HDL Cholesterol 131?



  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    Thanks for all of your input. I will not allow them to put me on any medication. It appears to run in the family, and my diet is pretty clean with the exception of salt. I just love it. I don't even know how to or own the equipment to deep fry anything. Very few and far between with the fatty meats and sugar. Lots of greens, and I supplement the essential fatty acids. I will inquire further with the doc next week.

    You are doing awesome! I am sure everything is fine. I haven't heard of a situation like yours. I also struggle with the salt. I never cook with it and I try and buy either whole foods or low sodium canned stuff. That way, most of the salt I consume is what I use at the dinner table after I have attempted to use other seasonings.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    My doctor flagged that as a problem on my recent routine blood work panel for some reason... Just curious.

    Ask the doctor about it then. No one on here is really qualified to give you medical advice.

    I am not an idiot. I question my doctor and I will research further. But thank you for your concern.

    I didn't accuse you of being one. Calm down.

    I am not excited, Just doing research and this is a great place to get some answers about personal experiences. I do not trust our current medical system. Heck, I endured some crappy things because of them. 4 MONTHS in college with walking pneumonia. I DO NOT Plan to ever go through that again. I am a bad patient, and for the family a patients advocate. It is the only way to get answers. I plan to be a bad patient for life...., And apparently mine is going to be like my grandmothers. All 97 years.

    I don't think you're a bad patient for asking questions, but asking random people on the internet who have no idea about your medical history or family history even if they are medical professionals doesn't seem like a good way to educate yourself about your specific case. If you aren't happy with your doctor, go get a second or third opinion from someone else who knows your personal information.

    P.S. I've had a few craptastic doctors myself including one who told me that a nasty case of viral bronchitis was "all in my head" in March. Thankfully, I didn't listen and went to the hospital. I spent four days in an infectious disease ward with both the original viral infection as well as a secondary bacterial infection in my lungs.
  • hamton
    hamton Posts: 245
    I don't think you're a bad patient for asking questions, but asking random people on the internet who have no idea about your medical history or family history even if they are medical professionals doesn't seem like a good way to educate yourself about your specific case. If you aren't happy with your doctor, go get a second or third opinion from someone else who knows your personal information.

    I don't understand these kind of responses. If you don't know or don't have an opinion, then you don't have to answer. Isn't this the point of a forum? Share ideas and experiences. I read a lot of different forums and although a lot of people are not expert in their field, they've given me clues and ideas that help me lead to answer to my questions. I can easily reply to a lot of posts by saying "Go to a nutritionists. Go ask a dietitian. Go see a specialist."