Pesctarians. vs. Vegetarians



  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I figure if I wasn't meant to eat them, I wouldn't be able to catch them. Of course, its way easier to catch a carrot than a fish. Though I've never had to battle a rabbit for a fish.

    I worked at a daycare where I was very handy at catching children. Does your theory apply here? :bigsmile:

    Mmmm, children are delicious.... :tongue:
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    OK, just from a cruelty perspective..catching a fish is no less or IMO more traumatic than other options. How do I come to this conclusion? Well it's like this, I'm a happy go lucky fishy guy swimming around,eating living wh all the sudden I eat something and it grabs me by the lip and next thing I know I'm dead on some ones plate. Or, same scenarion but instead of dragged by my ip from my home, I'm scooped up in a giant web of stuff with all my family and we all end up in the same place. No disrepect intended but if mamals have feelings, so do fish. The treatment is no less cruel at the end.

    A huge difference from an animal cruelty standpoint is that a fish are caught, suffocates, and is eaten. (Waiting to be convinced otherwise - I want to make an informed decision) whereas a chicken is kept in horrible conditions, IMO tortured for months before it's killed:

    But like I said, I don't eat chicken not because I think we shouldn't, but because how we process meat is gross and inhumane. Do we do the same to fish?
    Look up fish farms.

    You have probably been the least helpful on the thread. Links, suggestions?
    Google it. I'm not helpful, remember?
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    OK, just from a cruelty perspective..catching a fish is no less or IMO more traumatic than other options. How do I come to this conclusion? Well it's like this, I'm a happy go lucky fishy guy swimming around,eating living wh all the sudden I eat something and it grabs me by the lip and next thing I know I'm dead on some ones plate. Or, same scenarion but instead of dragged by my ip from my home, I'm scooped up in a giant web of stuff with all my family and we all end up in the same place. No disrepect intended but if mamals have feelings, so do fish. The treatment is no less cruel at the end.

    A huge difference from an animal cruelty standpoint is that a fish are caught, suffocates, and is eaten. (Waiting to be convinced otherwise - I want to make an informed decision) whereas a chicken is kept in horrible conditions, IMO tortured for months before it's killed:

    But like I said, I don't eat chicken not because I think we shouldn't, but because how we process meat is gross and inhumane. Do we do the same to fish?
    Look up fish farms.

    You have probably been the least helpful on the thread. Links, suggestions?

    LOL, he tried to, "leave it at that". You poked him!
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    Google it. I'm not helpful, remember?

    You think you're being witty, but you're not really doing anything but looking like a jerk. This is an educational thread. HELP ME :)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Google it. I'm not helpful, remember?

    You think you're being witty, but you're not really doing anything but looking like a jerk. This is an educational thread. HELP ME :)

    Did you see my post above?
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Google it. I'm not helpful, remember?

    You think you're being witty, but you're not really doing anything but looking like a jerk. This is an educational thread. HELP ME :)
    I told you to look up fish farms in response to you thinking fish live wonderful happy lives in the ocean until one day they are caught. If that makes me look like a jerk, then I guess you're a bit oversensitive....except when it comes to fish feelings. :flowerforyou:
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    Google it. I'm not helpful, remember?

    You think you're being witty, but you're not really doing anything but looking like a jerk. This is an educational thread. HELP ME :)

    Did you see my post above?

    Yes, actually writing you a personal note... :)
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    There are a lot of 'helpful' comments already. If they're not helpful to you, then you're not looking for help, you're looking for someone to agree with you, or post something that's spot on with your opinion.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Google it. I'm not helpful, remember?

    You think you're being witty, but you're not really doing anything but looking like a jerk. This is an educational thread. HELP ME :)

    Did you see my post above?

    Yes, actually writing you a personal note... :)

    Okie dokie. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    For anyone who thinks i just want to hear what I want to hear - you're incorrect. I'm looking for resources, links, studies, etc. Not just passive aggressive comments because you disagree with *me* and my interest in exploring being a pesctarian. I realize fish are animals - and if you read my original post you will realize I don't disagree with eating animals - i disagree with how they are treated and so i choose not to support the industry. I want to know if fish farms, etc, are as bad. Telling me to "look them up" isnt' helpful. I'm not finding anything convincing, so I am looking for you guys for help. There realllly isn't need for hostility or snide comments.

    PLUS - last time I checked, MFP is kind of a supportive environment. And there is a difference between being supportive/helpful and being a jerk, even if you disagree.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Animals that only eat plants have really, really, really big stomachs.
    Cows, Horses, Giraffes, Hippos, just sayin............
  • tattooedtwiin
    I believe very strongly that eating fish is wrong because fishing practices are unsustainable and many species are being fished to extinction. Trawling means huge nets scoop up anything and everything, and often damage the sea bed, and corals etc that grow there. Then because of fishing quotas a lot of what is caught is dumped back in the sea, but by that time it's mostly dead.
    Fish stocks and marine health are huge environmental issues that most people seem quite happy to ignore. I am a vegetarian, and fish would be absolutely the last meat I would consider eating.
    Well said.:wink:
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    For anyone who thinks i just want to hear what I want to hear - you're incorrect. I'm looking for resources, links, studies, etc. Not just passive aggressive comments because you disagree with *me* and my interest in exploring being a pesctarian. I realize fish are animals - and if you read my original post you will realize I don't disagree with eating animals - i disagree with how they are treated and so i choose not to support the industry. I want to know if fish farms, etc, are as bad. Telling me to "look them up" isnt' helpful. I'm not finding anything convincing, so I am looking for you guys for help. There realllly isn't need for hostility.
    Exactly, so quit being hostile to me and telling me I'm a jerk when you're the one coming at me in the passive aggressive manner. Practice what you preach, it's brilliant. :drinker: If you didn't like my 'help' then you could have simply passed it over and replied to one you found helpful...but I guess it felt better to put my replies down instead, since I don't share your views.
  • javamonster
    javamonster Posts: 272 Member
    Animals that only eat plants have really, really, really big stomachs.
    Cows, Horses, Giraffes, Hippos, just sayin............

    Sorry, horses actually have very small stomachs, relative to their size. I'm not up on hippos and giraffes. :flowerforyou:
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    What exactly are you asking of us? I am confused.
  • tattooedtwiin
    This thread is mostly for vegetarians/vegans, but anyone is welcome to join in.

    I've been vegetarian for about 2 years now for purely animal rights reasons. I was one of those people who was really annoyed when fish eaters would call themselves vegetarian - if for nothing else that it confused the terminology. When I go to restaurants, lox cream cheese is listed as a vegetarian option. Or fish. Obviously non-vegetarians are confused.

    With that being said, I'm human. Every now and then I will cave and snag something with fish in it. Up until last week, I probably had fish a handful of times in 2 years. I never considered myself a pesctarian because deep down I know that fish are animals - and I felt guilty despite my cravings.

    So - why am I considering eating fish now? What about the industry is less traumatizing than the butchering of cows and the downright horrible conditions chickens are kept in? I have seen a few horrible things in Japan - but do we import from Japan?

    A couple things to keep in mind when responding:

    a) All the respect for vegans - but avoiding wool and not eating honey I think is unnecessary. Although I don't buy leather products that stem from animal death, I just don't personally agree with all of your opinions on animal by products.

    b) I think we're supposed to eat meat as a species, but I chose not to due to the treatment of the animals - I didn't want to support the industry

    I guess i'm looking for reasons why I should remain vegetarian - because to me it seems like fish are caught in their environment, where they have lived a life, and then we eat them.

    Thoughts? (And of course lets keep this civil)

    I can't help with links etc...What I can tell you is the pictures I've seen of fishing/trolling is awful. I'm not trying to be gross but if they're brought up from the deep, too fast, they basically explode-It's disgusting. I beleive they feel pain, therefore it's not a humane thing to do in my eyes.
    My 2 cents.
    Proud Vegetarian for 4 years.
    Good luck with your decision.
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    For those who are interested, having trouble finding what really goes on in fish farms vs. capturing fish wild, how they are treated from there to our plate. Can't find any good resources (but a ton of awesomely snarky comments)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I believe very strongly that eating fish is wrong because fishing practices are unsustainable and many species are being fished to extinction. Trawling means huge nets scoop up anything and everything, and often damage the sea bed, and corals etc that grow there. Then because of fishing quotas a lot of what is caught is dumped back in the sea, but by that time it's mostly dead.
    Fish stocks and marine health are huge environmental issues that most people seem quite happy to ignore. I am a vegetarian, and fish would be absolutely the last meat I would consider eating.

    Bottom trawling over reefs has been outlawed nearly everywehere. Furthermore, you can choose to eat fish that are obtained in other manners. Most of the targeted species for bottom trawls are in the grouper, snapper, cod, shrimp, rockfish, and squid. You can choose to not eat those particular species.

    See FishWatch page from NOAA for sustainably harvested fish options:
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    (but a ton of awesomely snarky comments)

    Well, to be a fair, when the troll says he's fine not being fed and you feed him anyway by being snarky yourself, it sounds like there's more than one party at fault there.

    I do hope you find the information you're looking for, though. It's certainly not within my area of expertise.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    For those who are interested, having trouble finding what really goes on in fish farms vs. capturing fish wild, how they are treated from there to our plate. Can't find any good resources (but a ton of awesomely snarky comments)
    Go ahead, call me a useless jerk again...but here you go...