HCG diet??



  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    See I think the difference between me and the few people doing it on my FB is I dont consider what I am doing a diet. I consider it a lifestyle change. I would rather work out daily and eat healthy then starve myself and take chemicals.

    but.... your not playing the game
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    I say do your own research. Read the book "Pounds and Inches" and visit hcgdietinfo.com and see that there are two sides to every story. There are tons of people out there who achieve AND maintain excellent results very SAFELY if they follow the procedure correctly.

    People on MFP seem to be really judgmental and ant-HCG and most of these people do not truly understand the diet or how it is meant to work. There is a local health food store in town that carries it and I went in to speak to the owner and they were very knowledgeable.

    Feel free to message me if you have questions :)

    Considering that MFP's whole purpose is to get people to eat in a healthy manner by eating a minimum of 1200 calories, eating back exercise calories, etc., why does this surprise you? A diet that encourages eating such a low calorie amount per day would not be well received on a site that promotes lifestyle changes of eating and exercise. To me, eating that low an amount of calories is bordering on anorexia-type behaviors. My doctor refuses to put any of her patients on it. That's enough for me.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    See I think the difference between me and the few people doing it on my FB is I dont consider what I am doing a diet. I consider it a lifestyle change. I would rather work out daily and eat healthy then starve myself and take chemicals.

    Agreed aka being healthy vs. the opposite....

    You get what you settle for and you get what you work for....
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I also heard if you plant the pills during a full moon, a giant beanstalk grows all the way into the sky and if you climb this magic beanstalk you find zero calorie cake and ice cream and candy that burns fat and toffee that tones your thighs...it's F*****G MAGIC!!!!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I say do your own research. Read the book "Pounds and Inches" and visit hcgdietinfo.com and see that there are two sides to every story. There are tons of people out there who achieve AND maintain excellent results very SAFELY if they follow the procedure correctly.

    People on MFP seem to be really judgmental and ant-HCG and most of these people do not truly understand the diet or how it is meant to work. There is a local health food store in town that carries it and I went in to speak to the owner and they were very knowledgeable.

    Feel free to message me if you have questions :)

    See what I'm sayin?
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    I also heard if you plant the pills during a full moon, a giant beanstalk grows all the way into the sky and if you climb this magic beanstalk you find zero calorie cake and ice cream and candy that burns fat and toffee that tones your thighs...it's F*****G MAGIC!!!!

    I heard there's a giant up there too! Which is sooo cool! I've always wanted to meet a real live giant!! He could like, scoop me up in one hand and pet me like a puppy! I must get some of these pills to plant on the next full moon!
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    People on MFP seem to be really judgmental and ant-HCG and most of these people do not truly understand the diet or how it is meant to work.
    Sadly, many of us that are so "anti-HCG" became that way because we fell for the lie, and now hope to help others not fall for the same BS.
    There is a local health food store in town that carries it and I went in to speak to the owner and they were very knowledgeable.
    I'm sure that the store owner was very eager to make a sale too.

    Ask your doctor.

    (cue the "doctors are only out to kill you" crowd)

  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    People on MFP seem to be really judgmental and ant-HCG and most of these people do not truly understand the diet or how it is meant to work.
    Sadly, many of us that are so "anti-HCG" became that way because we fell for the lie, and now hope to help others not fall for the same BS.
    There is a local health food store in town that carries it and I went in to speak to the owner and they were very knowledgeable.
    I'm sure that the store owner was very eager to make a sale too.

    Ask your doctor.

    Exactly! The store owner does not make any money if you decide to just eat healthy and exercise. But if he can sell you on the benefits of a product like _______ (fill in name of fad diet here), then he makes money. Even with my fuzzy brain, I can see that.
  • *sits back with my popcorn and my lady pee and wait for the show to start
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    FYI - Possible HCG for sale:
    I have been wanting to eat alllll day! I really crave corn chips and chocolate and a pumpkin shake. I can't eat it cuz I feel kinda sick, but I don't have a fever. Then I think I should just go for it! It sounds so delicious. When I think about that, I cry. Then I think about how lucky I am to have the option to be able to go get that food if I want to. Some people can't even get ONE chip... then I cry cuz I'm so blessed. Driving home, I saw a horse that got loose and was walking right down the middle of the road. I cried for him because I was worried about his safety. Then I cried harder when I saw how he was trying to communicate with a cow that was on the opposite side of the fence. Then I thought of chocolate milk.
    Now my back hurts and my fingers are a bit swollen. That makes me want to cry.... not because of the inconvenience, but because I was feeling sorry for myself and that is so selfish, cuz not everyone has a back or fingers.
    So now I'm thinking I should drive to the drug store and get a test. If it comes up positive, I'll let you all know.

    I'll probably post a link to my ebay account so that you can all bid on my homemade HCG. K?
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member

    I love Bear Grylls. Thanks for the pic. :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Gas stations and stores were also selling K2 which was killing people on a daily basis and yet kept selling even after it has been banned. So to say a health food store is selling it dont mean it safe to take. To each their own but if you are on here why would you be taking it anywho? I see more anti then more pro which is a good thing.
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    1) try the search button... tons of threads on this subject
    2) please don't consider trying it!
    3) you are not likely to get very many helpful comments on this subject from this community....once you learn more about HCG, you will understand.

    please just try losing weight and getting fit the healthy way.
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    1) try the search button... tons of threads on this subject
    2) please don't consider trying it!
    3) you are not likely to get very many helpful comments on this subject from this community....once you learn more about HCG, you will understand.

    please just try losing weight and getting fit the healthy way.


    4. Please read what the OP actually sad about it. Then you would have easily seen that the OP was NOT wanting to try it. She was surprised by the whole thing.... NOT excited about it.
  • I am on the hcg diet- I have lost 95 pounds since April 1st. Read Pounds and Inches by doctor simeons. Its a free pdf file you can download. My first round was 43 days where I lost 63 pounds- I then did a 6 week break where I maintained my weight, then I did round 2 which was about 30 days and lost another 20 pounds. I then did 8 weeks off to maintain. I am now in round 3 week 2 and have lost another another 15 or so pounds- I have about 2 or 3 weeks left before I go back to maintaining again. Its a fantastic diet and you are never ever hungry and you are not starving yourself. People who put the diet down are those who have never done it. Do your own research and dont listen to ignorant people who dont know what they are talking about
  • My friend did this diet and lost 11 lbs in 2 weeks. Why? Because she was only allowed 500 calories a day. 500!! NO WAY! I'm hungry enough at 1200+ exercise calories!
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Do your own research and dont listen to ignorant people who dont know what they are talking about
    Do your research with legitimate sources, and not snake oil HCG sales sites. Consult with a doctor, not internet forums. You will learn that it is not a healthy way to lose weight.
  • FYI: 1. The owner of the health food store is a longtime personal friend of mine who is both health conscientious, knowledgeable, and a person with a good heart. So please don't judge people without knowing them. Thanks.
    2. I did not actually buy any product from them.
    3. HCG is actually NOT that expensive and you do have to do your research to make sure you get it from a reputable vendor and NOT off the black market.
    4. The 500 calorie diet is only for 21 days and then you move into a 1500+ calorie diet in the next phase with specific instructions how to make a lifestyle change that is undeniably healthy and easy to sustain long-term.

    I'm not trying to convince anyone that this is the "right" choice for them. I'm just trying to help people understand the diet and why someone might choose it. People who are successful on HCG generally don't post on your forums because of the judgement and lack of understanding. If any of you have actually read the research or personally know anyone who has been successful on the hcg diet before condemning it, then I applaud you for at least having the decency to do that.

    We are all on a weight loss journey trying to get to the same place. Who are you to judge what is the wrong way or the right way to get there for someone else? It's kind of like religion. I have my way but I sure as hell am not gonna try and tell you how to live your life, ESPECIALLY if I don't really understand where you are coming from and what your way is all about. I thought MFP was a place where people with similar goals could support each other with judgement...but I guess not. I'm done with this post.

    Peace and Love.
  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
    I have read up alot of the hcg diet and tried it last year. Here are my thoughts:

    The diet (500 cals) is almost impossible causing most to gourge on food that is "not allowed". I did lose weight on it but it's not weight loss that will stick with you. You are basically tricking your body into releasing stored body fat. Once you stop the hcg your body will alter itself back as well. The types of food you can eat are not feesible to live on in this days society. I felt pains in my body I haven't felt since and will never use the stuff again!
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