, getting easier, but hubby isn't home to tempt me off my routine I'm establishing. Hoping to be good this weekend.
    Don't emotionally eat this week: today was a good day, just super sleepy all day. :yawn:

    Early log in again so that I can do home stuff again. And I like to be finished with everything and available for when my husband gets home. Much love and support everyone!
  • 34again
    34again Posts: 91 Member
    Everyone is doing great!!! So proud of all of you. :-)

    Wednesday check in

    1. 35 crunches - done 4/4
    2. Chargers challenge - 100/200. Just couldn't do any more!! My arms were killing me and I will be heading to bed soon. 2/4
    3. No snacking after 7pm - success. 4/4

    Have a great night everyone and stay strong tomorrow!! :-)
  • littlemount
    Wednesday check in- Papillon22 so glad ur getting back on track.

    Ladygloria- the article I posted yesterday was from A book Hardwired to fitness by Robert Portman..The main principle is to gradually increase exercise.

    Philosohea-I love the idea of mixing the nuts with pita chips I think I will try it,it is truly awesome that you work with a dietician who guides you .

    Did well with snacking except for 1 lays chips, exercise I walked 5 km with my friend I had this challenge as part of my other team and the weather was good so off went.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    2.5 miles today at lunch. then grocery shopping after work so lots of walking. Everyone is doing so great!!