10Things I hate about being overweight and 10 things I like



  • theome
    theome Posts: 101 Member
    Things I like about being overweight:

    1. I like myself and I like my body no matter what weight I am! We are all different and lovable, big or small!
    2. I like not thinking about food all the time.
    3. I like it that certain people leave you alone when you're not model slim.
    4. I like surprising people who think I must be stupid because I'm fat.
    5. I like that I feel warm in the winter.
    6. I like that I am cuddly and people want to cuddle me, especially babies!
    7. I like feeling strong.
    8. I like that slim women don't automatically assume you want to compete with them for their man.
    9. I like that I can wear big baggy clothes and don't feel pressure to wear tight skinny stuff.
    10. I like my body!

    I would like to be slimmer but there are definitely nice things about being bigger. The worst thing about being overweight is other people's prejudices and fat hatred. Hating my body and hating being fat were very damaging for me in the past, and I will never disrespect my body like that again. I may be fat, but I am still beautiful, lovable and a good person! And so are you!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love:

    good job, i really hate how much self loathing people put on themseleves when they do start and try to loose weight and there is more to them than just thier bodies.
  • theome
    theome Posts: 101 Member
    i dont think its shallow to find fat people unattractive. its in our genes to look for healthy mates. in general fat people are unhealthy and unhappy. why would i want to date someone like that?

    if you are talking about friendships then i agree. i dont care if my friends are fat or thin other than wanting them to be healthy.

    hope this doesnt come across wrong sometimes the written word makes things seem harsh.

    :angry: :explode:
  • georgiebruce
    i really hate how much self loathing people put on themseleves when they do start and try to loose weight and there is more to them than just thier bodies.

    Thank you for the flowers! And I totally agree. Self-love is where it's at!

  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    i dont think its shallow to find fat people unattractive. its in our genes to look for healthy mates. in general fat people are unhealthy and unhappy. why would i want to date someone like that?

    if you are talking about friendships then i agree. i dont care if my friends are fat or thin other than wanting them to be healthy.

    hope this doesnt come across wrong sometimes the written word makes things seem harsh.

    :angry: :explode:

    could you elaborate please? :)
  • jooles0
    jooles0 Posts: 47
    I am more aware of my body now I am near target. I have lost 221lbs!!!!!
    I have massive amounts of skin that needs surgery to sort it and I am COLD all the time.
    Would I change anything? NO DAMN way :-)
    I hated everything about being overweight. My list would have been soooooo long lol

    I love this place :)
  • stephaniev07
    stephaniev07 Posts: 59 Member
    This is a great post! I love it. I did something similar with my aunt a few years back and I think we both went on about stuff we hated for over half an hour lol. I think it's great if you are overwieght and love your body! I know for me I long for my entire life to be thin and active and such so losing wieght and getting healthy is what is right for me to love myself.

    10 things I hate

    1. getting out of the shower and walking to my room and having the towel not completely cover me.

    2. not being able to play with my kids when i take them to the park or outside

    3. having chairs and furniture creak and sqeek when I sit on them and thinking everyone in the room is looking at me.

    4. when jogging or running feeling and hearing my stomach fat slap my legs.

    5. feeling tired after just walking around a store for 20 mins

    6. eating out with hubby for date night and feeling like everyone is watching me thinking why is she even eating.

    7. hating myself for not having the willpower to stop eating what I am eating.

    8. worrying I am going to have a heart attack at 29.

    9. not feeling comfortable enough to wear a bathing suit in my own pool when someone other than hubby and kids are there.

    10. not feeling like I can go on my kids field trips cuz of my weight.

    I agree with a lot of you with what you like in being overweight but in my mind those are my excuses. To me there is no benefit to being overweight.
  • VelvetKey
    VelvetKey Posts: 193 Member
    I think the only thing I liked about being overweight was my cup size! I'm fairly sure that by the time all is said and done I'll be back to a "Barely A".

  • theome
    theome Posts: 101 Member
    i dont think its shallow to find fat people unattractive. its in our genes to look for healthy mates. in general fat people are unhealthy and unhappy. why would i want to date someone like that?

    if you are talking about friendships then i agree. i dont care if my friends are fat or thin other than wanting them to be healthy.

    hope this doesnt come across wrong sometimes the written word makes things seem harsh.

    :angry: :explode:

    could you elaborate please? :)

    nope, ran out of smiley faces to use.
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    to Laces out - You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but if you go through life only looking for perfect or near perfect physical characteristics, you might miss out on some wonderful relationships (or just one truly wonderful relationship if your eyes had been open to the real person not just the physical manifestation). The evidence of that is clear here on this site when I see all the wonderful transformations. Those people were always the same awesome and beautiful people, so what's different? Just the physical body - the real person has always been there. I hope you will start looking at the real person imprisoned in a fat body and see their beautiful character. :flowerforyou:
  • allie864
    allie864 Posts: 298
    10. I hate that my weight is holding me back from having a happy & thriving life and living it to my fullest potential.
    This was one of my biggest reasons for changing my ways. I wasn't living my life, I was simply existing.
  • jooleeyah
    I did like that my boobs were bigger when I was heavier...oh well...I'll get a padded bra now :)
  • chatswithpets
    chatswithpets Posts: 27 Member
    10 Things I like:

    1. Food. Eating as much of anything I like to the point of "Ooooooohhhh Man, this tastes sooooooo good", and then licking the plate clean.

    2. Not feeling like I need to give a stuff about how I look.

    3. Wearing loose fitting clothing and not worrying that it might make me look fat.

    4. The sense of feeling 'safe', because people often don't notice you.

    5. Being able to try new and interesting foods without worrying about how many calories.

    6. Partying with friends and being relaxed about not having to worry about the scales.

    7. An excuse not to expose my body in a swimsuit!

    8. Having room for both the dog and the cat to use me as a pillow while watching TV.

    9. A stable work area for the lap top.

    10. Because people tend to notice your personality more, and like you for you!

    There are plenty of reasons why I hate being fat...but that list would have been too easy to compile.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    to Laces out - You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but if you go through life only looking for perfect or near perfect physical characteristics, you might miss out on some wonderful relationships (or just one truly wonderful relationship if your eyes had been open to the real person not just the physical manifestation). The evidence of that is clear here on this site when I see all the wonderful transformations. Those people were always the same awesome and beautiful people, so what's different? Just the physical body - the real person has always been there. I hope you will start looking at the real person imprisoned in a fat body and see their beautiful character. :flowerforyou:

    i understand what you are saying and had hoped my comments didnt come out too harsh. we are all here because we are too fat right? I look at myself and other fat people as if we are addicted to an unhealthy lifestyle similar to alcoholics for example. we are all seriously hurting our health and shortening our lifespans and severely limiting our quality of life. and i am not talking about people who are a few pounds over weight i am talking about people how are obese/morbidly obese(like me). if/when i get myself back to a healthy state i wouldnt want to get involved with someone who wasnt looking at life like i was at that time. and to be completely honest, i'm 40 and single, i dont have time to wait and see if someone will change their life. maybe if i was 20....anyone know where the fountain of youth is? :)
  • curvygrl13
    10 thing i hate

    1. having a double chin :(
    2. have marks from my jeans cutting into my waist
    3. not being able to wear fitted shirts because of my gut
    4. people asking if i'm pregnant again :/
    5. people telling me i have a "booty-do" (lol) meaning my belly sticks out further than my butt does
    6. always having to make my face stand out more to draw attention away from my body
    7. sitting down and having my rolls fall over my jeans
    8. embarassed to wear a bikini because of my back rolls handing out the top
    9. not getting anymore compliments
    10. having my niece tell me my belly looks like boobs.. (kids really tell the truth i tell ya lol)

    what i like: being care-free!
  • hazelmae123
    hazelmae123 Posts: 109 Member

    My blog from today is similar to this subject. Read it if you would like another perspective. :-)
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member

    My blog from today is similar to this subject. Read it if you would like another perspective. :-)

    that was a great read. this was my favorite part of your blog "The weight wasn't put on "by Christmas" and it isn't going to be taken off "by Christmas."
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    I have one thing I like!

    I'm always snuggly warm in the winter. Fat is amazing insulation! So, so cold now that I've lost five stone.

    However I think I'll settle for being a bit chilly; the benefits far far far outweigh the costs.