Looking for "Skinny-Fat" Friends



  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I'm skinny fat. Yep. 5'2 (or 5'1" barefoot!) and I weigh 121.8 right now. I am a little buff and trying to shred the fat to show it off. People always think I'm so "TINY" and balk when they find out I work out and eat healthy. I'm like, "you don't see me naked so what the heck do you know!?" Anyway, obese people have a hard time understanding us "skinny fat" folks goals.
  • mojiwoji
    That'd be me too I guess! At 5'7" 150 lbs. right now and have some muscle, just need to lose a few pounds to show it off!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    That's me too I guess. I'm short, 4'10" and weigh 93(which is actually 2 lbs lighter than when I started on here). I am not fat but I am very jiggly. I have been doing New Rules of Lifting for Women and I think I'm seeing results. My legs are getting stronger. My goal is to flatten my stomach and hips. I have been eating lower carb and limiting sugar/wheat. I believe I can contribute the weight loss to that.

    It's great that you are seeing progress. I've just bought NROLFW, but haven't started yet. I'm curious to know whether you have been eating a surplus of calories - the thing about needing a surplus to build muscle? I'm scared of doing that but would like more muscle, so not sure what to do.

    I haven't really been eating at a surplus. I guess I am afraid to increase to the limit where the book says I should be. Actually I think I'd find it hard to eat 1800 calories on workout days because I just don't have a big appetite and I am carb cutting. I did increase to around maintenance level though instead of the 1200 mfp put me at.

    I know, it's difficult to know what to do, isn't it? But I think it is impossible, or almost impossible, to build muscle without a surplus. I think I'm going to carry on as I am until I'm happy with my bodyfat % then increase the calorie intake to build muscle.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Yeah, I'm torn about raising my intake. I keep saying that I'm going to increase on workout days but then I don't. I don't want to end up just filling up the deficit with junk. But on the other hand I want to see results from the lifting I've been doing. I'm in the middle of Stage 2 right now and I don't think I'm looking any different. I feel stronger and I am definitely feeling it after the workout. My husband says he is noticing a difference. I think it's hard for me to be objective because I never like the way I look in the mirror. Even though the scale says I've lost 2 pounds I don't think I look any different. My family and friends think I am insane.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Yeah, I'm torn about raising my intake. I keep saying that I'm going to increase on workout days but then I don't. I don't want to end up just filling up the deficit with junk. But on the other hand I want to see results from the lifting I've been doing. I'm in the middle of Stage 2 right now and I don't think I'm looking any different. I feel stronger and I am definitely feeling it after the workout. My husband says he is noticing a difference. I think it's hard for me to be objective because I never like the way I look in the mirror. Even though the scale says I've lost 2 pounds I don't think I look any different. My family and friends think I am insane.

    Ha ha! Yes, the word 'insane' is one I've heard too! Try to let it drift over you; it's a really good thing you are doing for your body and soul. :smile:
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    I'm a big fan of free-weights. I really feel like I have so much more control after using them.
  • lisakatelaunspach
    Hay feel free 2 add me :D I'm 127lbs so not over weight but at 26% body fat I'm overfat :( very frustrating that a lot of pple don't understand my goals because I don't look big.
  • lisakatelaunspach
    Hay feel free 2 add me :D I'm 127lbs so not over weight but at 26% body fat I'm overfat :( very frustrating that a lot of pple don't understand my goals because I don't look big.
  • NoDairy
    NoDairy Posts: 88
    "If you look good with clothes on but its a nightmare with them off then you are skinny fat or a skinnier version of your fat self"

    I still have cellulite, it comes and goes, my mommy pooch also comes and goes.
    Im depressed with my skin but i need to keep pushing and saving up for that tummy tuck ;)
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    I don't know if I fit here, but feel like I'm getting closer to my goal, but need some major tonage (is that even a word?) I'm 5'6 and weigh between 129 and 133 depending on the day). I've been running, but have added in more weights and butt bible workouts to help. I have some loose skin from weight loss and having 3 kids so I'm not sure how that will play into reaching my goals.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    <--- Skinny-fat as all hell 1 year ago. Not fun :(
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    New goal- run a half marathon, and get a girl six-pack! (not too defined, just enough so that I shows I have muscles!) :D
  • allie1904
    allie1904 Posts: 248
    Can I join?

    I wouldn't call myself skinny, I'm more of the fat but at 5ft 7.5" and 141lbs, I don't really fit in anywhere else.

    I'm very very wibbly wobbly.

    People just say you carry it well, you're broad, when I'm not, I know I have an extra couple of inches of fat on each hip bone. In actual fact, if I was toned I would be quite lampost like not 'big-boned'.

    I've been trying to get to 126lb for forever and a day (what feels like), maintained at 133-134 for a year which was fine but went on holiday in the summer and put on alot in two weeks.

    So now I'm trying to get back to 133 and then some :love:

    I really struggle with finding what works for me so at the moment I am just purely trying to get rid of the fat as I have no idea about where to start with the tone thing. It's cardio all the way at the mo :ohwell:

    Anyone feel free to add me :blushing:
  • SexSeaCow
    SexSeaCow Posts: 21 Member
    It's hard as a woman to find a good workout routine that doesn't bulk us up. The key to maintaining tone and strength without adding too much muscle mass (and getting those bulky biceps) is low weight + high reps. Small weights like 3lb or even no weights with high reps will give you nice toned, strong arms without the bulk. Think Jennifer Aniston. :)
    Personally, I love lifting and always used to go overboard. Even training with a personal trainer you have to be careful because the generic trainers at like 24-hour or where ever, especially male trainers, don't always realize that your goal isn't to be super buff. Good luck!
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    So, I was looking over my food diary and I am a carboholic. I can't live without bowls of dry cereal in the evening. Please tell me I don't have to give up my Cinnamon Life to tone up!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    So, I was looking over my food diary and I am a carboholic. I can't live without bowls of dry cereal in the evening. Please tell me I don't have to give up my Cinnamon Life to tone up!

    I have found in general it's easier for me to reach my goals if I am eating more protein and less carbs. I, too have had to give up my nightly bowls of cereal. Now I eat cottage cheese or some nuts if I'm feeling snacky.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    i think i'm officially skinny fat. 5'3.75" at 129 lbs (I've a big boned frame!). My body fat is around 24% I'm ultimately shooting for a body fat percentage around 18. I don't know if i need to lose "weight" so much as I want more muscle and less flab.

    I started MFP almost two years ago at 174 lbs. I was going between 162 and 174 for a good six years. MFP really helped me find my way outta that horrid cycle. I've always been big on exercise- my lifestyle is rather active. So this predicament of being skinny fat while exercising and watching my diet is a bit of a struggle. I'd say MFP got me down to 145 super easy. Then every 5 lb marker after that was a huge struggle. I used HIIT to get down to 135. I started watching my carbs to get down to 130.

    I think I will probably weigh 121 when I finally get to 18% body fat. So I'll say I have 8 lbs of tenacious and problematic fat to get rid of before i hit my goal!
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    also, I'm a vegetarian...so I Have some trouble following the advice to eat high protein low carb. I try. I don't eat tons of bagels or pizza (well, NORMALLY i don't! haha! this past weekend is a different story!). I try to eat lots of beans and tofu and yogurt and veggie burgers and protein shakes....but at this point, i'm thinking my next goal may be to eat "clean"...i.e. get to eating more pure foods. I even kick around the idea of becomeing a raw foodist again.
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    I'm totally skinny fat! 5'2" 116 pounds

    I'm not concerned with losing weight, it wouldn't even really bother me to gain a little - I'm more interested in shaping and toning
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm totally skinny fat! 5'2" 116 pounds

    I'm not concerned with losing weight, it wouldn't even really bother me to gain a little - I'm more interested in shaping and toning

    Me too. I've been following The New Rules of Lifting for Women, which is a 7 stage program where you lift heavy to build muscle and burn fat. I love it.