Cutting off communication with a family member



  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 617 Member
    yes, my father.

    didnt regret it at the time. in fact, i was going to use my pregnancy three years ago as an "opening topic" to perhaps talk to him again and then the week before i was going to do that, he died horribly in a car accident.

    i completely regret wasting my time and not finding forgiveness in any fashion whatsoever.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Yes, my brother.

    No, I do not regret it.
  • marnijojo
    marnijojo Posts: 235 Member
    Yes, I no longer have any contact with one of my sisters. But it was more like she cut our entire family out of her life. Fortunately, her ex-husband has remained close to our family (he comes to my folks house regularly with the kids and goes on family vacations with the clan)...kind of like a brother to me and son to my folks.

    I do feel badly for what might have been and what she is missing out on (I have a really fun family). Some friends say 'life is too short ....blah, blah, blah", but I say life is to short to have that constant drama and upheaval in my life. If she were not crazy (I think she is bi-polar and will not take medication), I might try to reconcile, but its always walking on pins and needles wondering when she is going to 'go off' and quite frankly, I have had enough drama in my life without that.

    And just for the record, I don't mean to call bi-polar people 'crazy' - my brother is also bi-polar but he recognizes the illness for what it is and closely follows his doctor's orders on medication. He still struggles with certain things, but by and large functions quite well.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Thank you all again for chiming in on this and for sharing your stories. I appreciate it more than I can express in words. I'm heading out of town this weekend for a wedding, and I have a lot to chew on.

    I'll update when I return.
  • ABetterBalance
    I don't speak to my father's side of the family at all. They are not people I want my children to get to know.

    I only wish I could have cut them out of my life sooner. They are small minded and prejudiced, and said some truly horrible things to my mother when my two-year-old brother passed away many years ago. (refused to go to the funeral because it was a Catholic ceremony and he was probably in Hell because they never had him "saved") :mad: :angry: :explode:

    I'm getting angry just thinking about them.

    Family or not- some people just do not need to be in your life. I hope you can decide what to do with regard to your father, and feel comfortable with your decision.
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    Yes, and I don't regret it. There are certain people who are just toxic and I don't want to be around them and I certainly don't want to expose my little one to that kind of drama. I am very sad things had to be this way, but you can only take so much.
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    I cut of communication with my brother. He was the sibling I was closest too and at times I do miss him. He lied about having terminal cancer and is in fact still lying about it to my knowledge. The things he put our family through during that time is unforgivable. We were actually planning his funeral. There is a lot more to it then but this is basically the simplified version. Do I miss him? Yes. Do I wish someday we can be a family again? Yes. Do I see that happening? No. I have a lot of anger at the situation and I don't know if I could ever trust him again.
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    Depends on the family member! A mother or father..... no, you shouldn't cut off contact! LIMIT your contact with him and see if that helps. It's like one member said on here...... maybe it will teach him to behave around you... idk. Maybe you could just call him every once in awhile to say hi and see how he is doing. I think that it also depends on what that person did and/or is doing. Everyone makes mistakes and no one is perfect. We should forgive BUT we should also not be around people that hurt us. Sometimes parents don't realize what they do to their kids! He may change! That's why I say LIMIT contact to maybe just phone calls for now. Don't completely cut him off........ he is your father! AND if he is toxic to your family (husband and/or kids) then by all means he shouldn't come around them UNLESS he truly changes.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I have done that... Wel it all happened when my mom passed away. A lot of my siblings stopped talking to my dad. He got remarried and his new woman and their people didn't care for me. My dad was grumpy and rude and acted like those people could say and do whatever they wanted. Well I stood up for myself and he's been a jerk ever since. I have tried and tried to be nice but he wants to keep blaming me for their rudeness and enough is enough. I got to the point to where I realized there is a difference between being nice and just taking in too much crap no matter who it is. I do not regret it at all. I don't need negative people in my life.
  • DarkAngel525
    Yes, I cut my dad's father out of my life. Basically he and my Mimi were married 42 years and he left our family for his high school sweetheart. He and this other lady both abandoned their families of grown children and many grandchildren. After they ran off together, about 7 years later, this other lady died. My dad's father was all alone and crept back into the family. Almost everyone welcomed him and continued with calling him 'dad' or 'papa' as us grandkids would have. I just refused. I won't speak to him, hug him, and call him by his first name. I have had family functions that I won't invite him to. Part of my decision was that my dad was not in his life after trying so hard to reconnect with him. I just can't tolerate people who, like the OP said, are 'toxic' to my family.
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    Yes and no.

    The only thing I don't like about it is how much conflict it causes with the rest of my family.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Yes, my toxic father. But I don't really like to talk about specifics...
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    going through this right now. really don't want to discuss it in the public forum - it's kinda fresh, but feel free to message me.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Yes, I cut my dad's father out of my life. Basically he and my Mimi were married 42 years and he left our family for his high school sweetheart. He and this other lady both abandoned their families of grown children and many grandchildren. After they ran off together, about 7 years later, this other lady died. My dad's father was all alone and crept back into the family. Almost everyone welcomed him and continued with calling him 'dad' or 'papa' as us grandkids would have. I just refused. I won't speak to him, hug him, and call him by his first name. I have had family functions that I won't invite him to. Part of my decision was that my dad was not in his life after trying so hard to reconnect with him. I just can't tolerate people who, like the OP said, are 'toxic' to my family.

    Wow, this is exactly what my father did. Except his new woman didn't abandon her family, she wasn't married to anyone and her kids are OK with it. My dad doesn't speak to me, my brother or any of the grandkids anymore. So, it wasn't MY decision to cut him out of my life but it sure has gone smoother since he did it. I worry that he'll come crawling back if she dies and that my mother will be stupid. We'll see.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    1. Yes (though not blood family, an inlaw but we were friends long before she became an inlaw)

    2 Nope. Some people just do not deserve to be in your live if they constantly treat you like crap and cause drama. DNA really should have nothing to do with keeping them or letting them go
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I have done it several times, but I am a sucker for forgiveness and always get burned. I am currently renting a house with my mother. I move into my new house next week. She is selfish, alcoholic and completely dependant upon others. She has about cost me my job and as much as I beg her to stay out of the rumor mill and keep my name out of professional conversations, she won't take me seriously. My boss offered to give my mom a call today to emphasis that she is very close to costing me my job..I don't discuss work outside of the office but my mom likes to discuss my office in hers... A few weeks ago she ran off to the bar when her manic boyfriend relapsed from AA and got drunk. I was left with no warning with my 4 year old son that he has relapsed and had to babysitting him until 4am and got to sleep for two hours before work.

    My stepmom is a closet-alcoholic and sociopath who has destroyed my relationship with my father. She literally beats him and he doesn't have the nerve to stand up to her for his sake or the sake of his adult children he rarely gets to see. She also invites my childhood abuser to family gatherings because she gets some kind of pleasure from it and has said time and time again that she never beleived my claims, though my father AND mother both did.

    I just keep thinking that in one week I will have no reason to have contact with my mom and hopefully I will learn for the millionth time- not to forgive and earn back trust!
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    Yep! I have cut out my twin, my mother and my father! Jealousy is a major factor, also they are evil ppl, they make me sick! Good luck! It is never an easy decision but some things just have to be done! Karma will look after them!
  • lucythinmint
    Yes - My mother

    Sometimes- She was a single parent and I never knew my father but my mother is toxic. Some times I am ok sometimes I really want my mom. It gets easier the as time goes on but I had to do what was best for me in the long run.
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member

    two uncles
    one aunt
    a mess load of cousins....

    Do I regret this? NOT ONE BIT.... Too many problems arise from them, too much drama and Im just not in the mood to be treated like s*** and walked all over.

    The top of the list is my mother. She is a very toxic, ragingly mad woman with a serious alcohol problem who will cut you down and treat you like garbage just to make herself feel better about her self.... the numerous nights of her calling my house drunk as a skunk and getting downright nasty was stopped immediately. Even had to call the police because it got THAT bad!

    Just because you are related doesnt mean they can walk all over you and still come over for dinner. While Im definitely not a person to hold anger continuously, I am someone who will definitely make it known that their garbage will NEVER be tolerated and if I have to draw a line that severs any sort of communication, its because they have left me no choice.

    same here my mother is a jealous raging alcoholic! Quote from mommy dearest : I Hope I am alive to see your life ruined, She too calls here loaded! She just called two nights ago talked to me hubby and told him I was dead to her! Umm I havent spoken to any of them in 3 yrs, she is just getting that now? She is a lil slow!
  • ElementalMoe
    ElementalMoe Posts: 186 Member
    I'm no longer in contact with my Dad. Compared to some other people's stories, it seems insignificant.

    He was never there - He was the person who was always around, but never present. He routinely forgot my birthday, my middle name, my best friends' names. He favored my brother. And then a few years later he encouraged my brother to ride a motorbike while drunk, without a helmet and my brother died as a result. No, he didn't kill my brother, but it was yet another prime example of him not being a "parent".

    I didn't speak to him for a few years after that, but then he showed up the day after I had my daughter and promised to be a better parent. I gave him a second chance, and as long as it wasn't inconvenient for him, he made an effort. Again we haven't spoken for over a year because he can't be bothered to call his only grand kid on her birthday. (It's gone from being about him letting ME down, to him letting my girl down, and that I can't forgive.)

    I don't regret cutting ties, because I don't really feel like I'm missing out on anything, and I feel I'm saving my daughter potential heartache. However, cutting ties was very difficult because other family members got involved, had opinions, and I'm pretty sure they refer to me as the Devil's Spawn (The devil being my mother, of course.)