Anybody have an IUD?



  • My3Rayz
    My3Rayz Posts: 373
    Thank god i'm fixed...this is scary as hell!!!
  • judkinsjenny
    HAHA porr *kitten*!!! sorry, i didnt put "for the ladies" cuz i figured everyone knew what it was and would be promptly detoured!
  • lisamc03
    lisamc03 Posts: 127 Member
    my friend ended up pregnant with twins using an IUD
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Thank god i'm fixed...this is scary as hell!!!
    My husband got fixed, instead...
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    I suffer from some pretty nasty Endometriosis. By body likes to do WHATEVER it wants and when. I have been on just about EVERY type of BC there is on the market at this point.

    Been on the Depo shot...Worst thing I woman can do to her body. Not to mention more and more stats about it are showing infertility. Considering I too am now a statistic, I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.

    I am currently on Mirena. It hurt like HELL the day it was put it. They state, however, that if you haven't had children there is a high chance your cervix will not be open enough to insert without lots of pain. I cried my eyes out, but told him to KEEP GOING and just make it work. That was May of 2009. It was the best decision. I was irregular for the first year (but some of that most likely had to do with my Endometriosis) or so, but Im doing great now. I have had zero problems with sex, periods, etc (in reference to it falling/coming out).

    Each women you talk to will have different experiences. For me, my Endometriosis pain is TEN times worse than the amount of pain I was put in to get it inserted. I'll get Mirena again in 3 years, unless my doctor finally just lets me get as Hysterectomy...I cant have kids anyway, so just take that extra weight out...Talk about losing weight fast ;)
  • hbart500
    hbart500 Posts: 304 Member
    I have the Mirena and didnt have an issue with it going in. I had it in 8 weeks after i had my 2nd baby. I have had it for 2 years now and LOVE it. I did bleed for a few weeks and spotted for another 3 but i havent had a real period since then. My hubby however is getting snipped this month so it'll be my choice if i get another put in. Im tempted since i dont get a period and dont have to worry about the ring or pill all the time.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Thank god i'm fixed...this is scary as hell!!!
    My husband got fixed, instead...

    Wow he has no balls....
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    I had one shortly after my 1st child was born. Sure there was a slight discomfort (much like getting needle) for a second or two, and then voila .. It was over with. I had it for 2 yrs until we were ready for our 2nd child. Never had any problems. Then after our 2nd child was born .. used it again for probably about 5 yrs until we were certain we didn't want to have any more kids. Then I got my tubes tied.

    I never had any problems at all. I thought it was easy, relatively painless, and very effective. Like with ANY birth control method, there are always some people that will have problems. You won't find ANY method that is completely trouble free , not for EVERYONE. There is no method of birth control that is 100 percent effective except for one ... Abstinence.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Never had one, but you just deterred me from ever getting one. I should though, I'm always scared I'm pregnant even though we use stuff.

    Please - For yourself - Get on some form of birth control - It's much easier than stressing yourself out each month. . . Or dealing with a potential pregnancy.

    We use condoms. I just thought that might be TMI. I don't like taking hormones, they give me headaches.
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    Haven't tried the IUD...that sounds horrible though!
    I've been on the patch, pill, Nuvaring - (had an allergic reaction to this that lasted 6 months!! :sick: ) So now I'm off all chemical BC and got a diaphram, but condoms work too when I don't feel like dealing with that.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I have had a few IUD's in between kids. The things they have done is have me take advil before going in for my appointment. That seemed to help. I did have mild cramping when they were putting it in. My doctor had me come in when I had my period so my cervix would already be open. Maybe you should check with your doctor and see if you were supposed to do that. I have had two different doctors that inserted them seeing how I lived in different states and they have both done that.

    Maybe it was easier the second and third one because the 2nd one I had just had a baby and the third one I was having one IUD taken out and another one put in.

    Best wishes.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Ive got Mirena and love it. It did hurt having it done and for about a day afterwards. But no periods and no kids. ROCK!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    OP I just read your reasons why you can't use other forms of BC and I totally understand. There is actually another option that you can look into if you're interested, but it's not 'maintenance free' like the IUD. There's a wonderful book called Taking Charge of Your Fertility that teaches you to keep track of various signs and symptoms of fertility throughout your cycle so you can figure out when your fertile time is and thus when to avoid sex or use condoms. The method does require you 'doing' something, it's not like the IUD where you can just forget about it. There are a couple of websites that are great for helping you track the signs that you learn about - and are two good ones. I know at least one of them has a mobile program for cell phones but can't remember which. Some women prefer the IUD since you don't generally have to worry about it. (you actually DO, though, b/c yes some women find it falls out - sometimes w/o noticing - some end up pregnant b/c it falls out and a few get pregnant even with it still in - I know of 2 people this has happened to but it's not super-common). IUDs have a very good success rate but they do sometimes fail. Then again the natural methods can easily fail if you are not dedicated to following the methods and being careful when you're supposed to. So it's really up to you whatever you think is best for your preferences and situation.
  • Fat_Bottomed_Girl
    Fat_Bottomed_Girl Posts: 354 Member
    I was very hesistant to get mine at first, but nothing else worked for me. I HATE the idea of putting chemicals in my body and not being able to get them out if I have a bad reaction (depo) and don't do well with the pill, either. It DID hurt to get it put in and I was kinda a freak for a month, but now I'm muct more regulated. -Although I DO think that I'm here (on MFP) partially because of the weight gain. So now, I have gained 15 lbs and I have sex a LOT less frequently! I'm unsure if this is the reason it has such a high effectiveness rate. Hmmmmm... lol
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    OP I just read your reasons why you can't use other forms of BC and I totally understand. There is actually another option that you can look into if you're interested, but it's not 'maintenance free' like the IUD. There's a wonderful book called Taking Charge of Your Fertility that teaches you to keep track of various signs and symptoms of fertility throughout your cycle so you can figure out when your fertile time is and thus when to avoid sex or use condoms. The method does require you 'doing' something, it's not like the IUD where you can just forget about it. There are a couple of websites that are great for helping you track the signs that you learn about - and are two good ones. I know at least one of them has a mobile program for cell phones but can't remember which. Some women prefer the IUD since you don't generally have to worry about it. (you actually DO, though, b/c yes some women find it falls out - sometimes w/o noticing - some end up pregnant b/c it falls out and a few get pregnant even with it still in - I know of 2 people this has happened to but it's not super-common). IUDs have a very good success rate but they do sometimes fail. Then again the natural methods can easily fail if you are not dedicated to following the methods and being careful when you're supposed to. So it's really up to you whatever you think is best for your preferences and situation.

    I would never trust the rhythm method...definately not 100%. There is too much room for accidents or miscalculations. Hormone levels fluctuate from time to time, and at different stages in your life. That just leaves much too much to chance.

    Yes, there are difficulties and complications with ANY form of Birth Control. NONE are proven to be 100% effective...other than .. like I mentioned before .. ABSTINANCE.
  • judkinsjenny
    Oh come off it!! >:G
  • judkinsjenny
    I kept from gettin g pregnant for two years using fertility friend . com. this time, however not getting pregnant is VERY important to me. thats why i wanted to take more action with it. I dont care if it takes work, everything takes work if you want it done right! lol but im so scared of getting knocked up agian that im about willing to do whatever. but my hubby wants more kids (hes supportive of gettting snipped if i want to but im trying to take his feelings into consideration too)
  • judkinsjenny
    well im married, that not going to work lol
  • edonald774
    edonald774 Posts: 92 Member
    Never had it but I'm on Depo shot. Some people complain about weight gain but I haven't gained weight from it & I've had no side effects. One shot every 3 months and nothing to worry about everyday like the pill? I'll take it!
    I'm on depo too and it totally changed my life. My reasons were to regulate hormones rather than birth control, but I've had nothing but good side effects, no weight gain, no random hormones, no periods at all since I got it - which is perfect for me.
  • judkinsjenny
    trouble with that is i havnt had a period since my baby was born. shes 5 months old and im nursing.