does myfitnesspal work for YOU!?

i want to know how you are doing with this wonderful program and see hows it is working for you. And is it difficult at times to log ?everything in ? Also one more thing, do you actully wieght that much in 5 weeks or close to there?

Thanks for you time :D


  • riccoismydog
    riccoismydog Posts: 319 Member
    Yes. Anything that keeps you accountable and gives you support is wonderful!

    And I've lost five or more pounds in 28 days.
  • MlleDee
    MlleDee Posts: 90 Member
    I have found my weight loss to be on par with the prediction. But I know it sure is hard to imagine at first. I promised myself to log EVERYTHING. If I have a sample or a bite of something I log it. The difficulties in logging little things like this, keep me from eating them...and when I do eat them it holds me accountable for them.

    This site is working for me. I hope you find it to work for you too.
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    Hell yes, it does! I log from home, work, & on the go with my cell phone. I've made a really great friend (I met on here!)who makes my life so much more interesting. I'd say 200lbs in 8 months says it works like a charm.:noway: :drinker:
  • aWashCloth
    aWashCloth Posts: 198 Member
    I have been doing this for four weeks now. I Log EVERY SINGLE calorie I put in my mouth and every single calorie I burn in the gym. It keeps me aware of how much time I am working out and how many calories I eat.. It makes me really focus on portions and being sure I eat lower calorie stuff so I can still get enough in me for the entire day.. Its been amazing

    In 4 weeks.. Ive lost 17lbs!! Its been wonderful.
  • hlouisej
    You have to be honest with yourself and MFP or it dosen't work. Myself I noticed a slow start and then 2 months down the line I'm on target. Top line is no cheating.
  • JsGirl93
    JsGirl93 Posts: 1,156
    Yes, it does. I don't find logging hard at all.
  • NyxDominique
    NyxDominique Posts: 271 Member
    When you use the website correctly. Yes, it works for you.

    Over the summer I was able to lose 10 pds between using the website to count calories, tracking excerise, and making myself accountable.

    My weightloss has dramatically slowed down now that I am back at school, but that is my own fault. I am not excerising like I was over the summer. I am also not keeping as accurate track of my food intake. (snacks add up)

    So you really have to be honest with yourself when you log your food and your excerise. If you do this site will work for you.

    If you are not ready to admit to yourself what you eat and how much, then it will not.

    Have fun and good luck!
  • neuro316
    neuro316 Posts: 42 Member
    So far, so good!

    That said, any tool is only going to be as good as the person using it. Unless you have some specific health issues, I think the numbers on MFP are applicable for the vast majority of people, and there's no need to try to second guess the numbers or go for a much larger deficit than MFP suggests.

    Also, by looking at the specific calorie levels on MFP I finally learned why someone like me who only needs to lose 20-30 pounds shouldn't expect to lose at a 2 lb/week rate. Now that I know that 1 lb/week is realistic (and so far I've actually lost 6 pounds over just under 5 weeks), I don't get disappointed in my rate of weight loss, and i just keep feeling encouraged and ready to keep at it.
  • Shaz_74
    Shaz_74 Posts: 100 Member
    Logging has become a lot easier since I started saving foods in "My Meals" - make use of that feature! .... and yes I'm on target with the 5 week prediction, I've been staying (+/-) 50cals within my daily caloric goal.
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    SunshineKisses_2012 Posts: 471 Member
    Hell yes, it does! I log from home, work, & on the go with my cell phone. I've made a really great friend (I met on here!)who makes my life so much more interesting. I'd say 200lbs in 8 months says it works like a charm.:noway: :drinker:

    Holy cr@p!! That is awesome!!! I hope I can get to ONEDERLAND by my birthday in 17 weeks...that will be 45 lbs off in that amount of time. I don't know if I can, but I would LOVE to be there by the time I turn 32!!

    This site DOES work. I am the first to admit that logging calories seemed like a HUGE waste of time and energy, however I have sucked it up - considered the fact that I have been up and down and up and down my whole life - and I was kinda tired of being on that roller coaster. I have tried everything else BUT doing it the healthy way AND for the right reason (ME!). Three months later, I was down 28 lbs - totalled out to 9.33 lbs per month!! I haven't been perfect all the time, I have my off days, but when I feel like quitting, I take it to my friends and they are SO wonderful at lifting my spirits and seeing me through!

    I couldn't have done this without them. <3
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    I have no idea if I will weigh that in 5 weeks.... however tonight I had load of alcohol and I will probably bloat out like a balloon. Walking biking and other **** is in order......

    But yes it helps.....
  • Phoenix1401
    Phoenix1401 Posts: 711 Member
    Hell yes, it does! I log from home, work, & on the go with my cell phone. I've made a really great friend (I met on here!)who makes my life so much more interesting. I'd say 200lbs in 8 months says it works like a charm.:noway: :drinker:

    I love it here! I keep track on my phone the support here is amazing! Also I've made a great friend on here who is upbeat, funny and charming and keeps me motivated and inspires me to work harder!
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    Hell yes, it does! I log from home, work, & on the go with my cell phone. I've made a really great friend (I met on here!)who makes my life so much more interesting. I'd say 200lbs in 8 months says it works like a charm.:noway: :drinker:

    I love it here! I keep track on my phone the support here is amazing! Also I've made a great friend on here who is upbeat, funny and charming and keeps me motivated and inspires me to work harder!

    :love: :flowerforyou:
  • l_oudman
    l_oudman Posts: 373 Member
    You better believe it!! MFP is an amazing tool for accountability (that thing that makes you lose the weight) and the support and encouragement you get along the way is the added bonus, the icing on the cake.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    MFP has worked for me - 22kg (nearly 50 pounds) since January, though I lost most of that in the first 6 months and am just aiming to lose a little more or stay the same now.
    Logging becomes routine after a while and much easier once you have recipes, meals or foods in these sections.
    The 5 week prediction has been pretty accurate for me - because I stick pretty close to my recommended net calories. If you eat wildly under or over on different days then you aren't going to get an accurate 5 week prediction.

    My opinion is that MFP can work for anyone if you make the committment to eat well, exercise regularly and log accurately enough.
    It isn't an overnight solution and won't do the work on it's own, you have to use this tool to make it work.
  • stevenleagle
    stevenleagle Posts: 293 Member
    Oh, I misread the topic. I thought it said "do your myfitnesspals work for you?" Then i was going to say, "no" and watch all my friends disappear! (I am just kidding right?!)

    In all seriousness, I have been logging continuously for around 4 months now and have achieved great results (11 kgs of weight loss but lots more strength and energy as well!) Although I feel that I was always nutrition savvy (though exercised relatively little over the past decade or so) Its the first time that I have used a "food diary" to monitor my calories and I find that it has been really useful to me. Not just from a calorie control point of view but also in helping me recognise when I am more likely to over-eat. It is a really useful accountability tool!

    I have also found all the encouragement that I receive from mfp friends (and these forums) fantastic too. There are days when I feel it is great to be able to keep myself in check by reading other's comments. There are days when motivating others motivates me too! This really is a great community!

    so yes overall, myfitnesspal does work for me. And yes, all you myfitnesspals also work for me too. Hang on... that doesn't sound right does it? Where are you all going? Oh oh....
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    Works for me. I usually put me main meals in my diary in the morning then I can make changes if it comes out to high and I know how many calories I got left over for snacks. It has helped me make better food choices :drinker:
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    Works for me too. As long as you don't cheat and lie to it, MFP is a friend you can't do without!!!

    Before, I'd pick at things and not think about the calorie content - now, I log EVERYTHING, even if I go over my limit, as it gives me something to look back on if I have a good/bad week, and makes me so much more aware of how much I'm eating.

    Take last night for example - I always ease back on a Friday as it's my weighing day - (it works for me, doesn't work for everyone I know) - I ate a huge bar of fruit and nut chocolate that I'd seen on sale - wouldn't normally worry about having eaten such a huge bar (the old me) but it put me nearly 800 over for the day, so as I'm dog sitting at the moment, I took the dog for a walk, and as soon as the pool opens this morning I'm going for a swim.

    I think if I stopped using MFP now I'd gradually slip back into my old ways - it's so easy to do. I've come too far to undo all the good I've done so looks like MFP is a lifelong buddy!
  • frankie2637
    frankie2637 Posts: 66 Member

    At first it felt like I was always logging in and checking things on the data base and it kind of took over my life but in a good way.

    It has made me look always at the calorie content of the food I buy and I dont waste as much food. For example, before I would just throw pasta in the pot and cook for the family and there was always left overs that didnt get used. Now its all weighed out per person and nothing gets wasted.

    I have started now logging in the morning most of the things I am planning to eat during the day, especially if its a long day at work. that way I know what calories I have left. I even log my exercise that I have planned for that day, that way there it makes sure I do it, especially on those days where you could easily stay sitting on the sofa, and we all have had those days!!!

    Its nice to have friends to congratulate you on your achievements, who share the same struggles as you, and ups and downs when it comes to losing weight. Your friends on here are your biggest support network and they will give you a kick up the bum when you need it.

    MFP works but as said before, dont lie to it, your only kidding yourself.
  • Faeriegirl74
    Faeriegirl74 Posts: 187 Member
    I log everything, even on my bad keeps me true to my word. MFP does work - but it takes effort on your part to make it work. As earlier posts stated, the predictor for weight loss in 5 weeks is pretty much on par. I weigh myself weekly on MFP and I track everything - from the computer all the way to tracking via my iPhone on the app. It's great!!!