Challenge: All I want for Christmas is a six pack....



  • rewax323
    Hey Guys. we all have abs, they are just beneath the fat. burn the fat, show off those awesome abs.

    p.s some great inspiration with your guys results keep them up
  • newbeetler
    newbeetler Posts: 194 Member
    Could do with a Kick up the ......

    Although I am feeling knackered, achey and generally under the weather. Not been right all weekend with some kind of cold.

    Might have a couple of early nights. Keep the diet in check and hope the energy levels return :o(
  • marthafox1
    marthafox1 Posts: 191 Member
    Could do with a Kick up the ......

    Although I am feeling knackered, achey and generally under the weather. Not been right all weekend with some kind of cold.

    Might have a couple of early nights. Keep the diet in check and hope the energy levels return :o(

    You don't need a kick up the bum - you need some lemsip! I concur about the early nights, eating correctly and regular analgesic. You've got until Wednesday.....THEN you get a slight shove!!
  • newbeetler
    newbeetler Posts: 194 Member
    Could do with a Kick up the ......

    Although I am feeling knackered, achey and generally under the weather. Not been right all weekend with some kind of cold.

    Might have a couple of early nights. Keep the diet in check and hope the energy levels return :o(

    You don't need a kick up the bum - you need some lemsip! I concur about the early nights, eating correctly and regular analgesic. You've got until Wednesday.....THEN you get a slight shove!!

    Thanks Martha.

    Off to get myself a Jacket spud and some lemsips. Get through the rest of the day and I reckon in bed by 9pm (Thats early for me).

    Aim to start walking again on Wednesday for my lunch. (2 miles).

    Also aiming to sign up to the new gym next Monday :o) Know where I am signing up just don't want to overlap my gym memberships by too much.

    Probably try and start doing Randomabs from next Monday as well.

    Thats the plan anyway. Still keeping a close eye on the muscle spasms in my back which seem to have subsided. I'm off the anti-inflammatory's as well now so things should be green to go within the week.
  • marthafox1
    marthafox1 Posts: 191 Member
    I worked out down the beach yesterday starting with a power walk, some interval sprints on the sand, some aerobics on sand and some upper boady weight training (I power walk with weights). I then did some more power walking but up hill and I did my randomabs workout out on top of the hill overlooking the sea. I was on a slight slope that I thought worked in my favour - turns out I was facing the wrong way for it to be working in my favour!! IT HURT!! I groaned and grunted and shuffled my way through the workout - and ended up in a completely different place to where I started!!

    What the day trippers to the beach thought of my antics I have no clue.

    When people ask me what I do to keep fit I tell them, 'Generally fanny around and make a tit of myself' - they look at me odd - but it's true!!
  • newbeetler
    newbeetler Posts: 194 Member
    I worked out down the beach yesterday starting with a power walk, some interval sprints on the sand, some aerobics on sand and some upper boady weight training (I power walk with weights). I then did some more power walking but up hill and I did my randomabs workout out on top of the hill overlooking the sea. I was on a slight slope that I thought worked in my favour - turns out I was facing the wrong way for it to be working in my favour!! IT HURT!! I groaned and grunted and shuffled my way through the workout - and ended up in a completely different place to where I started!!

    What the day trippers to the beach thought of my antics I have no clue.

    When people ask me what I do to keep fit I tell them, 'Generally fanny around and make a tit of myself' - they look at me odd - but it's true!!

    Thanks for the chuckle Martha :o)

    Got visions of you looking out to see doing a plank, Or should that be looking like a plank. Lol.

    I miss the beach. Having grown up in Bournemouth I wish I still lived down there as I could see myself going for a run every morning.

    Maybe one day it will become a reality again. Either that or Venice Beach.

    Good on you for doing so much. :o)
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I'm delighted to report that yesterday I did my first outdoor run since recovering from PF. No deleterious effects to report and my new Mizunos seem to fit the bill perfectly. So much less tedious that trying to churn out an hour on the treadmill! Will stick to twice a week for now, though.

    Love your beach workout story Martha! :laugh:
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Please count me in. I really want that six pack. Right now, I am doing a combination of 250 crunches, planks, kettle bell core exercises, oblique work, as well as 250 reps on the ab coaster 3 times a week and my abs are still hiding. What am I doing wrong? Maybe it's my diet. I am currently working on following the protein, fast carb, slow carb meal that someone mentioned on this post.

    You're making a common mistake. You probably have very strong good abs after all those exercises, but they're hidden under abdominal fat. Core exercises are not an efficient way to burn abdominal fat. The best way to burn fat (of any kind) is with HIIT and resistance training with compound exercises. And of course, the most important thing is diet. (EDIT: that said, oblique work is important for flat abs b/c strong obliques muscles pull your abs in).

    Getting great looking abs is very hard, takes a long time, and require a lot of dedication. Keep working on it! Don't waste so much time on 250 reps of crunches. Instead do some leg raises (or wheel ab wheels the real way). Or use one of those big plyometric balls to hyperextend the crunches while holding a heavy weight to your chest, and don't go past midline. That'll wreck your abs much more quickly and efficiently. No need for high reps at all. Then use your extra time to do HIIT or resistance training (or even better, circuit training).
  • MsWriter
    MsWriter Posts: 44 Member
    Today, I tried a Freeform class. Felt it right in the abs! Takes a while to get used to the board! Lots of fun - crazy instructor!

    Check the video out on
    We did some basic moves and a few advanced ones. It's a new class at the gym so everyone's new to it. Will definitely go back next week! The other thing I'm trying out is Kinesis which I like for strength training.

    So it's Wednesday here...I'm back to my 'end of week boxing' days...tomorrow, Friday & Sunday. Love my boxing!

    Need to pay attention to my diet a bit...indulging in the desserts a littttttle too much :)
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Well, I have been losing weight for the last week or so, but my waist measurement did not decrease. I took pictures, also, but they show no visible difference since the last picture set. So I'm not going to bother posting them, except to say that so far I'm simply maintaining, not showing any gains.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I've done a few little ab circuits every other day, but I had to go out of town Thursday for a family emergency. I've spent the last few days in the waiting room at a hospital feeling very out of shape, but I did run and squeeze in 2 sets of: [20 crunches, 30 bicycle crunches, 20 scissor kicks] this morning before coming to the hospital. I really want to do when I get home (hopefully tomorrow evening).
  • marthafox1
    marthafox1 Posts: 191 Member
    Update photo - taken in my pj's.

    Have some of you fallen by the wayside?
  • JasonD334
    JasonD334 Posts: 94 Member
    I get so bad about checking in, so here goes my weekly update. I really had a good week this past week; worked out the abs HARD three days, and had three more solid days of cardio to boot. Unfortunately when I finished my last cardio workout of the week I went crazy, and started eating everything in sight, and didn't stop until the weekend was over. I was pretty discouraged by my actions, but I didn't sit and cry over spilled milk, instead yesterday I got right back at it with over three miles run and a pretty serious core/ab session. I am not overly confident that I will have the ripped abs that I originally wanted (by Christmas that is), but I promise to not let it stop me from trying. I am giving my best M-F, now I just have to get this weekend thing whipped. Luckily I have not gained even one pound, and do feel my body getting stronger all the time, so I guess that's what really matters.

    Thanks to everyone for continuing to push forward, and to those of you who are my friends on MFP, thanks for the continued encouragement.

    Really quick here, I received a new workout plan from a good buddy here on MFP, so I will be trying it Wednesday, and perhaps posting it after that point.

    Have a great week!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Jason--good job getting over your bad day and not letting it affect you long term!

    Martha--you have awesome abs already, it looks like!

    I did Ab Ripper X yesterday...seriously need to get on that you guys recommend because I am BORED with Ab Ripper X!
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Today I measured myself, and again I'm still at 35.5 inches, BUT...largely due to Martha's encouragement, I'm getting a head of steam dropping weight, and due to my continued activity I'm certain it's fat that I'm losing. I can't see a difference quite yet, but I can FEEL one and I have a guess that next week will show a bit of improvement over my current pics. ;)
  • marthafox1
    marthafox1 Posts: 191 Member
    Huff, I'm doing the easy bit on the end of a computer - you are doing the tough bit - staying focussed, driven, motivated and realising half way through a sandwich why it tasted soooo goood!!

    If you have the feeling that changes are taking place it motivates you to keep going at it harder and for longer.

    You are back on track and working hard at it again which is fantastic.

    As for the rest of the group - come on keep at it. Only a few weeks away. Stamps, get the randomabs on your phone - Jay I think you will be the champion of this group - your focus and consistency has been awesome. JD - back on the wagon refocussed and will be seeing the results in no time.

    **E-high five**

    Me? Oh I am getting very drunk this weekend and eating rubbish - I'm allowed it's my birthday on Sunday but I will be back on track on Monday with a hangover, water retention, pale skin and a smile on my face!!!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I've been plateauing for the last few weeks. It's my own stupid fault - despite having lowered my weight loss goal to 0.5 lb a week, I've been struggling to keep to it as my new combination of weight training and marathon training makes me ravenous! But no excuse for the bad choices.

    In one respect I''d be happy to maintain weight over the party season, but on the other hand I'd love to look hawt for said parties! Especially as I just managed to get one of the Versace for H&M dresses online!

    Happy birthday for Sunday Martha, have a great weekend!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    I'm getting on quite well. I have to flex less and less each day to be able to see the definition come through. They're there... Just need to get this skin paper thin so it clings to them!

    It's all about the cut between now and Xmas. I've got one more week of resistance training on P90x and then I can cut back on my supplement stack for recovery week and keep it cutting through December.

    I'll have a challenge on my hands in December to keep it going. I've got 3 weekends running of nights out drinking with various buddies. It's all good though, just need to keep at it on the other 6 days of those weeks!

  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Martha your posts always make me laugh! Hope you thoroughly enjoy your birthday this weekend!

    Berry--I kind of struggle with the same thing you are. I am really at my "GW" that I set for MFP but want to either lose a few more lbs or stay at this weight and tone up. But it's SO hard this time of the year--2 days this week alone we have had festivities at work with indulgent food! So I wonder if I should just maintain through the holidays & busyness of the season and work on losing/toning in the new year or stress myself trying to do it now?

    jaybone-Sounds like you are doing great.

    Okay I've talked about it long enough...I am dedicating myself to doing randomabs tonight after I cycle. Hold me to it!
  • marthafox1
    marthafox1 Posts: 191 Member
    I most certainly will hold you to it Stamps! I think the important thing to remember about this silly season is not to get too hung up over it all. Try to limit the damage by maintaining your training and enjoy everything about the season - in fair moderation.

    I love food and making a pig of myself but I don't like the feeling the following day so I try to hold onto that thought of feeling fat and stay reasonably strong when faced with temptation. I don't deny myself though.

    I also tell myself, it's good for my metabolism because it keeps it confused and will be firing on all cylinders after Christmas!