November Zombie Apocalypse Challange



  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Sweet I love this challenge. I am so in.. if you let me! I haven't read it all yet because I can't really concentrate atm (I'd love to know why my adderall isnt working?) but from what I read I have just a few issues-- I can't do jumping jacks or the guy in the apartment below me will get mad as heck :grumble: annd does the nerd fitness side have a how-to video of what dumbbell rows and planks are? I am kinda new to fitness :embarassed: .. can I still be in w/o the jumping jacks? :ohwell:

    yes, the post i wrote has links. the link has a video of his entire work out, dumb bell rows and planks.

    the 100 jumpink jacks are to build your cardio up quickly, so you need to find something that you can do. what about one hundered punches? yes, punches. crouch down and punch back and forth.
  • BrendarB
    BrendarB Posts: 2,770 Member
    I'm in - I can add this as a mini WOD at the end of my workouts!
  • serenity920
    serenity920 Posts: 31 Member
    I am IN!!! Can't wait - I love it
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Ummmm. I'll try it. It scares me a bit though. I'm hardly able to run 2 miles in 19 minutes so the sprints kinda worry me.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Ummmm. I'll try it. It scares me a bit though. I'm hardly able to run 2 miles in 19 minutes so the sprints kinda worry me.

    like i said, i've never done sprints before either. this is a time challange, not distance. so i'm going to go for a 4 minute warm-up run, then 1 minute at 80% of my max, then back to 40%. my challange is the time, not the distance.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Ummmm. I'll try it. It scares me a bit though. I'm hardly able to run 2 miles in 19 minutes so the sprints kinda worry me.

    like i said, i've never done sprints before either. this is a time challange, not distance. so i'm going to go for a 4 minute warm-up run, then 1 minute at 80% of my max, then back to 40%. my challange is the time, not the distance.

    Well, I'm in. I'm going to do my Jillian Michaels Shred it With Weights as well. :) Is it just for the month of November?
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Ummmm. I'll try it. It scares me a bit though. I'm hardly able to run 2 miles in 19 minutes so the sprints kinda worry me.

    like i said, i've never done sprints before either. this is a time challange, not distance. so i'm going to go for a 4 minute warm-up run, then 1 minute at 80% of my max, then back to 40%. my challange is the time, not the distance.

    Well, I'm in. I'm going to do my Jillian Michaels Shred it With Weights as well. :) Is it just for the month of November?

    yes, all of november. think of it as a way to prepare your body for the onslaught that will be thanksgiving.

    everyone: take a picture of yourself on November 1st and save it. on Nov 30th take another picture and see how much of a difference this training will make!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    to clarify, i'd like for the minimum you do on your strength day to be the 100 jumping jacks and 4 minute drill. however, if you are going to do a full and complete strength/circuit training, feel free to disregard the 4 minute drill. for instance, on days that i work that i have scheduled for myself to do strength, i will only do the quick drill. on my strength days off, i will not do that drill and do either my 30 Day shred, shred it with weights, or my own full 30 minute general circuit training.

    like wise, if you can't go a full 24 minute run, try to build up to that and keep building. change it up with an endurance run once every third run or so.

    this is as flexible as a challenge as there can be. you can be free to change it up, schedule your own days, etc. i only emphasize that you do not do something back to back, i.e. Mon- run, tues-run, wed-strength, thurs-strength. my first week looks like this 1-run, 2-strength, 3-run, 4- rest etc.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    I know it's not November yet, but I may as well get a head start on the zombies...I haven't been doing any strength training (just swimming/elliptical/kickboxing) so I'm going to start off with just the "4 minute drill" - I did it today for the first time and I know you didn't ask for results, but I'll tell you anyways :)

    100 jumping jacks
    51 pushups (on knees for now)
    101 squats
    51 dumbbell rows on each arm with an 8lb weight

    the pushups/squats/rows took about 7.5 minutes for me to do. Since I swam this morning too I will say my arms are now dead (we did 4 X broken 500s descending). Many thanks engineman!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    I know it's not November yet, but I may as well get a head start on the zombies...I haven't been doing any strength training (just swimming/elliptical/kickboxing) so I'm going to start off with just the "4 minute drill" - I did it today for the first time and I know you didn't ask for results, but I'll tell you anyways :)

    100 jumping jacks
    51 pushups (on knees for now)
    101 squats
    51 dumbbell rows on each arm with an 8lb weight

    the pushups/squats/rows took about 7.5 minutes for me to do. Since I swam this morning too I will say my arms are now dead (we did 4 X broken 500s descending). Many thanks engineman!

    that is awesome!!! way to go!!! 51 motherf%^&ing pushups??!?! holy crap!!!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    I know it's not November yet, but I may as well get a head start on the zombies...I haven't been doing any strength training (just swimming/elliptical/kickboxing) so I'm going to start off with just the "4 minute drill" - I did it today for the first time and I know you didn't ask for results, but I'll tell you anyways :)

    100 jumping jacks
    51 pushups (on knees for now)
    101 squats
    51 dumbbell rows on each arm with an 8lb weight

    the pushups/squats/rows took about 7.5 minutes for me to do. Since I swam this morning too I will say my arms are now dead (we did 4 X broken 500s descending). Many thanks engineman!

    that is awesome!!! way to go!!! 51 motherf%^&ing pushups??!?! holy crap!!!

    on my knees!!! haha...I could probably do like 5 "real" ones
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    on my knees!!! haha...I could probably do like 5 "real" ones

    51 assisted pushups are better than 1000 sitting-your-butt-on-the-couch-watching-tv-ups

  • What I do have, however, is the 40 yard 'punch-the-guy-standing-next-to-me-in-the-throat-and-push-him-over-for-zombie-bait-and-then-run'. I think that will work pretty well too =)

  • BerylX
    BerylX Posts: 108 Member
    I love it!
  • LaComadreja14
    LaComadreja14 Posts: 277 Member
    Sweet I love this challenge. I am so in.. if you let me! I haven't read it all yet because I can't really concentrate atm (I'd love to know why my adderall isnt working?) but from what I read I have just a few issues-- I can't do jumping jacks or the guy in the apartment below me will get mad as heck :grumble: annd does the nerd fitness side have a how-to video of what dumbbell rows and planks are? I am kinda new to fitness :embarassed: .. can I still be in w/o the jumping jacks? :ohwell:

    yes, the post i wrote has links. the link has a video of his entire work out, dumb bell rows and planks.

    the 100 jumpink jacks are to build your cardio up quickly, so you need to find something that you can do. what about one hundered punches? yes, punches. crouch down and punch back and forth.

    :devil: I can totally do punches instead!!
  • rb16fitness
    rb16fitness Posts: 236 Member
    love it, a challenge with a purpose. i'm in :)
  • dianerml
    dianerml Posts: 74 Member
    I love the idea of the challenge. Count me in!
  • zombiesama
    zombiesama Posts: 755 Member
    I am in!!
  • WickedMouse
    WickedMouse Posts: 343 Member
    Is it too late to join? I want in on this challenge!!!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Is it too late to join? I want in on this challenge!!!

    not too late! starts on Nov 1st!