Does anyone have problems when they get home??



  • Ruchell
    Ruchell Posts: 236 Member
    Yes. I am currently a stay at home mom, so I have the temptation all day. I thought it would be impossible to keep my eating under control--still have struggles, but what has helped me is a schedule. I make rules for myself--no lunch until after I've worked out. When I feel the munchies coming on I make myself walk outside. I also really try to keep plenty of vegetables to eat. I get rid of trigger foods. If my husband wants chocolate ice cream we try only to get a small container. If it's here I'll eat it. When we go out for all-day excursions and I come back home, I usually will stop and get a yogurt or something while we're out so I'm not starving.

    SAHM as well and the schedule thing helps me a lot too. I am usually busy with morning chores, so indent sit down for breakfast until around 11am and from then I can set the earliest I will allow myself to eat lunch or dinner. I know if I'm stuck with a long stretch of time left between lunch and dinner I'm likely to give into cravings.