does myfitnesspal work for YOU!?



  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    It's very easy to log with a smart phone. I log everything-I am very honest. The *** in 5 weeks would be accurate for me IF I followed everyday the same.

    I have some "bad" days, but that's what makes this doable is I can have some bad/good days and I still lose and it keeps me from getting too far off track.

    I wish there was an extra tool that would say what you will weigh in 2.5 weeks if the previous 2.5 weeks were the same. I wished it would add total calories for a week or month too
  • wagreen
    wagreen Posts: 76 Member
    It's the best thing I have ever tried. The good out weigh the bad. I have found great pals who are full of support. I am more committed to my goal and to myself. I just feel so good using this site.
  • wagreen
    wagreen Posts: 76 Member
    It's the best thing I have ever tried. The good out weigh the bad. I have found great pals who are full of support. I am more committed to my goal and to myself. I just feel so good using this site.
  • wagreen
    wagreen Posts: 76 Member
    Me too....keep it up!
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    MFP is a tool, and a tool does not work unless it is utilized.
    People who work their goals and use these resources will succeed, and those who do not shall fail, blaming MFP, the government, their genes, thyroid or bad parenting.

    It works if you work it.
  • AddA2UDE
    AddA2UDE Posts: 382
    MFP is a tool, and a tool does not work unless it is utilized.
    People who work their goals and use these resources will succeed, and those who do not shall fail, blaming MFP, the government, their genes, thyroid or bad parenting.

    It works if you work it.

    What!?!? I can't blame "goverment parenting genes"? That's it! I quit! :)
  • aklitten
    aklitten Posts: 237 Member
    I have certainly benefited from MFP. Even though I've only lost 15 pounds, people notice a difference (I joined in November). It helps me stay accountable and honest about what I put into my mouth. It helps me with portion control and really knowing what's in my food and how much is enough and how much is TOO much! I have learned a lot about myself and my eating habits and it's made a huge difference. Sure, logging isn't always fun, but I need to know that people are out there, watching out for me and paying attention. The support is amazing!
  • It works if you log EVERYTHING and of course exercise. I have gone on and off and found I'm happier when I am on here talking with new friends that all have the same mind set, and keep myself in check with logging. When I get too busy and don't log I feel as though I'm cheating myself. Hoping after I move and settle, I will get back on track, but YES it will work for you if you use it faithfully.
  • Art63
    Art63 Posts: 87
    There sure are a lot of success stories posted here. I don't think there was one person who wrote that this site hasn't helped them in some way. That's to be expected since those that didn't find it helpful are probably long gone, Nevertheless, seeing that so many people are helped is encouraging.

    I'm a new member (1 month now) and I like using the site to log my food and exercise. I'm probably driving my family and friends nuts with my constant talking about "can't eat that" and "I wonder how many calories are in that" but I'm sure that'll taper off the longer I do this.

    Anyway, thanks to all who wrote to tell of your experiences as that is good encouragement.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    This site is the ONLY thing that has worked for me!!! I love it and don't plan on quitting anytime soon. I can't find support on here anywhere else like I do on here, and I love being able to help others, get advice, find recipes, etc. It's AMAZING! :)
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    Ive had success on and off MFP. I wouldn't call it a program per say just a tool that makes things easy to track and yes you get support and are accountable but, I find being accountable to myself helps more than to someone else even though chatting with friends is good motivation. What has helped me in general is CONSTANT research and reading into healthy eating and finding what works for me. A lot of that can't be done on MFP but you get some decent info sometimes. Then using MFP to track my diet. Also you have to stick with it. In the beginning it can et discouraging. Going over on things and be under calories some days. You just have to find the perfect balance and use the site to keep track of that. :)
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    If you are serious, you will always end up back here on MFP. **** happens and people fall off the wagon or take a break.
    Eating right and exercising is a learning experience and doesn't happen over night. Its a lifestyle change.
    When you realize how important being healthy is then you will really fight for it. I blame the FDA and all these food companies for putting this **** on the shelves and in restaurants and making it very hard for anyone to eat healthy.

    One day at a time just like any other habit changes you make.

    Add lots of supportive friends and get involved, it will make it much easier to stick with when you make friends on here!
  • KellyEdwards85
    KellyEdwards85 Posts: 35 Member
    Yes I can say it does work. Since Oct 16th i've logged in absolutely everything I eat and every calorie I burned. I also exercise about 6 days a week. I've lost 10 pounds in 8 weeks. Thats pretty good for me since i dont have alot of weight to loose (about 17 - 20 lbs is my goal)
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    This site has been a great tool for me. In many ways, as a tracker, a community of support and a resource for information. I believe I would not have been nearly as successful if I hadn't found this. 18.5lbs from my goal. I will be successful with MFP and all my friends' help.
  • Natalie49
    Natalie49 Posts: 210 Member
    Yes! Why wouldn't it?
    Great friends for support.
    Logging food and exercise is easy.
    Updates your goals/weight loss journey

    I love it.
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,095 Member
    MFP is like all other websites that allow you to track food and exercise calories. It is YOU / ME that needs to use it properly. Be honest with yourself and record everything you eat and also be honest about what you burn during exercise. Be consistent and you will succeed.
  • cherigurl
    cherigurl Posts: 184 Member
    This site is awesome. It works for me. Once I started i log everything, and i was amazed at how fast the wrong foods add up, I am not perfect and do slip up a bit, just yesterday i had burger king for lunch, I went home did my mommy duties then jumped on the treadmil for 30 min and burned most of it off and had a REAL LIGHT dinner, but this site has been a life saver and it is great support from the people on here.:smile:
  • noelslp
    noelslp Posts: 52 Member
    For me, having a food journal and really seeing the breakdown of calories, fat, protein, carbs, etc. really helps me. Knowing that I have to log each meal and snack makes me accountable and makes me think before I mindlessly shove an entire bag of doritos down my throat. I also now weigh everything out, which I have never down before and find it really helpful. If a serving size says 1/3 of a cup, I take out my measuring cups and make sure it's accurate. It's also wonderful and motivating talking to the other people on this sight and getting words of encouragement from them. I love seeing the comments after I log in some exercise! I've only been on here for a short time, but I'm really enjoying it, and I've already lost 6 pounds.
  • noelslp
    noelslp Posts: 52 Member
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    MFP has totally worked for me, and for that i will be forever grateful! Especially since it's FREE! :D

    I log anything with a calorie value of 30+. I leave myself a 150-200 calorie buffer to account for errors and things like my tea that i have 10-12 cups a day.

    The main thing i have got from this site though is education. Sure, it takes a bit of effort to sift through the mountains of slurry that makes up most of the "information" people put forward, most of which is just recycled myths, but by reading the research certain posters put up, you learn who actually knows their stuff and who doesn't.

    Joe, Acg, Sidesteal, Sunshine et all...Cheers! :drinker: