does myfitnesspal work for YOU!?



  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    Yes. Now I know how much I'm eating! Before I would just estimate, and I heavily underestimated! :laugh: It also helps me to stop eating, seeing the cals. go up. :blushing:
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I think I learned about the connnection between wheat and hypothyroidism on here when I joined in August.. I went low carb and dropped alot more after struggling with only losing 9lb since June.

    I've learned loads about importance of muscle etc and my initial goals have changed.. though I'm still battling with fear of eating too much and piling the weight back on, but hope that will disappear by the time I reach my goal weight.

    I think the support you get from here is vital and would give up otherwise if people didn't answer posts or felt like I was getting no support.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    i want to know how you are doing with this wonderful program and see hows it is working for you. And is it difficult at times to log ?everything in ? Also one more thing, do you actully wieght that much in 5 weeks or close to there?
    Thanks for you time :D WE CAN DO IT!
    mfp for me is nothing but a bunch of message boards, i dont log anymore because too many of the foods arent updated and are incorrect. Plus, i log more macros than there are spaces on here. I do, however, have about 50spiral notebooks where ive written my info daily for over 2 years. I cant say that writing it down is difficult so much as it gets tedious. And my physical changes arent because i wrote what i ate, its because i changed what i was eating and began working out (i mean, really. We all know 6 poptarts and half a box of mac and cheese daily ismt conducive to good health.)
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    i dont log anymore because too many of the foods arent updated and are incorrect.

    You know you can add them yourself, instead of just relying on what others have put in, right?
  • withoutaname
    withoutaname Posts: 64 Member
    Yes! This website is the answer that I've been looking for.

    I am almost always at my computer and having something right there where I can track my intake is brilliant. I have an awful memory and can't estimate things very well, so having something right there to record my food and exercise is great. I can also plan my meals out in advance.

    Even if it's slightly inaccurate (and gets rather frustrating when some things are not in the database and I don't know what I just ate!) I still end up losing weight so I must be doing something right. I couldn't have imagined losing 8 kilos a few months ago.

    I've also learned the importance of food. I mean, whenever I attempted to "diet" I ate nothing and would give up. MFP has finally opened my eyes and made me realise that eating calories is good, not bad, but of course in moderation.

    I haven't even mentioned this to anyone in real life (apart from my mum) about my weight loss because I don't want to speak out about it to them, but online it's so great.
    MFP is making the really difficult process surprisingly simple and easy for me, and having people there to support me is wonderful.
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    Myfitnesspal rules. I don't follow the eating recommendations for calories though, I eat around +400-500 more than it recommends and lose about 1-2 pounds per week. It's what works for my body. As for the thing after you click to complete your diary, I am going to have to say that yes, it probably is pretty close. I don't pay too much attention to it though.
  • _JamieB_
    _JamieB_ Posts: 417 Member
    See ticker below....seems to be working for me!
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    i dont log anymore because too many of the foods arent updated and are incorrect.

    You know you can add them yourself, instead of just relying on what others have put in, right?

    I'm usually on my phone, where i can't even use the search tool :( besides, for all that effort, i can just write it in my notebook :)
  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    Also, by looking at the specific calorie levels on MFP I finally learned why someone like me who only needs to lose 20-30 pounds shouldn't expect to lose at a 2 lb/week rate. Now that I know that 1 lb/week is realistic (and so far I've actually lost 6 pounds over just under 5 weeks), I don't get disappointed in my rate of weight loss, and i just keep feeling encouraged and ready to keep at it.

    I can completely agree with this. Before I joined MFP I thought 2lbs a week was a healthy weight loss for me (154 lbs starting weight). But you can't be in a hurry to do it, and you can't be impatient and expecting results right away because you'll either work yourself too hard and give up, or not see instant results and give up. Slow and steady and I know I'll get there eventually. (:
  • TMafua
    TMafua Posts: 4 Member
    I have been using the app/program for 6 months now and have lost 28lbs. I have the will power and I have the drive to work out regularly. What has REALLY helped is keeping track of EVERYTHING I eat. It helps me to plan better and make more out of the calories I am allowed for the day. It also motivates me to work out more regularly because then I can snack more if I need to. On the weekends (and some weeknights) I want a glass of wine or two. There's no guilt if I have worked for it - in fact, it's a reward. It hasn't been hard for me to find time to enter my food for the day. I visit the site on my computer, I have the app on my phone and tablets and I have several meals that I have saved. This has been the most helpful tool I have ever used.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I just wish it had been around when I went on my first diet, in my teens. Or at least when I was in my twenties and had no idea that 1200/day to lose 2 pounds per week isn't calculated for people with very physical jobs and who work out!

    I was doing it all wrong all along and had no idea until I found this site.
  • nellyb2011
    nellyb2011 Posts: 167 Member
    So very true.
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member
    its helping me along with diet change. i try to log everything, sometimes i forget. i weigh myself several times a day out of habit, i log whenever i lose below the lowest last weight I logged, or if there is a significant gain.
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