

  • femmemusicale
    femmemusicale Posts: 76 Member
    Water good. Cals good. Plan B = done. Also got in a 5:30 am bootcamp workout again, for the second day in a row, so I'm pretty worn out now. I also did 100 more of the extra crunches. Sooooo tiredzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Hello ladies!

    Week 3, Day 4

    Plans A and B done, water goal met, under calories

    G'nite mateys!!
  • spgabby86
    spgabby86 Posts: 323 Member
    Ahoy Matey's - HAPPY THURSDAY....Well time to dock this ship and call it a NIGHT!

    I hope everyone had a Blessed Day...


    Exercise TV - Fitness 360 Cardio (Holly Perkins - 20/24 mins)
    Tread 46 mins 390 Calories 3.25 miles
    100 CRUNCHES (350 total)

    Hidden Treasures ~ Week 3 - Day 4
    3 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 3 sets of 15 wood chops, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 lawnmowers

    BLC - Thursday, October 20th: 3.1 miles walk, run & bike, 3 sets of 15 wood chops & 3 sets of 15 swimmers
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    cals under
    water 64

    no exercise.. making it up on my days off..
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Week 3 Day 4

    Water has been drunk'
    Overboard Plan C has been dun.
    Crunches have been crunched

    and .... I'm dead tired and crawling out of my skin! This getting under 300 is driving me nutters. I WILL and MUST do it by Nov. 1 !!!
    I'm also getting kinda frustrated because some days, like today, I look in the mirror and feel fatter then when I started out this weight loss journey almost 70lbs ago! Arrrggggggghhh Alright, pushing those thoughts out of my head! Thankfully i have a busy weekend again so I won't focus on it as much .. maybe.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful, happy and healthy weekend! xoxo
  • jmh35slh
    Week 3 Day 4

    Water has been drunk'
    Overboard Plan C has been dun.
    Crunches have been crunched

    and .... I'm dead tired and crawling out of my skin! This getting under 300 is driving me nutters. I WILL and MUST do it by Nov. 1 !!!
    I'm also getting kinda frustrated because some days, like today, I look in the mirror and feel fatter then when I started out this weight loss journey almost 70lbs ago! Arrrggggggghhh Alright, pushing those thoughts out of my head! Thankfully i have a busy weekend again so I won't focus on it as much .. maybe.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful, happy and healthy weekend! xoxo
    It must have been the week for those thoughts Sarah, because i was feeling the same way--sometimes it seems that it takes FOREVER to see any change. But it will come. We just have to keep working at it. Tomorrow is always another day to look at ourselves fresh.
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Sorry for not posting last night the power was out and I didn't feel like messy with the generator in the dark. The joys of living in the country.

    WEEK 3 - DAY 4

    Plan B done
    Under calories - done!
    Water - over
    crunches 200 fotr a weekly total of 800

    Heading to my mom's for a shower (still no power and we have a well. No power= No water) then to the gym.
  • femmemusicale
    femmemusicale Posts: 76 Member

    crunches 200 fotr a weekly total of 800

    800 crunches? You is cRaZZy!!! (But that's awesome!)
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Didn't check in yesterday guessed it...I didn't get my exercise in. :sad:

    This = make up night tonight!

    However, I was under cals and a little over on water.

    So far, only 100 crunches done - but I'll get them!

    Oh yea, cigs still 0. :smokin:
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member

    So sorry that I was MIA yesterday - have now recovering from a very stressful 24hrs!! Thank you to those of you who in the true pirate spirit carried on and motivated each other - I really appreciate it :heart:

    So we are nearly at the end of Week 3!! Can you believe it??? Have you done your part of the team's challenges yet??? If not - why not?? What are you waiting for????

    Today's challenges -

    Plan A (Low impact) – Back to strength training!

    3 sets of 21's, 3 sets of 8 - 12 Swimmer's Presses, 150 punches and today you need to walk for 10 - 20 minutes. Remember you will need to walk one more than you did yesterday!

    Plan B (Mid Impact)

    20 Globe Jumps, 20 Burpees, 50 Toe Touches, 50 Squat Kicks, 2 mile walk, jog, run

    Plan C (High Impact) - Overboard in October exericses - but longer!!!

    Slow Pushups
    Begin in pushup position on a ball or floor. Perform 4 pushups, abs in and back straight. On the 5th pushup, lower halfway down and hold for 4 counts. Push back up and repeat the series - 4 regular pushups and 1 half hold. Repeat for 60-90 seconds.

    Begin with feet together and jump up, taking feet out to the side while circling arms overhead and land in a squat. Jump up and bring feet back together, circling arms back in. This is just like a slow jumping jack, but really use power when pushing up into the jumps. Repeat for 60-90 seconds.

    Walking Lunge
    Start at one end of the room, holding weights if desired, and step forward with right leg. Bend both knees to 90 degree angles, lowering body into a lunge (keep front knee behind the toe). Bring the left foot forward and step into a lunge. Continue lunging, alternating legs for 60-90 seconds..

    Jumping Jacks with Front Kicks
    Do one jumping jack. After you jump the feet back together, bring the right knee up and snap the foot out in a front kick (don't extend the leg all the way, but keep a small bend in the knee). Do another jumping jack and kick with the left foot. Continue for 2 minutes, alternating jumping jacks and kicks.

    Wall Sit with Chest Squeeze
    Hold a medicine ball (or just press the hands together if you have no equipment) and slide down the wall until your thighs are parallel to the floor while squeezing the ball. Hold this position and keep pressure on the ball as your straighten the arms out in front of you and slowly pull them back in. Repeat the chest squeezes in and out for 60-90 seconds and stand up.

    Ski Jumps
    Stand with feet together. Bend the knees and jump to the right as far as you can--think of jumping laterally rather than vertically. Land with soft knees and immediately jump laterally to the left. Repeat for 60-90 seconds.

    March in Place
    Aren't you tired? Take a few seconds to catch your breath.

    High Jogs
    Stand with feet together and hold arms straight out in front of you at mid-torso level. Jog in place, bringing knees high enough that they hit your hands (don't lower hands!). Repeat for 60-90 seconds.

    Triceps Dips
    Sit on a chair or bench with hands next to the hips. Lift up and take the hips forward, just in front of the bench. Bend the elbows and lower down until elbows are about 90 degrees. Squeeze the triceps to push back up and repeat 60-90 seconds.

    Pushups/Side Planks
    In pushup position (on knees or toes), perform one pushup. As you come up, shift weight to left arm, twist to the side while bringing the right arm up towards the ceiling in a side plank. Lower the arm back to the floor for another pushup and then twist to the other side. Repeat for 60-90 seconds.

    AND Week Three Weekly Team Challenge -
    Same water and calories challenge plus 500 crunches/sit ups for the entire week! No groaning you can do this! Make sure you perform abdominal stretches after the crunches. They are key to a quick painless recovery. You can do the crunches anyway you want 100 a day, 50 in the a.m. 50 at night or all 500 in one day. Its up to you!

    AND walk, run, jog 5 miles this week all at once. No break , No stopping!

    COME ON!! WE HAVE COME TOO FAR TO LET THE WIND GO OUR OUR SAILS! (and no Jill that is not an invitration for you to start cooking flipping beans again!!)

  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    ************************************************* Mini Challenge Alert *******************************************

    Arrr 'tis the weekend!!! Time for us pirate wenches to party AGAIN!!!!

    You have until midnight on Saturday to -

    DO one AOK!! (Act of Kindness!!) Do something to make a 'stranger' smile - help them cross the road, carry their shopping bag, take 2 mins to chat to them - whatever!!! But make a difference to someone's day!!!

    DANCE/SING ALONG to 5 songs of your choice!! Alone, with your 'SO' or with your 'mini-me's' – HOWEVER you must dance/sing like you did when you were a teenager (before responsibilities) – wild, crazy and fun-loving!!!


  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    WEEK 3 - DAY 4 & 5
    Challenge 3 exercises - done
    Under cals - done
    Water - done

    Mini challenge - 5 songs - danced/sang (Weather Girls - It's Raining Men! / Take That/Lulu - Relight My Fire / Meatloaf - Bat Out of Hell / Dirty Dancing - I've Had the Time of My Life / Queen - Don't Stop Me Now!

  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Day 4 and day 5 done with plan B
    Cals under
    Water over
    200 crunches total both days

    Challenge for the day...I held a conversation with a person for 9 minutes and 45 sec. who talks non stop and laughs a lot! We talked about shoes and purses!! Afterwards she said thanks for taking time to talk to me, I said the same back to her!

    Cool challenge!!! LIKE!
  • ruelman83
    ruelman83 Posts: 97 Member
    Plan B
    +100 crunches
    under cals, 8 glasses water

    I talked w/ a guy from our "Help Desk" at work while his systems were trying to figure out the problems on my end! LOL, we talked about how lucky I am to only have to work until 11:50 on Fridays...he made it VERY clear he was jealous of that (as he was working a 12 hour day today!)... getting outta bed and working in jammies all day...(yeah, jealous even more) It was nice!
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    Cals Under
    H20 Over
    Exercise doubled :happy: :happy:

    Included 6 miles and the 500 crunches.. hope it doesnt hurt in the morning :bigsmile:

    act of kindness : Encouraged a teacher having a difficult time!

    Now time to dance!
  • littlemount
    Week 3/Day5-Plan A- done
    under cal- done
    dancing - only 2 songs- done
    Crunches- 70 done
    Acts of kindness- Signed up for an 5k Alzheimers walk on sunday. Spent time with a friend worried about her chances of getting alzheimers , telling her preventive measures and will sit up tonight to read more about what can be done.
  • femmemusicale
    femmemusicale Posts: 76 Member
    Today was nice! Good on cals and water, and did Plan B challenge. Will have to make up some more crunches tomorrow, and maybe some on Sunday. We'll see how my abs feel tomorrow....

    Mini challenge for dance was too easy for me since SO and I had our very first dance lesson together tonight - ha! It was lots of fun, and we have another tomorrow, too. We learned and danced to salsa and swing.

    For the AOK, I had to stop at the grocery store after work, and saw an older woman in a motorized cart, so I asked her if she wanted me to go around with her and help with her shopping. It was a really nice experience, and it was an eye-opening evening for me because of it. (She was/is single and, in my opinion, that's tough because she doesn't have children or an SO to help her out now that she is older. That must be a tough thing. But she has lots of friends and some nieces and nephews nearby.) Thanks for the wonderful suggestion, Jules. What a wonderful challenge. :-D
  • jmh35slh

    What a wonderful evening I just had!! I've been asking to go to 5 Guys (the BEST burger joint I have ever been to) for the last 2 weeks. Tonight Hubby took me! and then he took me to DAIRY QUEEN!! :love: Needless to say, my calories are WAAAAY over, so I'm taking today as my rest day. I am over on my water tho!

    Last night my daughter and I rocked out to my favorite 80s tunes :glasses: ...dancing and singing all over the kitchen! We had a blast! Does that count as my mini challenge?

    I will be out and about all day tomorrow, so AOK will not be a problem. Buying apples and going to make apple dumplings...wish you all were closer to me! :ohwell:

    Everyone is doing so well! I'm so glad I joined you wonder group of ladies. The support has been amazing and i know that without all of you, i would not be so far in my quest for a healthy lifestyle! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Good night luvies! :yawn:

    One-Eyed-Jackie :heart:
  • femmemusicale
    femmemusicale Posts: 76 Member
    Add in 100 more crunches for me. So, only 50 left tomorrow. Whew - that was one of the hardest challenges ever for me. My abs are murdered right now!
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    week 3 day 5

    Plan A done
    200 crunches done for a total of 1000 for the week

    Saptain Jukes you said do crunches instead of walking 5 miles but you never said how many. Can I stop yet my abs are killing me.

    water over
    calories under