Calling all PCOS sisters!!



  • lbc02169
    right here with you all...diagnosed 28 years ago. bcps, electrolysis/laser, cardio workouts 3 x wk x 60min, lower carb/whole wheat & grains, and myfitnesspal working for me working for me. so far I'm minus 25lbs and 2 jean sizes (depending on the brand ... I know you all know what I mean). I've been using myfitness pal since the spring. no plans for kids so the bcps are not a problem.

    Nothing feels so good as buying smaller jeans and being able to through everything in the dryer not not worrrying about it shrinking and not fitting!!!
  • gr3tch3n527
    gr3tch3n527 Posts: 8 Member
    I was told I probably have PCOS by a previous GYN back in 2008. Blood test were all normal, but I was told based on my symptoms, that she still believed I have PCOS. I have a 6 year old son, and am TTC#2, but havent been successful due to the absence of periods and ovulation!! I am hoping weight loss will do the trick (before seeking medical intervention) ... I know it has for a lot of PCOS woman!!! I have tried to lose weight numerous times but always quit and give in to temptation! Need all the support and motivation I can get!! Feel free to add me!!!
  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member
    What if a person doesn't have a period in years. What are the side effects of not having a period and is the person ovulating?
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    I have PCOS and probable endometriosis (awaiting my diagnostic surgery).

    I too find it insanely difficult to lose weight, and to keep it off. I have yo-yoed up and down in size ever since I was young. I am low carbing as this is the best way for me to loose weight- but I do allow myself a cheat day at the weekend.

    My main issues are:

    weight gain
    hair loss/ thin hair
    excessive periods/ heavy periods/ long periods
    big cysts (which burst- ouch!)
    chronic Pelvic pain
    hormonal issues/ mood issues
    bowel problems
  • kcook323
    kcook323 Posts: 43 Member
    I was dx with PCOS about three years ago (I think?). I had heard of it before because I started reading a blog and the girl talked about her struggles with it. So, when I went to my doctor for a regular yearly pap exam, I mentioned about this abnormal growth of hair on my chin and my irregular periods. She did the blood work and found that I was pre-diabetic. (I was about 330 lbs by this time), and with the other symptoms, dx me with PCOS. Thankfully, she is very educated about PCOS and has been very helpful.

    I don't have cysts on my ovaries, and I didn't have trouble conceiving my three children (well, maybe with my 2nd child, it took us a year to get pregnant and it was only after I lost about 20 lbs, and I worked in a chiropractor's office that promoted nutrition supplements and I started using Progesterone cream on my belly), and actually, the running joke was every time I joined Weight Watchers, I got pregnant.

    I am on Metformin and I had been on Prometrium (blah). Right now, I'm just on the Metformin and I'm not very good at taking it. :/ I do better taking it when I'm eating good, but when I get out of my "mode", I'm not so good. That's messed up, right? lol

    My cycles are back to normal (crossing fingers) and I had lost over 70 lbs, until I lost my way the end of August and I have gained 20 lbs back. :X

    I've already gotten about 5 of those lbs off since I got back on track this past Tuesday. I was using another forum/counter, but this one seems to be more user friendly. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    What if a person doesn't have a period in years. What are the side effects of not having a period and is the person ovulating?

    I still don't know where you're going with this. I have gone years without having a period, and then years with having a period.
  • AlissaB87

    Is a great site! Amy is amazing and you can sign up for her newsletters, she also has a facebook :)
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I have PCOS and probable endometriosis (awaiting my diagnostic surgery).

    I too find it insanely difficult to lose weight, and to keep it off. I have yo-yoed up and down in size ever since I was young. I am low carbing as this is the best way for me to loose weight- but I do allow myself a cheat day at the weekend.

    My main issues are:

    weight gain
    hair loss/ thin hair
    excessive periods/ heavy periods/ long periods
    big cysts (which burst- ouch!)
    chronic Pelvic pain
    hormonal issues/ mood issues
    bowel problems

    I was diagnosed approximately 15 years ago having an EXTREME case of PCOS, Alopecia, Metabolic X Syndrome, and Hepatitis.

    The Hepatitis is what started the whole 'thing' - was nearly quarantined because of a particular enzyme that was doubling off the charts (Enzyme #9), after blood work, they then found my insulin was also doubling off the charts as well which caused the hepatitis... once they reviewed personal and family medical history, a vaginal ultrasound, and numerous (lost track to be honest), numerous blood test panels, I had two specialists sitting down with me to tell me I didnt have to be quarantined - THAT was the good news, but the bad news is that I had a very conplicated case of PCOS, Metabolic X Syndrome, Alopecia, and the hepatitis was the result of going without treatment for hyperinsulinemia.

    I had barely survived having my first daughter - in fact, I had emergency surgery because I was basically on my death bed at age 18... Thankfully my daughter was perfectly healthy, but it took me months to recouperate - and that pregnancy was the 'red light' for the specialists to determine my medical time line. I was informed that based on medical data, I was never diagnosed a gestational diabetic, and that is what brought on the list of problems for me.

    Fast-forward 15 years later, going through doctor after doctor.. I finally found a Dermatologist who is about to publish a study based on results I worked on with him as his test-subject (was very honored to be part of it too) regarding acne/male pattern hair loss/male-pattern hair growth in PCOS patients. I had done a 6-month complete dairy-free dietary intake combined with 5-days worth of exercise, blood panels, etc. I had a 35% increase of hair growth on my head (YEAH!!!) and I had an almost 90% DECREASE in male pattern hair growth!!!! It was ASTOUNDING! My face went from tiny little bumpy pimples back to what my skin used to be pre-pregnancy - soft, supple, clear with no inflamation.

    Now, Im under an Endocrinologist who has studied in several countries and has a good solid foundation of PCOS treatments, knowledge and understanding. I cried in her office six weeks ago, and as she held my hand to let me vent off the doctors of the past who were really counter-productive, this woman tells me that there were several tests that could have been done back then, but unfortunately there are doctors who just wont come out and admit, that they just dont know anything about it to the level that it should be known - and she is right.

    I go for some pretty substantial blood test work in the next couple of weeks - some that has never been done before in my entire PCOS-life so I am working vigorously on my Endo's dietary recommendations.

    She has put me on a daily low carb restriction, 40g per meal. My daily intake is 1600 calories. I am still carrying on with 90% dairy free from my Dermatologist, but the Endo needs me to incorporate some skim-milk varieties of cheese (NO PROBLEM!!! LOL) so its limited.

    We are definitely out here, no one is alone in this... but, I know that if we want to drop this weight, we HAVE to hope we have found doctors who know enough about what is going on with PCOS patients, and they have to have good ears and eyes. Remain dedicated to what plan(s) have been suggested to us.

    Metal_beau and I have a thread "Low Carber Daily Forum" - please by all means come on over - we share our struggles, successes and will gladly welcome others if you are interested.

    I have also created a Facebook page for "Low Carber Daily Forum" - to post low carb recipes and photos. That way we dont have to sit here and wait for pages to load to find that ONE recipe. You are more than welcome to find it on Facebook and 'like' it...
  • leahalissa
    leahalissa Posts: 88 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2009 via ultrasound after extremely painful bursting cysts occurring a couple times a week. The rest of the symptoms finally made some sense. I was put on metformin but couldn't handle the stomach upset, so I'm combating it naturally like all of you :)

    I'm 25 now and I need(ed) to lose almost 100lbs. I'm down 40lbs this year. I wanted to say to all of you that are struggling, that it's something that takes time. Your body will SLOWLY adjust to a low GI diet and restructure how your insulin works. I started this process two years ago, and in the past six months started dropping the weight. Be patient!

    I'd LOVE LOVE some support from people in the same situation. All of you. It's a difficult thing to deal with on so many levels, especially when there's a lack of medical community to handle the broad range of symptoms PCOS encompasses.
  • ParkersMomma2010
    ParkersMomma2010 Posts: 99 Member
    PCOS here as well. Feel free to add me :)
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member

    It's a difficult thing to deal with on so many levels, especially when there's a lack of medical community to handle the broad range of symptoms PCOS encompasses.

    Isnt THAT the truth!!!!
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 266 Member
    It really is baffling how this is such a common problem in women but not many doctors have ever heard of it. I see women all the time that fit the "profile" of having PCOS - overweight, facial hair, thinning hair, ring around the neck - and I almost want to ask them if they have any period/fertility issues and if they've ever heard of PCOS. Of course I would never do this, but it makes me sad that I struggled for years knowing there must be something wrong with me and these women may be in the same position. I'm all for the American Cancer Society annual Relay for Life, I've gone every year for 8 years, but I wish there were more focus on PCOS because it is so prevalent yet unheard of.
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 266 Member
    What if a person doesn't have a period in years. What are the side effects of not having a period and is the person ovulating?

    I was told by my gyno that if you don't have a period but are ovulating then you are at higher risk for cancer in your reproductive organs because your uterine lining is not being shed and is building up. However, if you aren't ovulating, then you aren't building up this lining. But if you aren't ovulating then your hormones aren't working normally and you will see other symptoms.
  • kcook323
    kcook323 Posts: 43 Member
    Yep! Yep! I went two months without a period and after an u/s, my endometrium lining was too thick, so she wanted to do a biopsy. She couldn't get a sample, thanks to my weight and her excellent skills as a surgeon during my c-section and tubal ligation (she said I should ever have to worry about my uterus dropping) so she put me on Prometrium in hopes to get my cycle started. It worked. Plus, I started losing weight (not because of the meds, but through diet). I haven't been taking it for 4 cycles now and I'm still starting on my own.
  • curlygirlcami
    curlygirlcami Posts: 102 Member
    Hi! Yes, I have PCOS too. I guess (and I don't mean this in a bad way) but it's kind of encouraging to hear others who are also struggling with the same things that I am struggling with. I found out I had PCOS almost two years ago and my OBGYN said to lose weight. I struggled and tried to lose weight, but nothing happened. I decided to go to an endocrinologist and he knows a lot about PCOS. The medicine he has put me on (metformin) has really helped me. It's a long process and I am impatient. The results are not amazing or fast, but they are slowly getting better. I have had more periods on the past six months then I did in the years past.

    I agree with the low carb eating. It has helped so much. I feel better without sugar and white flour, that's for sure. I have only lost 6 pounds, but I am hopefully if I keep moving and watching what I eat that I will continue to lose.
  • curlygirlcami
    curlygirlcami Posts: 102 Member
    Feel free to add me. :-)
  • 623Hernandez

    Is a great site! Amy is amazing and you can sign up for her newsletters, she also has a facebook :)

  • roseygogs
    Hi I have PCOS and am due to go under IVF, but they wont treat me until I lose the weight.... wish me luck! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • chulasweight
    Hello and good morning ladies!!

    I have PCOS!!! (the devil) Feel free to add me. Much luck to everyone! =):flowerforyou:
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Hi I have PCOS and am due to go under IVF, but they wont treat me until I lose the weight.... wish me luck! Feel free to add me as a friend!

    Im willing to bet you that once you lose the weight and keep it off, you wont need that IVF treatment!