Is McDonald's ever ok?



  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    If you want to eat it, that's your decision....HOWEVER

    Personally, I think ALL fast food is poison. Watch Food Inc if you want to know what's in that "harmless" cheeseburger
    Even the Apples from McDonalds are contaminated with chemicals. My sister bought the oatmeal with some apples from there. Ate the oatmeal and forgot about her apples. Those apples, yes still sealed, sat in her garage for THREE days in 80 degree temps. They still looked like they did the day she bought them...that's not right. haha
  • FrayedKnot
    NO, don't go there!
    The curvy M arch is based on an old picture of widening buttocks.
    It's a bum deal!!
  • gentsevetzak
    gentsevetzak Posts: 147 Member
  • suzieduh
    suzieduh Posts: 196 Member
    bump for info
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I had some yesterday. 23 grams of protein.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member

    Is for me! Tastes great!

    Ethically however, it's a different debate :)
  • nothingisred
    I strongly believe you shouldn't completely deprive yourself of things that you like, as long as you eat healthily most of the time. I don't think it's realistic to completely cut out foods and I allow myself to eat things I like in moderation, I know I wouldn't do well without allowing myself the odd treat.

    HOWEVER, I don't think McDonald's is ever okay. If you're looking at it purely from a calories/fat point of view then yes you can eat fast food and fit it into your daily allowances without it causing your diet to come crashing down. But if you actually take some time to think about how much non food stuffs goes into fast food and the effects it has on the body then no way is it okay. Ultimately fast food uses addictive chemicals and that's why you're craving it, not because you or your body actually wants or needs it.

    I rarely eat fast food these days but I do still VERY occasionally, although I try to avoid it if I can (I guess I'm still shaking years of additives). My body just doesn't like it, it's not used to the grease, salt and fat nowadays and I'll always feel sick for the rest of the day and probably have quite a bad stomach ache the next day. Yes it may taste nice for the few minutes I'm eating it, but that is definitely not worth the subsequent agony I'm puttnig my body through! I'm a strong believer in food being as natural as possible, if you're going to have something 'bad' you'll feel a lot better for it having something with natural ingredients.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    It comes down to 'what are YOUR goals'? Are you asking - Can I lose weight if I eat there? Yes, you can. Are you asking - Is their cheeseburger healthy? Well, I think most people would agree that their cheeseburger is filled with fillers, chemicals, and added sugars. If you think that stuff is healthy, well, then, will my thoughts change your opinion? You can lose weight and still eat cheeseburgers from McDonald's. Is it your best choice? No.
    I still eat them occasionally. No longer because I crave them, but because sometimes we travel and that is where the family decides to stop. I don't feel guilty about it, and I don't try to pretend that it is healthy.

    Edited to add: I almost always feel ill after eating there.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    It's a cheeseburger, not crystal meth. Having one every once in a blue moon won't hurt you.

    I'm going to start a cheeseburger lab in my basement. OOOOoooooooooooh it's gonna be gangsta son! Neighbors will be pissed when they smell that hot beef.
  • KateHubb
    KateHubb Posts: 366 Member
    I think so as long as it's not an everyday thing. My favorite fast food is a Jr Deluxe Cheeseburger (no mayo) from Sonic. I eat one once a week for lunch and it's 370 calories. It's something I look forward to usually on Fridays after a week of working hard at the gym and it's not something that will completely ruin my efforts for the week.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    It's a cheeseburger, not crystal meth. Having one every once in a blue moon won't hurt you.

    I'm going to start a cheeseburger lab in my basement. OOOOoooooooooooh it's gonna be gangsta son! Neighbors will be pissed when they smell that hot beef.

  • timmypeace
    timmypeace Posts: 27 Member
    I say Fast Food is horrible. BUT if that is you're craving it, then why not? As long as it fits in your diet then go for it! Clearly, one everyday will only kill you. Once a week as treat would be fine. Go for it!!!!
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    in my opinion, no. i dont agree with the 'everything in moderation' saying. but everyone feels differently. i dont like putting anything into my body that doesnt nurture it and give it quality energy! the way i see it, is why not get subway insteadd? or buy a wholemeal roll and some deli meat and salad from the supermarket and make a sandwhich. or even go to a pub and order grilled chicken and veggies? i just dont find it worth the calories for something thats just... nothing!

    Even at Subway, you still have to watch the sodium.
  • syiyi
    syiyi Posts: 341 Member
    I use to work for mcdonalds!!! I say NO!!! run from that place..
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    I eat McD sporadically. Used to do it more until I started watching my macros more closely.

    But since watching my macros, I started getting the double hamburger instead of the cheeseburger. Same price, roughly the same calorie count, substitute a beef patty for a slice of cheese. Less fat. Think about it, its choices. Which would you rather have, a slice of cheese or another slice o' beef?

    McD's is not evil. If you are 24/7 x3 square meals at McD, you got a problem.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    the best burgers come from, in this order:

    normal restaurants
    chain restaurants (applebee's, chilli's)
    fast food restaurants (mcdonalds, burger king)

    matter of fact, i'm making burgers tonight, with baked frech fries.

    But Apllebee's and Chillis have more calories than anybody. 1 of Chilli's hamburgers has the sodium coiunt of 6 big macs.
  • Suzymo3
    Suzymo3 Posts: 77 Member
    ...only if you're drinking their coffee (which is awesome by the way)

    I agree, the only thing I get at McDonalds is their iced coffee-Yumm!
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    McDonald's is straight up poison. My vote is no, McDonald's is not okay, ever.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    Absolutely. Contrary to popular opinion, no matter *what* your diet philosophy, you can find options that are within your rules at just about any fast food joint. I am low-carb, and I have double cheeseburgers (with no bun or ketchup) at least once a week. Hasn't hurt my food plan at all. It's all about having the willpower to eat there *without* getting the starchy french fries or the sugary coke.

    Check out the documentary "Fat Head," the guy ate nothing but fast food for a month and lost weight doing it. It's on Hulu & Netflix.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    LOL no, McDonald's is the epitome of evil and NEVER ok - don't even look at the arches, they will burn your retinas. You can never eat at mickey d's again if you want to be less than 300 lbs - sorry

    actually, stop this- THIS is the mindset that bothers me most and we are trying to get away from. You can eat anything, anywhere IN MODERATION. log it. own it but for God's sake, don't think of yourself as some kind of second class American who can't live how others do.

    I love you wickedcricket! :flowerforyou: