Anyone on 1200 cals / day ??



  • mom2009
    I'm on 1200 too. Kind of plateauing right now on the scale, but with the exercise, my clothes fit better. I think I'm going to toss my scale :smile:

    Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • Hanna1983
    Hanna1983 Posts: 251
    I am completely confused!

    yes... me too :ohwell:

    anyway, I upped my daily calories to 1400 now and see if that makes a change. If not, im going back to 1250.

    By the way I found this comment on a dietician website:

    "Calories Count
    ... The bottom line when trying to lose weight is achieving a calorie deficit from current energy requirements. This will vary for each individual depending on age, sex, current weight and levels of activity. However, most men will lose weight on a daily intake 1800 calories and most women on 1500 calories. A good guide is the British Heart Foundation’s booklet ‘So, you want to lose weight……..’ (available from "

    the above mentioned booklet you can download here

  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    The biggest thing here is BE patient. You didn't gain the weight you have in a week so it won't come off in a week. I've played the game in the past lost 13 pounds in two weeks - CELEBRATE _ not - after I completed that diet all the weight came back with avengence.

    I am coming off of a plateau from mid Dec to mid Jan I actually gained a couple pounds-blame it on the holidays or whatever else - I still didn't lose. When I looked back I was low on calories - between 1100-1200 per day. I have since increased to 1300-1400 per day and I am losing again - at a rate of 6 pounds a week - no about a pound a week but I feel great. I am feeding my body not stuffing my body. I am drinking lots of water and exercising. It's been frustrating for me to not lose at the 3 pounds a week that I started out losing at but I look back at what I've accomplished in my 44 pounds so far and I am so proud. It's really frustrating when every other day my husband keeps bragging about another pound lost - I am really proud of him but it's hard for me to not be able to brag like that too.

    Two or three days on increased calories isn't going to show you the reality of what your body thinks of it - if you have been "starving" your body it takes it time to trust you again that you'll continue to feed it and it doesn't have to store what you're giving it.

    I'll stop my rambling now - but I am here for you anytime if you want more specifics of my journey so far.
  • Hanna1983
    Hanna1983 Posts: 251
    Hi Chrissy

    thank you for the reply and congratulations on losing that weight so far. :flowerforyou:

    I dont argue that it takes time to lose the weight, but I am talking about 3 weeks by now in which my scale has not moved by a single pound and it is very frustrating.

    The 5 lbs I lost before xmas were back on the scale on 1. January and I was back at 167lbs which I am still at today. I dont plan to do a crash diet, been there before eating around 800 cals / day only and it obviously is nonsense, which is why I am on here now. :smile: Trying to learn to lose the weight while eating healthily.

    I am tryign to find reasons why I dont lose weight. Even though I eat all my 1340 calories / day and exercise regularly 3-4 times a week in the gym. And I also try and eat at least most of the exercise calories I have burnt on a gym day.

    I am not asking to lose all my 37 lbs in 2 months, but I think a rate of 1 lbs / week is not too much to ask. I think that I have made some big changes already in my eating habits and certainly changed my exercise habits from couch potato to 3-4 times / week gym.

    I am also drinking much more water and try to aim for at least 2 litres / day.

    I decided to up my calories now to 1400 calories / day and I will make sure I log every single crumb of food that goes into my mouth. I have bought a HRM now to measure the EXACT calories I am burning when working out. I tried it out yesterday and it showed me that basically I am burning only 2/3rds of what the machines at the gym told me before. So maybe thats where the problem was before. We shall see how it goes from now on.

    I am close to giving up, but I am not giving up now. I remember how I used to be before I put on the weight and that is what keeps me going because I want to be as happy again as I was a couple of years ago.

    Thank you for taking the time to "ramble". You have confirmed alot of what I have heard before, especially about upping my calorie intake a bit more. :flowerforyou:
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    It sucks.
    The people who are working out? Are you changing your routine? Even though you may still get winded from a DVD you do 4x week you still need to change it up.

    I hit a plateau. I sometimes wonder if this is just the weight I am suppose to be. I refuse to do any more South Beach or Atikins or Meditterian or whatever diets., I watch what I eat (mess ups and all)and work out almost everyday with some days being 2x day. Still nothing. I could drop most of the workouts and not watch my food like I have been doing, gain the 5 back that I lost and stay there forever...Its very frustrating to work this hard and consume this much time in order to lose some weight.