What do your freinds think about counting calories?



  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Has anyone really looked at this girl's profile?
    and the plot thickens....
  • bopper
    bopper Posts: 352 Member
    My friends think I am nuts also and make little "cracks" when we go out to have dinner with the girls. I feel like saying "Look at yourself" and I am not trying to be mean but "Really" I always ask the waiter/waitress for what I want!
  • MrsNoir
    MrsNoir Posts: 236 Member
    Oh yes, I went to check after I replied, but let me tell you that you don't look far at all from that girl, I think you are quite there already!! And don't forget there is loads of photoshop and ways to make the famous look better than what they really are, so don't set your goal on a probably photoshoped pic. By the way, have you heard about the The Tracy Anderson method? it's meant to sculp your body so it would look like hers, so have a look on youtube, you can find cardios and the whole mat work on youtube! I did it this morning, and I already feel leaner! :D. Good luck on achieving your goals. Also keep in mind that when your goals in life change sometimes your friends change as well, so you're more likely to become best friends with another girl of your regular group who is also interested in losing weigh and being fit, the same way I'm more engaged now in friendships of mothers, as none of my close friends are parents, and not even near that.. so I was the first to get married and have a baby, and it's logical that I share more things in common with new mums, than with my friends who are still on the hunt of Mr Right!:D, but I'm going out with them next month! to help them on the hunt and lose some calories dancing out!:D
    Thank you everyone for your support and advice!
    the person in the profile picture is not me, its only a motivational picture.
    Its a picture of a Victoria Secrets model "Adriana Lima"
    I have some real photos of me up on my profile.
    But she has the body that I want, thats why its up there :-)

    thanks again everyone :-)
  • MIssFinny
    MIssFinny Posts: 194 Member
    Go on, count those cals. Screw everyone else. I've was told by my bff " God, that sounds like such a hassle." Yea, OK, that's why I'm down 5 lbs and he's not.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I have a friend who intorduced me to this site...she only logs and does not visit the forums etc. She and I can talk about calories and ftiness. There are others who know I log but I make it a point to be discreet so as to not raise red flags or to annoy. If I can log food when I am at a resturaunt before I go, when my friends/family etc have taken a bathroom break, or in the car on the way home I will not annoy.

    Either this friend has past issues with food and Eating disorders and is afraid that you might be going through what she went through she might not understand. If there is a past ED in her life, the idea of restriction might scare her. I went many years where I had to have a I will do the best I can but not worry about it attitude because reading one label could send me back spiralling into ED territory. There is also the chance that your talking about it, constant logging in her presence, difficultly making food choices due to caloric quality is annoying her and this was her vent. She might not get it and you might be a bit over the top (don't know if either of that is true just possibilities)

    Oh..no matter what her reaon to address the topic...a blog and public address is pretty crappy