Anybody have an IUD?



  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Got one in 1979. Blew a .08. Big fine. Legal fees. Insurance went up. Not worth it at all.
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    I wish there was a way to unclick and unread what I just read.
  • hazelmae123
    hazelmae123 Posts: 109 Member
    Mine went in super easy, but the problems after were constant. My dr. begged me to keep it in for a year to regulate my body. At eleven months I went to a new dr and took it out. I am so glad I did!!! I reacted badly with infections, cramping, all kinds of problems. But when it is removed they don't tell you that you have heavy bleeding. I mean "heavy" like in post child birth bleeding and clotting. I almost went into the ER. I found out some women have had to have blood transfussions after having it removed. Just google heavy bleeding and clotting after removal and there is thousands of stories!
  • ashreneeknutson
    I agree 110% with the nuva ring! I got the mirena after my daughter and had no pain but i couldn't lose weight and I was moody like none-other! I switched back to the nuvaring and LOVE IT!!!
  • judkinsjenny
    Well, i cant do the nuva ring. the damn thing wrapped itself around my cervix and would not let go!! every step i took tugged on it. The shot makes me bleed to death and the pill i forget and my cholesterol is high so i cant have estrogen. and im allergic to latex and spermicide. i cant do a diaphram cuz im allergic to spermicide and cant have a foreign body in my hoohoo cuz it hurts so bad. so i feel like the IUD is the only choice, but im pretty sure my body is going to cramp like crazy. when im pregnant my body cramps really bad. its very hard to keep my babies in me long enough for a live birth. im usually dialated to 6 or so by 20 wks and then on bedrest. so im like, well what is the difference between a plastic pain bomb, and a baby?? nothing, as far as my body is concerned. im afraid it will just cramp like crazy. thanks for all the info. im thinking im not going to go this route...
  • LindsayT2012
    LindsayT2012 Posts: 60 Member
    I have an IUD.The doctor gave me the pill to take before I went in to get it put in. It went in quick and easily. I love it:-)
  • judkinsjenny
    teehee! thats funny. yeah im trying to get the paragaurd, but i dont think its going to happen. if they put that Fu786ng clamp on my one more time im going to kick him in the face!!
  • voluptuous_veggie
    voluptuous_veggie Posts: 476 Member
    teehee! thats funny. yeah im trying to get the paragaurd, but i dont think its going to happen. if they put that Fu786ng clamp on my one more time im going to kick him in the face!!

    I'm tellin' ya...get a hot doctor...that baby just slides right in!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    I have the Mirena, didn't really hurt during insertion. After spotting for about 7 weeks, I haven't had a period in over 2's awesome!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    My doctor suggested I get one but stated that it might be quite painful as I've never had children before. But she offered to prescribe me a valium for the procedure. No thanks...that was good enough for me to say no...even to the valium. I don't do pain voluntarily.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Never had one, but you just deterred me from ever getting one. I should though, I'm always scared I'm pregnant even though we use stuff.
  • judkinsjenny
    LOL!! omg!! haha!
  • VegGrrl
    VegGrrl Posts: 336 Member
    Though, I do like to call it my "Intrauterine Switchblade" or my "d*ck sticker" to my hubs. 859.png

    That's why we love you Miss O & A!!

    But on a serious note - IMHO any non-bio-identical hormones are AWFUL and IUD's can be dangerous as well. If you're married - have him get snipped. Best thing I ever did. (Well, the dr. did it, not me, even though I offered to save us money...)
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    After going thru childbirth twice, it only seemed fair to me (in terms of pain lol) that hubby get snipped as our form of BC. :tongue: best decision ever.
  • judkinsjenny
    yeah i know the nuva ring works quite well. and who likes condoms.? they effin hurt.i can feel the roughness of it and i hate it. it makes me hate sex.
  • judkinsjenny
    If we get him snipped, we cant have anymore babies. he wants onemore, i want less than what we have.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member

    I'm in the wrong thread I think...AHHHHHHH. I was just wondering what an IUD was.... now I know too much.
  • Iwillshyne
    I have one. I have a paragaurd--a non hormonal IUD, last for 10 yrs. yes, getting it put in was very painful and the pain continued a few day afterwards. But I like it (so far). It's been a yr now with no complication.
  • ElementalMoe
    ElementalMoe Posts: 186 Member
    Never had one, but you just deterred me from ever getting one. I should though, I'm always scared I'm pregnant even though we use stuff.

    Please - For yourself - Get on some form of birth control - It's much easier than stressing yourself out each month. . . Or dealing with a potential pregnancy.
  • JoJo_fat2fab
    JoJo_fat2fab Posts: 297 Member
    Nope. I always get a designated driver.

    When life hands you melons, you might be dyslexic.

    ^^^ LMAO

    I was using Nuva Ring and lo and behold, I have a soon-to-be 5 month old baby, after I gave birth I decided on an IUD, it didn't hurt at all, but then again my cervix was still open, doctors do say that it really hurts when your cervix is closed, some people actually pass out from the pain.

    I chose the Paragard which is hormones free and doesn't alter a woman's natural menstrual cycle.
    Mirena has hormones, some woman might stop having their period altogether.

    4 months and counting, I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT, but then again, not everyone is the same!