Do I need to go low carb

to lose weight? Everyone in my family says thats the way to do it


  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I dropped 7lb after cutting carbs (bread, pasta, rice, potatoes) for few week but then seem to be stuck again. you might drop half a stone from it.. more if you lucky?
  • karleen
    karleen Posts: 260
    cutting carbs [for me] leads to fast weight loss but the instant i stop i end up binging and just gaining the 5 pounds i rapidly lost right back. your plate should basically be half green, 1/4 protein and 1/4 carb.

    carbs wont kill you if you pick the correct ones :)
  • PB67
    PB67 Posts: 376
    to lose weight? Everyone in my family says thats the way to do it

    No. You only need to create a caloric deficit.

  • melianne125
    melianne125 Posts: 95 Member
    Dropping a food group from your diet will give you a sudden drop but as soon as you start eating healthy again you will gain back every single pound plus some. That would be like dropping fat from your diet. We all need a balanced diet from each food group - carbs included.
  • MovingUp2011
    Oh ok. I just see so many promotions for low carb. Thought that carbs slow you down.
    Good carbs as in rice, potatoes, and wheat bread?
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Some people get results from it, but it's certainly not necessary.
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    It's one way to lose..but not the ONLY way. Maybe research the pros and cons of low carb vs. calorie counting and see what fits you best. :smile:
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    I cut out all bad carbs and had good results. Google search for good carbs and you will be able to find a list of what is considered good. I eat pretty cleanly as it is....low low processed food items, so my carbs were kind of already gone.
  • sixpacking
    sixpacking Posts: 148 Member
    dropping carbs too low, makes you suicidal and a potential murderer to foods you shouldn't have. Anytime you cut calories too low and carbs are well, you just crash and make it up by binging. Be mindful, yes you can go low carbs, but only for so long and as long as you can control the crash effects.
  • Arynamber
    Arynamber Posts: 162 Member
    Your body needs carbs.. What works for me is doing only healthy ones (apples, whole grains).. and I guess I do limit them a bit since I get migraines when I have too many.. Usually I keep my carbs for morning and I always have a protein with them.
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    I'm considering going down this route as well - not no carb, just low carb.

    there's some interesting info on the whole grains/ carb issue here:
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I watch my carbs mostly because that's where I find my empty calories seem to load up.

    Bread, starchy veggies, and pasta, and rice add up REALLY fast in the food log, so I really watch my portion sizes and/or avoid them altogether. But it's not so much a "no carb" thing for me as it is a choice of where I want to spend my calories, and I've just determined that there are a lot of things I'd rather eat than one slice of sandwich bread or 1/4 cup of rice!
  • siogdearg
    siogdearg Posts: 20 Member
    Hi there,
    I think you might lose weight, but could also lose your mind in the process! I agree with the people who have said that it is really more about calories in vs calories burned. You have to live your life too .....
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    It's one way to lose..but not the ONLY way. Maybe research the pros and cons of low carb vs. calorie counting and see what fits you best. :smile:

    Good answer. +1
  • tkacomet
    tkacomet Posts: 73 Member
    I cut grains because I just can't believe that veggies and fruits are bad for me. I dont know how much it has helped me lose weight generally, but I'm less bloated and have a flat belly which is lovely. I've always suspected a gluten sensitivity, and this seems to support that. although I cut rice and potatoes, also. just because it's empty calories, if I'm going to eat the cals I'm going to get something nutritionally valuable. I feel a lot better, more energetic, less bloated, and more *ahem* regular. my latest lab results indicate it's the right decision, also. cholesterol, blood sugar, and vitamin counts are right in the happy range.
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    It's one way to lose..but not the ONLY way. Maybe research the pros and cons of low carb vs. calorie counting and see what fits you best. :smile:


    It will work - but only if it fits you. I do low carb and it works (stick to good carbs like veg/lentils/quinoa etc). But it works because I've never been a massive fan of bread or potatoes.

    The absolute best weight loss plan is the one that YOU can stick to!!
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    I like the way I feel mentally and physically by going low carb, so I've stuck with it. Do a lot of your own research and be willing to experiment.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    to lose weight? Everyone in my family says thats the way to do it

    It really depends. It depends partly on the type of carbs you are eating now (bread, pasta, things made with flour, especially if it's white flour vs. whole grains like brown rice, bulgar wheat, barley, oats, etc.) but even more so on you. Some people claim to eat high carb and lose weight easily, others claim that carbs make them baloon up. Personally, I never think "I need to eat low carb" but I find it hard to eat a high carb diet and maintain a calorie deficit while still getting enough protein and fat to fill full. I think I'm more of a moderate carb eater. But when it comes to grains I do stick to whole grains, and limit whole grain flour. Brown rice is my friend.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm considering going down this route as well - not no carb, just low carb.

    there's some interesting info on the whole grains/ carb issue here:

    That movie is talking about insulin resistance caused from eating refined grains. It's not about carbs in general or people that are not insulin resistance.
  • FairuzyAmanuzy
    FairuzyAmanuzy Posts: 221 Member
    I've done the atkins diet, and had huge success, but I was a horror to be around because it made me feel sick and sluggish, and as soon as i ate carbs again i gained all back plus some. Now I'm calorie counting and trying to stick to the meditterean diet. 35% carbs, 35% protein and 30% fat. I feel great! my depression and anxiety has gone away. and i can still eat carbs just in moderation. and i've lost 23 pounds in 74 days. It's slower than no carb diets, but it's worth it.