Dads with sons......



  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I'm not a dad but I'm married to an amazing one. Can I chime in?

    Our son is 11 years old and has three sisters. He also happens to be homeschooled so he's home with four women all day long. Can you see why it's important that Dad steps in and does some guy stuff? :D When he was very little and really more in the way than helpful my husband strapped a nail bag on him and gave the boy a hammer. My DH was building a shed and had a couple of wooden saw horses set up as a makeshift bench. DS was three at the time. He was so cute! The nail bags went all the way to the ground and he could barely walk, lol. My DH started a nail in the leg of the sawhorse and instructed DS that he needed that nail pounded in. DS started "pounding" away at that nail. Tink. Tink. Tink. He felt so important though.

    Like I said, he's 11 now and last week DH supervised while DS took my broken washing machine apart, removed the broken belt, installed the new one and put the machine back together again. I get to brag all over the place that my 11 yo fixed my washer and he's feeling pretty awesome. DH just makes it a point to include him in whatever he's working on even if DS will likely get in the way. As he's gotten older he's been able to do more and more and is actually a help now.

    To all you dad's who take the time to mentor your boys (and girls) my hat is off to you! You guys are so incredibly important to your sons! (And as the mom of three girls who will likely marry someday I really appreciate the time you're taking to teach them to be good men!)
  • gmann1973
    gmann1973 Posts: 247
    lol you name it I have showen it to him Im a single dad and E (my son) mom left when he was 4. Hes 14 now and I am very proud of him. he is my best friend and we do everything together. I teach him to fish he teaches me how to kill a zombie on black opps lol we learn as we go
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    lol you name it I have showen it to him Im a single dad and E (my son) mom left when he was 4. Hes 14 now and I am very proud of him. he is my best friend and we do everything together. I teach him to fish he teaches me how to kill a zombie on black opps lol we learn as we go

    This is awesome =D. I'm a single Dad to my three as well (two sons and a daughter), with sole custody. It's awesome to see other Dads doing what they should (I's difficult to win if it's contested) and raising their kids in person, full time.

    You've got my respect man!
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Glad you brought this back up. Would love to see more dads toot their own horn.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    One of my favorite times with my dad was helping him shingle the roof when I was 13. He told me, "if you have to hit the nail more than once, you're doing it wrong." My mom just about gave herself an ulcer, thinking I was going to fall off the roof, so we told her to go inside and stop watching. Haha