creepers at the gym



  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    Have you tried just telling him to **** off? Most people don't like to be told to **** off. I would tell him to **** off.
    Whack? How will that help?

    Count the asterisks. It was clearly "jerk".

    When a trainer at the gym was bothering me I told him to **** off and it worked great.
  • NorthRiver
    NorthRiver Posts: 35 Member
    I've only rarely been harrassed like that, usually it stops at them getting on the treadmill right next to mine when the whole row is free, or staring at me in the mirror.

    Except once, a guy waited for me outside the gym. He sat in a dark corner by the stairs and walking past him, I even thought 'ugh, creepy, glad I'm not the girlfriend HE is waiting for'. And then he came up behind me as I was unlocking my bike. Standing really close and asking me if I wanted to go for a coffee with him. That was civil enough, but it made me REALLY uncomfortable, being dripping wet from sweat, with my hair a mess - and it being 10 at night. I managed to get rid off him by letting him give me his number, but the whole thing really annoyed me.

    When I go to the gym, it is me-time. I don't want to be talked to. I have earphones in, I don't look people in the eyes, I don't care what I look like. DO NOT talk to me. Unless I smile at you first. :p
  • BeautifulArtemis
    BeautifulArtemis Posts: 641 Member
    SO....I take spin class every Monday and Wednesday and there is this guy that will not leave me alone! He puts his bike almost on top of mine and if I move he follows. He has met my husband because I told my husband what was going on and he still wont back down. The other day I put a bike on each side of me, one for my husband and one for a friend. When he came into the room he seen I had the two bikes saved and asked me why. I told him about my husband and friend joining me and yanno what he said????!!!! "Why didn't you set mine up as well?" I ignored him and continued my conversation with the instructor that he rudely interupted. This man has told me "his wife left him after losing 160lbs" and "he is dating someone that mentually abusive" AND THE WORST ONE IS "he used to work at the same gym we are working out at and got fired for making the woman uncomfortable." He farts and his breathe is horrible as well. I just dont know what to do! I dont feel its cool that I have to stop a class I love. Maybe I should say something to the staff?
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    that has never happened to me, and i will tell you, it would freak me out if it did. everyone at my gym keeps to themselves really well.

    i agree with a few points from above: #1 - don't look away or ignore the person. BE THE ONE IN CONTROL! look directly at him and say, "sorry, not time the time for chatting!" and then move away from that area, even if you were in that area first. report anyone who doesn't stay away from you after you've confronted them. #2 - dont' ever leave the gym at night (dark) alone. make sure you go out with other people, park in a lighted area, and stay alert.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    You should give him your number. Or maybe ask him for a ride home.
  • shannon877
    shannon877 Posts: 55 Member
    Tell him that he's not your type.
    That you have a thing for elderly lesbians.
    As in, "You are not old enough for me, nor am I interested in going back to guys."
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    i've been having some problems with guys bothering me at the gym (one guy in particular - and he ironically works there). he follows me around, tries to talk to me while i'm working out (i'm trying to do my plank set and he's trying to start a convo), and he creepily stares at me while i work out. i just wanted to see if anyone else out there had this same problem or if it was just me.
    Report it. Not kidding. As a gym staffer myself, I'm sure they have an employee hand book that deters this. If it's causing you stress then report it.
  • idcatiej22
    idcatiej22 Posts: 49 Member
    thanks for the support guys! i do plan on filing a complaint. i'm just not feeling very confident about the possible situations that this could get me into because we are both employees there. thankfully we're not in the same departments, but at the same time, i don't want to cause any drama. we also used to work together somewhere else 5 years ago, which is - i'm assuming - why he feels so comfortable talking to me. he made me feel uncomfortable back then too. hopefully during the entire ordeal i can remain anonymous.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    YOU TOO?! I don't get it.

    hahaha, So funny! Lovin it, and the profile picture too! Hope she (the OP) sees it and understands.

    to the OP, tell him to bugger off! Loudly!
  • I hear ya! Chicks be all over this fine piece of *kitten* I am. I mean, I'm trying to do my 500 lb bench presses (no spotter, don't need it) and these ladies are all over me asking me for my phone number and things like that. LEAVE ME ALONE WOMEN!!! I'M JUST TRYING TO WORK OUT! :angry:
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    1) He likes you
    2) You don't like him back

    Have you tried mentioning that you are "going out with your boyfriend tomorrow"??? Mentioning that "he's not your type" in a way that will get back to him?? Or telling him that "you're just not interested in him" [period] No fluffy stuff like "I only like you as a friend" or anything like that?

    If he knows YOU are not interested, he will soon enough lose interest and leave you alone. He'll just move on to someone else who appreciates this type of attention... and believe me, there are others out there who like it.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    (one guy in particular - and he ironically works there).
    If you liked to stare at hot women in tight clothes, I can think of no better job than a gym. So probably not ironic at all. Probably pretty common.
  • I had a similar issue at my gym, where this guy stood a few feet behind me while I was running on the treadmill. If I ever decide to go back to that gym, I won't be wearing shorts!