Do men generally care about stretch marks?



  • BloomingLily
    BloomingLily Posts: 62 Member
    I'm married and we have a kid. The way I see it , they are a sign of what she did so that we could have our daughter. So, IMO, they are beauty marks.

    Awesome comment!
  • craig1970
    craig1970 Posts: 139 Member
    Nope, not at all. If you got them, ok. If not, ok :tongue:
  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    I've been gaining stretch marks since I was 13. I've never been pregnant, and I've never weighed over 120 lbs. They're not intense looking and blend in alright with the rest of my skin, but it still took me a long time to come to terms with them.

    My bf doesn't seem to care at all. He has stretch marks as well, and my ex did, too (even though he was very fit).

    I blame culture for any stretch mark freakouts :P
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    My husband always assured me he would always love me/want me no matter what. Then I got pregnant with our first, and that was LITERALLY the end. I was very self conscious about my scars - stretch marks and a fresh C-section scar. He said that he didn't want to see it and never again would look at me without clothes. We conceived our second with me pretty much dressed, in the dark...and that was after I'd lost about 40 lbs - no sagging skin.

    Kind of like how people assume all men like pregnant women because they look "radiant", or how men just want sex. It depends on the man, but if you're lucky he really WILL love you no matter what, and he will especially still love you if you give him kids.
    Im sooo sorry guy ever treated me in such a way he would be very Very sorry...
  • persephone87
    persephone87 Posts: 220 Member
    My ex was a bit of a t*t and he joked they added texture but I think honestly he was put off by them he never touched my stomach or anything. I have pretty mental ones from my hips right up to under my breasts literally 10-12 inch long deep marks right up both my sides and some smaller ones on the front. I hate HATE them but had them since I was about 12 so I cant do anything about them. My current boyfriend says that he's not bothered and that I'm beautiful just as I am thats the kind of man we need :)
  • jypsyjulia
    jypsyjulia Posts: 33 Member
    I work in volunteer work, meaning building wells in Africa and teaching in foreign countries. I've seen some absolutely terrible **** in my life and if a guy gets turned off by my stretch marks, I want nothing to do with him. There are way more important things than the spiderwebs on my belly.

    And yeah, I've got quite a few of them, especially on my abdomen. But who cares? I sure don't.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I'll repeat myself. Every stretch mark my wife has is the result of giving birth the other 3 women in my life. I love every one of my wife's stretch marks.
  • mg720
    mg720 Posts: 212 Member
    What if they're not from pregnancy and just from being overweight? I doubt that's as sentimental. :tongue:

    They just show you where you've been and how far you've come. :-)

    Mine are just from being overweight my entire life and they are still slightly "sentimental" to me because not only are they reminders of how far I have come but also reminders of how I used to be and how i used to live and a reminder every day that I worked hard to get to the point I am at now and NEVER want to go back. Truthfully my husband does not say anything about my stretch marks and they really do not bother him at all. He has the same mentality I do that they just show how hard I worked to get to where I am. This past summer I had cousins who said "I can not believe you are going to where that bikini with all those stretch marks on your tummy" my response was simply ..I am NOT ashamed of my body and I am proud to show it off :)