Whats the craziest thing you have ever done to lose weight?



  • ZachyABaby

    i had the cleanest house on the block, though.
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    i think the craziest thing ive ever done was eat a bowl full of peppers. cayenne speeds up ur metabolism so i said sure why not. yeah i had a bad case of diarrhea to say the least hahaha

    Is that like a colon cleanse?

    No, I dont know what I was thinking. They sell solon cleanses that u can buy.. they actually work! some of em.. depends on the brand
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    acupuncture. Didn't lose anything.

    is acupuncture good for other things besides weightloss?

    I've used it to manage my migrains.
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    craziest thing I did was starve myself, AND force myself to vomit 3-5+ times a day. Did that for a few months, then found out I was pregnant. Snapped me back into reality really quickly.

    Im sorry.. :( I understand..
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I'd have to say that anorexia/EDNOS was the craziest, and that was real, diagnosed crazy. I'm glad I recovered!
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    acupuncture. Didn't lose anything.

    is acupuncture good for other things besides weightloss?

    I've used it to manage my migrains.

    I need that then! i have HORRIBLE migraines
  • FunRun08
    FunRun08 Posts: 203 Member
    The craziest thing I have ever done to lose weight is talk about it for 8 years straight without actually doing anything.

    Funny I was on that plan for a while too, didn't work out.

    DH and I went on a 3 day crash diet before out wedding, we made it 2 days, it was horrible. I have also taken pills that I bought from a friend, pretty stupid I dont even know what they were.
  • arwamya
    arwamya Posts: 304
    went on a liquid diet for a week.. lost 15 pounds ..and gained almost the same number back the subsequent weeks
  • emilydmac
    emilydmac Posts: 382 Member
    eat a starvation diet, use laxative, drink only Apple Cider Vinegar, some nasty stuff. Stop eating meat, dairy, fish, carbs, salt, sugar etc!
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    Done a lot of crazy rubbish to lose weight which i probs shouldnt mention. Urm, liquid fasted for 4 days at a time. All in the past tho :)
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    I'd have to say that anorexia/EDNOS was the craziest, and that was real, diagnosed crazy. I'm glad I recovered!

    Happy to hear you are better! I suffered from a minor eating disorder when I was 15.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Tried tons of weird diet pills that made me jittery.

    Tried to make myself vomit (which didn't work, thankfully).
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    eat a starvation diet, use laxative, drink only Apple Cider Vinegar, some nasty stuff. Stop eating meat, dairy, fish, carbs, salt, sugar etc!

    Is apple cider vineagar legit?
  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    anyone heard of that cookie diet??

    Yep, did that...it sucked!!!! Worst diet EVER and not to mention, expensive!
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    anyone heard of that cookie diet??

    Yep, did that...it sucked!!!! Worst diet EVER and not to mention, expensive!

    haha i used to sell it at gnc and me and all my coworkers joked about it
  • emilydmac
    emilydmac Posts: 382 Member
    Is apple cider vineagar legit?

    Nope!!! It didn't make me lose weight, but it did give me awful heartburn!
  • LemonPoppySeedMuffin
    When I was in the darkest bit of my anorexia, my brother walked on me about to pour bleach down my throat. My intention was to ruin my throat so I could never eat again.

    I'm so glad I am far from that mind set now!
  • foraMEthatiLOVE
    On 1000 ways to die, a guy and his friend tried to do a homemade liposuction procedure. They guy getting it died.

    OMG! This shocked me more than the tapeworm!
  • cominupmilhouse
    cominupmilhouse Posts: 257 Member
    I knew this recovering drug addict who had a miserable 12 year addiction to many drugs. Tried to commit suicide a few times, in and out of the slammer constantly. Prostitution, living on the streets, OD's and relapses, everything horrible that comes with addiction.

    She told me she had never done any drugs until she was 15, she tried meth cause she heard it could help you lose 10 lbs fast.

  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    when i was 13 i replaced all my meals with winterfresh chewing gum and dr pepper and took my friend's mom's diet pills.

    i'm surprised i survived that...
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