Can someone take a look? No loss in 5 days....



  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    Hiya, please don't take any of this as me being critical, I'm not - just things that are working for me. Diary wise, I'd increase protein to ensure you stay fuller, decreased processed and sugary foods where you can as this will give you the energy spikes that will leave you craving more sugar. Obviously TOM etc throws things out of the window ;-) I'd keep your calories the same for the time being while you do this and...up the exercise. Not that you're not doing enough, and you don't want to totally exhaust yourself but think about ways you could be more active during a normal day - the exercise makes a real difference to me.

    For example I started out walking around the lake in my lunchbreak, then I added in an hour walk at the weekend and this has grown in time. Then cycling into work and back three times a week, and I started C25K - whatever works for you but moving really keeps my burn up. Ignore the claptrap about eating calories earnt or not - if it works for you then it's right.

    Lastly, really try not to daily weigh - we all have our ups and downs in weight and it can be demoralising to see 2lb go on overnight just because it's TOM or too much salt (water gain). I know some people like daily weighing but I find it makes me obsess about the whole thing.

    Good luck - you'll be fine!! x
  • lovekck
    lovekck Posts: 80 Member
    Yeah, I started eating baby spinach and while it was good the first few times I got bored...

    I need to learn how to cook the other stuff, thats my big issue with kale, turnips...etc. Hell even beans...I usually screw it up.

    Thanks for all the good advice!!
  • aimeelouwhite
    aimeelouwhite Posts: 181 Member
    Don't worry about when you eat.... doesn't make a difference. I'd say maybe you could try some of these things if you want - but it also might just be a time thing and the next few weeks may yeild results:
    - less processed stuff
    - more fresh food - fruits, veges, raw nuts
    - eat your full calorie allowance - if you exercise eat them all back (If i don't my body stores I think)
    - track your sodium
    - drink more water
    - vary exercise a bit --- not sure what you are doing maybe mix it up a bit
    - don't worry or give up... it could just be your menstrual cycle
    - remember inches and wellbeing are better than lbs! really they are!

    Keep up the great work so far!
  • lovekck
    lovekck Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks Vanessa- I agree I need to make some changes and up my exercise! I appreciate the advice!!
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    Welcome! One last tip - have a good dig in other people's diaries, see the healthy stuff they are eating and then pick and choose what'd you'd like - my diary consists 80% of other people's ideas!
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    how much water are you drinking. That isn't being logged in your diary. Lots of water helps weight loss.

    Here's a good recipe for you.

    Hot & Sour swiss chard from clean eating magazine.

    1 bunch chard
    2 tbs apple cider vinegar
    2 tbs raw honey
    1 tbs tomato paste
    1 scallion (i usually use 1/2 onion)

    preheat frying pan/wok on medium/high heat
    mist large frying pan/wok with oil and fry scallion, chop chard cutting the leaves from the stems. chop stems into 1 inch long pieces and add with onion and fry about 4 minutes. add chopped leaves and cook for about 3 minutes until tender and wilted slightly. Put Chard in serving bowl.

    add vinegar/honey tomato paste mixture to pan and reduce approximately 1 minute, pour over chard. (warning vinegar may give off fumes as it is the quickest to boil).

    drizzle over chard and mix.

    I served that with chicken drumsticks and quinoa last night

    Nutrients per 2/3-cup serving: Calories: 69, Total Fat: 1 g, Sat. Fat: 0 g, Carbs: 14 g, Fiber: 1 g, Sugars: 9.5 g, Protein: 1.5 g, Sodium: 198 mg, Cholesterol: 0 mg
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Why are you worrying that you have "only" lost 0.5lb in 5 days? This is normal weightloss.
    SCOUSERWENCH Posts: 74 Member
    If you keep looking at the Scales Every day it's going to bug you even more. Leave it to once a week. When i first started MFP i left it 8 days at first to weigh myself, then From the Day I weighed myself of the Friday, I chose to weigh myself every Friday morning before i had anything to eat and drink, first thing.

    You need Fatty foods to Burn Calories. I started this Program 4 weeks ago and so far i have lost 9lbs in weight. Work out your food intake like weighing stuff and measuring out so you get enough food intake. I dont agree in low fat diets. I still eat the foods what i was eating before i started this program, but i budget with my calories and eat back some of the calories i have burnt through exercise.