Is it only here in the UK...



  • mandemonious
    mandemonious Posts: 217 Member
    In the states here...I've always loved Halloween. Every few years I get into it and dress. I usually go for the scarier, gorier type costumes over the ones people get a lingerie stores. Silly...

    I've never heard of begging for money. Here its candy and silly cheap toys and the occasional granola bar :grumble: (Don't get me wrong, love em..just not for halloween when chocolate and peanut butter rule!)

    Fun times :tongue:
  • mrsgrumpypants
    mrsgrumpypants Posts: 19 Member
    I don't like it and never let my children go out begging (UK) but we used to put a candle in the window and give out sweets and satsumas. We would get students round looking for cash, but they still got a finger of fudge and a satsuma.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    I have a confession to make. I am an American and I really don't like Halloween. Sure, now that I have kids it is more exciting because they love dressing up and going trick or treating. But frick, I don't like the decorations. Glow in the dark spiders....that is the **** nightmares of made of. I don't like passing out candy. Can't I just watch It's a Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown in peace and quiet. Actually have to chase of egg throwing teens might spice things up. The teens that come to my door are always pleasant and polite. Although the little ****s call me ma'am. I guess I am the grinch of Halloween. Bah!!!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    We once gave some candy to a few native kids when i was in college...when the kids left, they egged our house.

    So naturally we chased them down, caught the one who did, brought him back and wiped it all up with his hat.

    Here's a photo we took:


    It's actually even on video, really dark but you can hear one of us say 'throw another egg, and we'll take ya to the henhouse!' clue what that means.

    Ha ha I thought this was a picture of grown ups trick or treating dressed as boy scouts, Sorry :laugh:
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    We don't have chaves in the US, we call the D-bags.
    Also you never know who here might have a gun.
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,515 Member
    Trick or Treaters stopped coming to us years ago :laugh:

    ET's got a lot to answer for - I swear nobody did it round our way before that film came out! It's just an excuse to blag free sweets and there's no way I'm encouraging kids to eat MORE rubbish!
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member

    Ha ha I thought this was a picture of grown ups trick or treating dressed as boy scouts, Sorry :laugh:

    No, super troopers.

    Whats a native kid? lol

    A native american, or indian.

    He looks like a 40yr old mexican with that painted on beard and mustache though.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    ...where we hate Halloween?

    Or is it simply in this area where i live?

    It's a terrible time of year. Bunches of chavs going round in a sheet, demanding money or they'll slash your car tyres...
    Hallowe'en used to be great when I was a kid in Scotland. We all got dressed up (made home-made costumes, not store-bought) and we all had to do a party piece... sing a song, recite a poem, tell some jokes. We only went round the local neighbours and never to strangers. Some folks made us bob for apples which was fun and we were usually rewarded with some sweets, some fruit and sometimes home-made toffee apples :tongue:

    Nowadays, the spirit of Hallowe'en has been forgotten and more and more kids and more worryingly older youths call it Trick or Treat, but they see it as a licence to misbehave and demand money for menaces. :grumble: Some don't even get dressed up! :mad:

    Thankfully we live in a quiet cul-de-sac and there are some nice young kids who come round and we give them some sweets, but last year we had so many left over that our friends' kids all got goody-bags from the leftovers at Christmas. :happy:
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    We love Halloween. We make a fabulous halloween dinner (bloody soup, garlic bread to ward off vampires, witches fingers... you get the idea!). My daughter takes a fair bit of care with her costume. Our whole village pretty much gets involved, and the kids tend to look great. There's a lovely old couple who do baked goods for all the kids, and thoroughly enjoy them all trooping round to say hello...

    So nope, in this part of the UK, halloween is pretty cool. I also loved it as a kid. Bobbing for apples....
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Yeah, if they are little kids, parents in tow, then fair enough. I'm no scrooge.

    But, lately it's been PURELY 16-18 year olds. Little candy bars wont work. It's either cash or spliffs only.

    I just make sure I'm out that night...
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    OMG what a bunch of miserable people and even putting up signs that say you're not participating too??! UGH.:noway:

    I always open my door to trick or treaters and gave them treats, now I have kids and want to take them trick or treating there's no point...because of all the miserable tight gits that don't want to open their doors. Last year not one person opened their door :mad: , our kids were so upset after all the excitement of dressing up for it. We took them to the shops to let them choose whatever sweets they wanted.

    Oh no let's not celebrate anything or have fun, what's the point, let's hide in our homes and be tight arses.:ohwell:
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    OMG what a bunch of miserable people and even putting up signs that say you're not participating too??! UGH.:noway:

    I always open my door to trick or treaters and gave them treats, now I have kids and want to take them trick or treating there's no point...because of all the miserable tight gits that don't want to open their doors. Last year not one person opened their door :mad: , our kids were so upset after all the excitement of dressing up for it. We took them to the shops to let them choose whatever sweets they wanted.

    Oh no let's not celebrate anything or have fun, what's the point, let's hide in our homes and be tight arses.:ohwell:

    Or lets open the door, get yelled at by chaves, insulted, and later find our car tyres slashed.

    yay, what fun.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    We love Halloween. We make a fabulous halloween dinner (bloody soup, garlic bread to ward off vampires, witches fingers... you get the idea!). My daughter takes a fair bit of care with her costume. Our whole village pretty much gets involved, and the kids tend to look great. There's a lovely old couple who do baked goods for all the kids, and thoroughly enjoy them all trooping round to say hello...

    No nope, in this part of the UK, halloween is pretty cool. I also loved it as a kid. Bobbing for apples....

    How nice to read this, makes a very pleasant change!!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    OMG what a bunch of miserable people and even putting up signs that say you're not participating too??! UGH.:noway:

    I always open my door to trick or treaters and gave them treats, now I have kids and want to take them trick or treating there's no point...because of all the miserable tight gits that don't want to open their doors. Last year not one person opened their door :mad: , our kids were so upset after all the excitement of dressing up for it. We took them to the shops to let them choose whatever sweets they wanted.

    Oh no let's not celebrate anything or have fun, what's the point, let's hide in our homes and be tight arses.:ohwell:

    Or lets open the door, get yelled at by chaves, insulted, and later find our car tyres slashed.

    yay, what fun.

    Yeah that's what me and my kids did last year, of course.:sick:
  • BrewerGeorge
    BrewerGeorge Posts: 397 Member
    Mostly just for kids here. In our neighborhood, several of the parents give out drinks to the grown-ups taking kids around, so it's fun for us, too.
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    I've never really celebrated it (but then, I don't have any kids yet). I think the dressing up bit would be fun, maybe doing some themed cooking or having a party. Not so sure about wandering around knocking on strangers doors though.

    As for answering the door, since I moved here I won't even answer the door to have a parcel delivered haha, I'd rather pick it up from the post office. London scares me sometimes! Definitely wouldn't be answering to teenagers!!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    OMG what a bunch of miserable people and even putting up signs that say you're not participating too??! UGH.:noway:

    I always open my door to trick or treaters and gave them treats, now I have kids and want to take them trick or treating there's no point...because of all the miserable tight gits that don't want to open their doors. Last year not one person opened their door :mad: , our kids were so upset after all the excitement of dressing up for it. We took them to the shops to let them choose whatever sweets they wanted.

    Oh no let's not celebrate anything or have fun, what's the point, let's hide in our homes and be tight arses.:ohwell:

    Or lets open the door, get yelled at by chaves, insulted, and later find our car tyres slashed.

    yay, what fun.

    Yeah that's what me and my kids did last year, of course.:sick:

    You and your kids aren't the gangs of drunk, drugged up chavs using halloween as an excuse to scare the **** out of old people and get free cash.
  • sailingsal
    sailingsal Posts: 285 Member
    In the village i grew up in in Scotland halloween was cool, you had to learn a poem, song or jokes to earn sweets and went round with friends and parents to peoples houses. I now live in a city and halloween doesn't happen. My son's school does a halloween party but the kids don't tend to go out.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    OMG what a bunch of miserable people and even putting up signs that say you're not participating too??! UGH.:noway:

    I always open my door to trick or treaters and gave them treats, now I have kids and want to take them trick or treating there's no point...because of all the miserable tight gits that don't want to open their doors. Last year not one person opened their door :mad: , our kids were so upset after all the excitement of dressing up for it. We took them to the shops to let them choose whatever sweets they wanted.

    Oh no let's not celebrate anything or have fun, what's the point, let's hide in our homes and be tight arses.:ohwell:

    Are you for real??

    Around here, theres busy and slow parts of town. In the better areas, parents drop their kids off (more houses, etc) and sometimes those houses get 200-300 kids in a night. The police and other groups drive around and hand out candy and gift certificates to children dressed in safe (reflective stuff, flashlights, etc) costumes.

    As far as people not partaking, generally, if the house has lights off, they aren't giving candy. Certain blocks have very few who give any.

    Halloweens my favorite time of the year, but it'd be heartbreaking as a kid to go and have even a handful of houses with no response, or nobody giving candy.

    I think this year I'm gonna just bring a stash of candy with me and give it out to whoever I see all day. Maybe creepy, but maybe it'll make someones day. Also in a small town, chances are I'll know 75% of the people anyway.

    I'm also dressing up all weekend. 3-4 days. And booked time off.

    I'm so hardcore.
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    And its a wonderful excuse for people to dress up like sluts

    um, a nurse costume is not HALLOWEEN.
    You'd be scared if you knew some of the nurses I know.:sick: