Annoyed with the Comment "eat something" and more



  • DannyNovela
    DannyNovela Posts: 39 Member
    sometimes people say or make comments like those because they are uncomfortable with the fact that they are wanting to make those choices you made for your life, but for whatever reason they cannot bring themselves to diet correctly or workout. it feels like they want to keep you down because they cannot work themselves to making the lifestyle changes we have decided to make. I believe the missguided concern is really a concern they are expressing about themselves. keep on keepin on man.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    See this is where my sarcastic side would come out. I'd ask something like "Really? I didn't know I changed to you for my primary care physician. When did you get your medical degree?!"

    Ignore the haters, you are doing fine, look fine and are probably WAY healthier than most of them!
  • sara709
    sara709 Posts: 170 Member
    The next time they tell you to eat something say "I eat plenty, just not that" and stress that to make it an insult . . .

    I usually resort to this one.. :happy:
  • cjhorton84
    Or you could just say "but if I ate like you do, then I couldn't do this!"

    Then flex your guns and kiss your biceps.
  • kpxfiles
    kpxfiles Posts: 56 Member
    I have a friend that is skinny, but she eats normal. People have walked into the store where she works and told her the same exact thing "eat something" "You're too skinny" "You're anorexic". My first thought is why do people care so much about what others are doing. My friend simply informs them that she a beautiful healthy person. If you're are happy with yourself that is all that matters.
  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
    I can totally relate. I still have 20 lbs to lose and i have many people saying to me - "youre done now, right?" Ummm no! I know where i am suppose to be and what makes me happy. The funny thing....these are the same people that would stare at everything i use to put in my mouth or comment - "do you REALLY need that?" My favorite was - " you'd be so pretty if you lost weight"! Gotta love it how quickly the comments go from one extreme to the next!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I had one tell me "you better stop going to the gym or you're going to get too skinny"...ugh! I just said "yeah, right"

    Honestly, I think these people just say things like that because they want to justify their own bad habits by trying to portray you as obsessive. Its best to ignore it, and rant on here like you just did. Gives us all a little laugh and an opportunity to get our own ranting in too....

    Keep up the good work!
  • sandislim
    sandislim Posts: 264
    My coworkers hide my healthy food and put bad food on my desk.

    That is so MEAN!
  • polar135
    polar135 Posts: 319 Member
    It's funny, cause my weight goal is based on what is considered healthy, and what will get the best price on life insurance.

    Yes that is one of the many reasons i got healthy is cause i need to upgrade my life insurance shortly (I got married, had a second kid, bought a large house) and if something was to happen to me, i want my family to be ok, and i am more cheap then i am wanting to be fat so reason like 38 to get the healthy was to pay less for health insurance. LOL

    Just to share, since i have lost these 54 pounds, (59 soon), i no longer have gout, i no longer have acid reflex, i no longer have to meds to control my high cholesterol, i no longer have sleep apnea, i keep up with my kids and i could go on but i won't.

  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Your fitness and weight loss is new to them. You are today's news. In a while something else will come along and it will be like you were always this way. Its like when someone has a baby, at first every one pays attention and makes suggestions, sometime unwanted and unhelpful, but pretty soon the attention dies down and they can't remember your kid's name. Don't worry, your 15 minutes of fame/attention will pass.
  • klamont9
    Let them criticise. If you're happy with the way you look, that's great!

    Just a thought, though; 1600 cals a day is not 'tons'. The recommendation for men these days is 2500. Even at 2000, you're undereating by around a day and a half every week. If you're comfortable with the amount you eat, it isn't really a problem but it's not really right to say you're eating a lot.

    I'm also 5-9 and MFP had me eating 1,650 per day to lose 1 lb a week. So he's fine in that range, but you're right that it is not "tons."
  • Misk813
    Misk813 Posts: 7 Member
    Next time, just reply "NEVAAAARRRRR!" and stomp a cupcake into the asphalt, cackling maniacally!


  • Vivian_Phoenix
    I don't understand why people make those comments.. but I had a friend tell me to stop going to the gym because i was "losing my tush" I had only lost no more than 7 lbs.. so it was strange that she had said that to me.

    needless to see, I keep her at a distance, because I realize that she will more likely than not be a hinderance to my weight loss and pursuit of health.

    I know how you feel, I dont know what to do about things like that either.
  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    Anyone stop to think it might be their way of giving him a compliment? I get those too, and just smile.

    there is another side too;
    Only one guy said I was looking gaunt. But what we have to realize that they are used to seeing us much heavier, so to them we may look to thin.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    My coworkers hide my healthy food and put bad food on my desk.

    Are you serious? Me thinks I wouldn't handle that very well.
  • polar135
    polar135 Posts: 319 Member
    and i still have bad habits, i still smoke, i still drink a few times a month. (I will quit smoking soon) I still eat pizza and i still have bad days but It doesn't matter what people say. All that matters is that i am doing the right thing for me, and teach my kids healthy habits that i was never taught!

    (My 10 year old daughter is running her first organized run next weekend the "MONSTER MILE" while i run a 10K)

    TOTAL PARENT WIN and it makes the last 6 months totally better then it already was.
  • Phroggygirl1
    Ohhh I wouldn't put that by a guy NOT to do just cause he weighs more... Men are funny creatures....

    But, I am proud of your gumption to stick to your change and not let their heckling get to you.
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    It's similar ignorance to people who assume that all overweight people need to do in order to lose weight is eat less.
    Everyone's body works differently. My younger brother eats 2000 calories more than me each day, yet never puts a pound on. I don't really know why it's like this, but it is.
  • polar135
    polar135 Posts: 319 Member
    And that's how i handled it. I smiled, said thank you and moved on.

    Anyone stop to think it might be their way of giving him a compliment? I get those too, and just smile.

    there is another side too;
    Only one guy said I was looking gaunt. But what we have to realize that they are used to seeing us much heavier, so to them we may look to thin.
  • shellbell1993
    shellbell1993 Posts: 315 Member
    It's funny, cause my weight goal is based on what is considered healthy, and what will get the best price on life insurance.

    Yes that is one of the many reasons i got healthy is cause i need to upgrade my life insurance shortly (I got married, had a second kid, bought a large house) and if something was to happen to me, i want my family to be ok, and i am more cheap then i am wanting to be fat so reason like 38 to get the healthy was to pay less for health insurance. LOL

    Just to share, since i have lost these 54 pounds, (59 soon), i no longer have gout, i no longer have acid reflex, i no longer have to meds to control my high cholesterol, i no longer have sleep apnea, i keep up with my kids and i could go on but i won't.


    CONGRATS!! This is all that matters,really!!!!