Do you ever want to give up?



  • mjemerson
    mjemerson Posts: 141
    Yeah I feel like that all the time! I have bad days weeks and months sometimes! BUT I always find myself getting back on the band wagon again. I have lost 70lbs and it feels amazing. Make small goals and try not to focus to much on the big picture it can get overwhelming. The people on here are great for support and motivation. Don't be afraid to ask for help because we all go through it! You are not alone!!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Sigh, sometimes I just want to get an XXL velour tracksuit and just give up, eat fried chicken and pizza and gain 300 lbs. This is so much work for so little weight loss. While I'm at it, I want to quit my job and get a disability of some sort, live in a trailer and stop brushing my teeth. Seriously, I feel like gthe guy who wrote the famous suicide note that just read "all this buttoning and unbuttoning." Life is too much work sometimes.
    There are many things that people give up on. I gave up trying to get my older brother to save money instead a blow it on useless things that have no value.
    But I'd never give up on my health and well being. To do that would condemn me to a life of sadness and depression. And I don't want to live life that way.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Thaks for the encouragment and commiseration everybody. Sometimes you just need to step back and get some perspective. And sometimes you need to eat a Snicker's bar, as long as you can still come in under goal for the day. That's what I did.
  • itontae
    itontae Posts: 138 Member
    Great post formicaman.
    yes I feel that way a lot.
    I have incorporated it into my new motto

    " You have two choices.
    1) Give up
    2)Keep going

  • itontae
    itontae Posts: 138 Member
    And to paraphrase your quote, i have always said "whoever says nothing tastes as good as slim feels never tried my mum's cooking"

    My mum got ill and died earlier this year. I was completely crushed and it has changed me forever. I ate and drank to stuff down the pain , and am finally doing something about the mess I made of my body and my health.
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Yes. You are 100% correct. Do I ever want to "give up?" Like 10 hours of my 14 waking hours. For sure. It's such a struggle.

    Do I miss eating like "others?" Absolutely. I miss Chinese buffets, Good and Plenty, KFC (original recipe), Key Lime Pie, lobster tail with butter, cotton candy and Pez! I ate it all and enjoyed it all! But I saw things through. I reached my weight loss goal and even went a few pounds "too far."

    Now I am struggling some to regain a few pounds. I'd love to do it with all of the items above, but I won't. It is a struggle, yes. But it's worth it. You will see.

    I like the advice about setting up short term goals and reaching them. You can do this. Please, just stick with it. Take things at your own pace and don't give up. Never, ever give up on you!
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Meant to write 10 hours of my 17 waking hours! I am lucky to sleep 7 hours a day!
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    Do you ever give yourself a cheat day? I allow myself one a week. Last week on biggest loser Bob started talking about how these forbidden foods can be eaten in moderation and you won't have to hide to do it. Eventually you will get to your goal. If you think of the food as forbidden it will draw you to it, because you start thinking-ahhhh I can never having this again. Then you bing on it. It is called the last supper effect. Where you say-I am going to start my diet tomorrow and you eat all the crap you can at once-hahaha!! You can do this and it is okay to slip now and then!!
  • Last 20 minutes of workout, but i keep going.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    This journey isn't easy and there are times where its more challenging than others. For any of those whose mental fortitude is bottoming out, its time to reassess your reasons for starting this journey. Look at my recipe for a will power pill in my blog below (something I recommend for folks who currently have a good mindset because its easier to do this exercise when you're going strong).

    Just remember...while the journey isn't easy, its far from impossible. there are too many success stories to show us that its not impossible. write down all of the reasons you're on this them often...and the journey will likely become easier.

    good luck to you.
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Sigh, sometimes I just want to get an XXL velour tracksuit and just give up, eat fried chicken and pizza and gain 300 lbs. This is so much work for so little weight loss. While I'm at it, I want to quit my job and get a disability of some sort, live in a trailer and stop brushing my teeth. Seriously, I feel like gthe guy who wrote the famous suicide note that just read "all this buttoning and unbuttoning." Life is too much work sometimes.

    Are you okay??? I have felt like that so many times, but I have learned that the beauty of life is to challenge her back by no giving up on the " buttoning and unbuttoning". Little by little it takes us where we want to be.
  • emmiee921
    emmiee921 Posts: 224
    I do on days I have a small craving, when I'm at the shops I won't buy anything cus I know I will regret it, then I go home as no one is there and then binge, I did this yesterday, binges are so frequent now once or twice a week I'm not losing weight but gaining, I just want to stop trying but I keep trying and failing, I hope one day I'll just get a grip and push through cravings. My goal is to be a month binge free
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Yes. Sometimes I want to give up. In fact, I have. Several times. I just crap out for a couple months, but then I get right back on the wagon, because in my heart, I know I want to be a little smaller than I am now.
  • maura5880
    maura5880 Posts: 346 Member
    Nope. In my 2nd week of MFP-ing and healthy lifestyling, I had a mini-meltdown & just wanted to give up. But, I adjusted my attitude, and since then (about a month ago), I've been going strong! I love feeling healthy, eating healthy, etc..I'm addicted to the gym, I miss it if I can't make it for whatever reason. I am psyched each night when I finish the 30 day shred! I just feel that it's so positive to do what we're all doing & our bodies will thank us for years to come!
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Sure do. Sometimes I wanna throw on some sweats and sit in front of the tv stuffing chips in my face and drinking a coke and not giving a crap. So every now and then, I'll take a day completely off. Last week I went to McDonalds and ate a pile of chicken mcnuggets, a large order of fries, soda and candy bar. Afterwards, I had the worst upset stomach which lasted until the next afternoon. I was ready to get back to it after that.
  • Yeah but you gotta stick with it. Think positive. :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    When I get days like that, I have a day like that. I eat whateverthehelliwant, stay in my pajamas, and spend the day on the couch.

    It cures what ails me, and the next day, I'm ready to fight again. Really fight. With a sword and all.

    It might also be time to re-evaluate how you're eating. If you feel deprived and hungry all the time, something's wrong somewhere. Maybe you're not getting enough calories. Maybe you're getting enough calories, but not from the right foods. Maybe you need to find new foods or flavors that keep your mouth and brain from feeling bored. A tablespoon of barbecue sauce is only about 60 calories and can make plain chicken breast taste phenomenal. Honey mustard is even less. Maybe you need to allow yourself a fun sized candy bar every day to remind yourself that this isn't supposed to feel like punishment.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I think a better question for me is when don't I feel like giving up. I'm so burnt out on so many levels. I'm stuck working 2 jobs probably for the rest of my life due to the low pay in my field (vet tech). I work full time overnights and part time days. My only day off is Monday.

    I lost a bunch of weight. I have ~20 lb left to lose. 2.5 months ago I decided to quit smoking. My weightloss completely stopped. So close! I keep trying, burning over 500 calories a day and keeping my net at 1200. Still, I cannot have weightloss. I'm working so hard at... nothinng? And did I mention I have no willpower against food since I gave up smoking? Yeah, that part totally rules.

    But yet.. I keep going. I keep trying. Even though I'm not sure why.