10Things I hate about being overweight and 10 things I like

barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
edited October 4 in Health and Weight Loss
I read a blog the other day (sorry I can't remember the UN to give him credit for it, but maybe he'll see this and check in) asking people to post 10 things they hated about being overweight and then balance it with 10 things they liked about being overweight. Below is my list:


1. I hate looking like a beached whale in a bathing suit.

2. I hate not being able to skooch between tight places.

3. I hate shopping in the "Women's" (aka plus sizes) department.

4. I hate not wanting to go to movies or auditoriums where the seats have sides.

5. I hate not being able to sit comfortably in a restaurant booth because the table squashes my tummy.

6. I hate not being able to sleep in a bed because it's too hard to breathe and hurts my back as well.

7. I hate not being able to walk any distance without huffing and puffing, especially if there are hills to climb.

8. I hate not being able to being able to bend over and tie my shoes easily. (Still, no velcro for me yet!)

9. I hate having clothes that fit me last year be too small this year! (Yes, I wear my clothes until they disintegrate or get too small!)

10. In other words, generally, I just hate being jumbo size for all the inconveniences it causes for me and others! :embarassed:


1. Sorry, I can't think of even one thing I like about being overweight! :frown: :glasses:


  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    Yes, I was going to ask how anyone could possibly have TEN things they like about being overweight. Even one or two reasons would sound more like excuses to me.
  • erikag34
    erikag34 Posts: 20 Member
    I like your post. These are things that we have to think about when we think of going back to our old habits.
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    I really like the intent of the question.. to get us to think about the WHY of why we're losing weight so we will focus on more than just vanity.

    I'm going to have to keep this question in mind and write a blog post later on after I have time to think about it.

    I can think of a couple reasons why I "like" being overweight:
    1. I love being lazy and laying on the couch watching t.v.
    2. Food is delicious, especially sweets!
    3. When I was content with being overweight, I wasn't waking up at 4:30am to go to the gym!

    Seriously though, thanks for sharing your thoughts and bringing this question forward to get us all thinking.
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    I agree. Big time with the fitting into booths at restaurants deal. Big time with the out of breath scenario when walking distances and especially when up hill (even small hills) are part of the deal. Bathing suit? Really... I don't go to the beach because it is a huge meat market and fat is not allowed... and who, in their right mind, would put a bathing suit on and go to the beach when their body is SO badly distorted? Fitting comfortably on my own driver's seat would be another issue.

    I'm working on all of these things. I want to look decent in a bathing suit next summer! 9 months to go.
  • CJK1959
    CJK1959 Posts: 279 Member
    This is a great list Barbara! I have a couple of adds:

    1. Having to ask for a seat belt extender when flying
    2. Worrying about plastic lawn chairs breaking under my weight
    3. Having my feet hurt all the time

    And I am totally with you on the restaurant booth thing...tables are never as comfortable as booth, but I can't eat with the table in my chest/tummy!

    Thanks for posting!
  • CJK1959
    CJK1959 Posts: 279 Member
    This is a great list Barbara! I have a couple of adds:
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    LOL! CBM, I haven't been on a beach in years! I only put on the bathing suit to go to water aerobics cuz there are others there who are also overweight and out of shape! (Misery loves company! LOL!)

    CJK, your adds didn't show up. Please repost.
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    Sounds like you have a good list of reasons to stay motivated. You got this!
  • prettyinpink116
    prettyinpink116 Posts: 35 Member
    10 Things I hate about being overweight:

    1. I hate constantly being told that I'm wasting my gorgeous face on my body

    2. I hate people constantly giving me diet tips &asking WHY DON'T YOU JUST LOSE WEIGHT as if I didn't already know I should and that I don't know the difference between healthy food and non healthy food

    3. I hate being a singer/songwriter in a business that's mostly based on looks & not so much the talent.

    4. I hate being told that until I lose weight I am not marketable and that my face can only get me so far.

    5. I hate that anytime I get a pain in my chest or arm I get terrified that I might have a heart attack & be the "example" of how young people can have heart attacks too.

    6. I hate sitting home every night and weekend bc I am too insecure to go out and do what every normal kid my age is doing, bc of the constant fear of feeling like everyone is staring at me and judging me.

    7. I hate not feeling sexy and don't even bother buying sexy cute underwear bc I feel stupid in them, even when its just me.

    8. I hate not being able to walk into any clothing store & buy anything off the rack by just looking at the size & also walking through the section with all the cute little outfits and pants and skirts then walking into the plus size section feeling like I'm looking through clothes that were designed for my grandma.

    9. I hate not being able to eat ANYTHING in public, or even in my car, bc of feeling like people are judging me constantly and going to assume that, if I eat something other then a salad, that THATS the reason why I am big.

    10. I hate that my weight is holding me back from having a happy & thriving life and living it to my fullest potential.

    10 things I like:

    1. NOTHING
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member

    1. Worrying about my heart. I was 15 when my mom died of a heart attack.
    2. Having high blood pressure.
    3. Not being able to keep up with my family.
    4. The inner thighs of my pants wearing out.
    5. Muffin top
    6. Joint discomfort
    7. Being too fat to ride a horse (how the hell does that happen?).
    8. Worrying that I'm going to sink a kayak.
    9. Buttons popping off my jeans.
    10. Feeling like I'm gonna get eaten first when the zombie apocalypse goes down.


    1. Sitting on my *kitten* reading instead of being sweaty and uncomfortable on the treadmill.
    2. Sitting on my *kitten* knitting instead of being sweaty and uncomfortable doing 30ds/nmtz.
    3. Not consulting with MFP every time I wanna eat something.
    4. Not having to read labels of every single thing at the grocery store.
    5. Not hating my body. The more weight I lose, the more critical I become. When I was 234 lbs, I really didn't think about it, so I didn't care.

    Hmmm, I thought I'd have 10 of each but apparently that's all the likes I've got.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    1 I hate worrying when i am about to fly that i may be asked to get off the plane(like Kevin Smith) or buy an extra seat.

    2 I hate wearing a shirt at the beach.

    3 I hate not being able to play sports anymore.

    4 I hate not looking good.

    5 I hate not being able to wear nice clothes and look good in them.

    6 I hate being single.

    7 I hate other people trying to set me up with overweight girls.

    8 I hate not having the confidence that i used to.

    9 I hate that over the last 10 years since i became fat that each attempt at getting back in shape has failed.

    10 I hate looking at pictures and videos of myself.

    the only thing that i really liked about being fat was not caring about how much alcohol i drank. i liked being able to drink a couple beers at night and maybe 10(or more) on the weekends :D.
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    This is a great list Barbara! I have a couple of adds:

    1. Having to ask for a seat belt extender when flying
    2. Worrying about plastic lawn chairs breaking under my weight
    3. Having my feet hurt all the time

    And I am totally with you on the restaurant booth thing...tables are never as comfortable as booth, but I can't eat with the table in my chest/tummy!

    Thanks for posting!
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    Okay, I don't know how this "Quote" thing works! CJ, your #1 answer is the reason that I haven't flown in years. The seats are too cramped and I can't afford to pay for two fares. My list should have included airplane seats along with movie and auditorium.
  • Things I like about being overweight:

    1. I like myself and I like my body no matter what weight I am! We are all different and lovable, big or small!
    2. I like not thinking about food all the time.
    3. I like it that certain people leave you alone when you're not model slim.
    4. I like surprising people who think I must be stupid because I'm fat.
    5. I like that I feel warm in the winter.
    6. I like that I am cuddly and people want to cuddle me, especially babies!
    7. I like feeling strong.
    8. I like that slim women don't automatically assume you want to compete with them for their man.
    9. I like that I can wear big baggy clothes and don't feel pressure to wear tight skinny stuff.
    10. I like my body!

    I would like to be slimmer but there are definitely nice things about being bigger. The worst thing about being overweight is other people's prejudices and fat hatred. Hating my body and hating being fat were very damaging for me in the past, and I will never disrespect my body like that again. I may be fat, but I am still beautiful, lovable and a good person! And so are you!
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    Georgie, that's a great attitude and philosophy! I like myself, just not the way I feel with all this extra weight. I am married, but if I weren't, I would not give a second glance to anyone who suddenly notices me when I'm thin after ignoring or avoiding me when I'm fat! Not a fan of shallow people! Thanks for your input!
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    i dont think its shallow to find fat people unattractive. its in our genes to look for healthy mates. in general fat people are unhealthy and unhappy. why would i want to date someone like that?

    if you are talking about friendships then i agree. i dont care if my friends are fat or thin other than wanting them to be healthy.

    hope this doesnt come across wrong sometimes the written word makes things seem harsh.
  • duckieresolved
    duckieresolved Posts: 15 Member
    10 Things I Hate.

    1. Not fitting into desks at school and therefore having to take all (or as many as I can) of my classes online. If I can't get the class online, I spend the entire class feeling horrible self-concious of the fact that I am squeezed into a desk that is too small.
    2. Having to be the first person to the hostess stand at the restaurant to make sure my party asks for a table in fear that I won't be able to get into the booth.
    3. Breaking furniture.
    4. Not being able to buy clothes in stores and having to shop predominately online.
    5. Wide feet - no cute shoes for me!
    6. Feeling like I might die when I walk, lift, take stairs, etc.
    7. Feeling like my friends/family are inconvenienced by my size.
    8. Being compared to my fit/thin twin sister (our entire life)
    9. Not being able to find a winter coat
    10. Being judged by strangers.

    I can't really think of anything I "like" about being overweight - a few people have mentioned sitting around being lazy, and yes - I do love to have some days like that from time to time - but in truth, I long to be active with my friends and family.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    It now hurts to sit on the floor! The only time i miss that extra padding...
  • Reesecup312
    Reesecup312 Posts: 236 Member
    I was going to post something similar.....what will you miss about being overweight? It would actually mean what won't you miss!! Anyhow, let me see if I can add a few things here.

    1. Huffing and puffing from taking a shower, drying off, struggling to get on my bra and rest of my clothes
    2. Having a difficult time bending over to pick something up on the floor
    3. Not feeling employable ( I have a job but don't know if anyone would hire me now)
    4. Not feeling like doing things outside the home with the family
    5. Not being able to go on a roller coaster
    6. .Being hot all the time and can't stand hubby cuddling at night because I get sweaty.
    7. Not having any energy
    8. The way i look with or without clothes on, so I avoid looking at mirrors
    9. not feeling sexy anymore
    10. Not physically being able to do things I once did because of my weight

    There are plenty of things I enjoyed doing to get myself into the shape that I'm in but there is not one thing I like about being fat!!
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,319 Member
    5. Not hating my body. The more weight I lose, the more critical I become. When I was 234 lbs, I really didn't think about it, so I didn't care.

    agreed! I am at my ideal weight and still pick myself apart.....I also liked not needed a sweater at 70degrees....no 70 degrees is cold for me!
  • theome
    theome Posts: 101 Member
    Things I like about being overweight:

    1. I like myself and I like my body no matter what weight I am! We are all different and lovable, big or small!
    2. I like not thinking about food all the time.
    3. I like it that certain people leave you alone when you're not model slim.
    4. I like surprising people who think I must be stupid because I'm fat.
    5. I like that I feel warm in the winter.
    6. I like that I am cuddly and people want to cuddle me, especially babies!
    7. I like feeling strong.
    8. I like that slim women don't automatically assume you want to compete with them for their man.
    9. I like that I can wear big baggy clothes and don't feel pressure to wear tight skinny stuff.
    10. I like my body!

    I would like to be slimmer but there are definitely nice things about being bigger. The worst thing about being overweight is other people's prejudices and fat hatred. Hating my body and hating being fat were very damaging for me in the past, and I will never disrespect my body like that again. I may be fat, but I am still beautiful, lovable and a good person! And so are you!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love:

    good job, i really hate how much self loathing people put on themseleves when they do start and try to loose weight and there is more to them than just thier bodies.
  • theome
    theome Posts: 101 Member
    i dont think its shallow to find fat people unattractive. its in our genes to look for healthy mates. in general fat people are unhealthy and unhappy. why would i want to date someone like that?

    if you are talking about friendships then i agree. i dont care if my friends are fat or thin other than wanting them to be healthy.

    hope this doesnt come across wrong sometimes the written word makes things seem harsh.

    :angry: :explode:
  • i really hate how much self loathing people put on themseleves when they do start and try to loose weight and there is more to them than just thier bodies.

    Thank you for the flowers! And I totally agree. Self-love is where it's at!

  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    i dont think its shallow to find fat people unattractive. its in our genes to look for healthy mates. in general fat people are unhealthy and unhappy. why would i want to date someone like that?

    if you are talking about friendships then i agree. i dont care if my friends are fat or thin other than wanting them to be healthy.

    hope this doesnt come across wrong sometimes the written word makes things seem harsh.

    :angry: :explode:

    could you elaborate please? :)
  • jooles0
    jooles0 Posts: 47
    I am more aware of my body now I am near target. I have lost 221lbs!!!!!
    I have massive amounts of skin that needs surgery to sort it and I am COLD all the time.
    Would I change anything? NO DAMN way :-)
    I hated everything about being overweight. My list would have been soooooo long lol

    I love this place :)
  • stephaniev07
    stephaniev07 Posts: 59 Member
    This is a great post! I love it. I did something similar with my aunt a few years back and I think we both went on about stuff we hated for over half an hour lol. I think it's great if you are overwieght and love your body! I know for me I long for my entire life to be thin and active and such so losing wieght and getting healthy is what is right for me to love myself.

    10 things I hate

    1. getting out of the shower and walking to my room and having the towel not completely cover me.

    2. not being able to play with my kids when i take them to the park or outside

    3. having chairs and furniture creak and sqeek when I sit on them and thinking everyone in the room is looking at me.

    4. when jogging or running feeling and hearing my stomach fat slap my legs.

    5. feeling tired after just walking around a store for 20 mins

    6. eating out with hubby for date night and feeling like everyone is watching me thinking why is she even eating.

    7. hating myself for not having the willpower to stop eating what I am eating.

    8. worrying I am going to have a heart attack at 29.

    9. not feeling comfortable enough to wear a bathing suit in my own pool when someone other than hubby and kids are there.

    10. not feeling like I can go on my kids field trips cuz of my weight.

    I agree with a lot of you with what you like in being overweight but in my mind those are my excuses. To me there is no benefit to being overweight.
  • VelvetKey
    VelvetKey Posts: 193 Member
    I think the only thing I liked about being overweight was my cup size! I'm fairly sure that by the time all is said and done I'll be back to a "Barely A".

  • theome
    theome Posts: 101 Member
    i dont think its shallow to find fat people unattractive. its in our genes to look for healthy mates. in general fat people are unhealthy and unhappy. why would i want to date someone like that?

    if you are talking about friendships then i agree. i dont care if my friends are fat or thin other than wanting them to be healthy.

    hope this doesnt come across wrong sometimes the written word makes things seem harsh.

    :angry: :explode:

    could you elaborate please? :)

    nope, ran out of smiley faces to use.
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    to Laces out - You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but if you go through life only looking for perfect or near perfect physical characteristics, you might miss out on some wonderful relationships (or just one truly wonderful relationship if your eyes had been open to the real person not just the physical manifestation). The evidence of that is clear here on this site when I see all the wonderful transformations. Those people were always the same awesome and beautiful people, so what's different? Just the physical body - the real person has always been there. I hope you will start looking at the real person imprisoned in a fat body and see their beautiful character. :flowerforyou:
  • allie864
    allie864 Posts: 298
    10. I hate that my weight is holding me back from having a happy & thriving life and living it to my fullest potential.
    This was one of my biggest reasons for changing my ways. I wasn't living my life, I was simply existing.
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