Study: High-Fat Diet May Make You Stupid & Lazy



  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member

  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    i also have to agree with another poster, i feel it is dependent on what types of fats...

    i love avocados and cheese and nuts and these are all high in fat. i dislike the fact that the study was on rats, i don't know why we always have to test on a species soooo far off from us. of course the rats were affected, rats are not meant to eat fries, nor are humans, but we CHOOSE to. you choose to eat certain things you, choose to be a certain way. i'm sure there is someone out there who eats crap, and is healthy as can be! it's just how life is.
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    I discount drawing conclusions from rat studies for the same reason you don't test medications on rats and then immediately approve them without further human trials.
    OK, so lets see what this lead to :

    OH, look at that, a human study that shows similar results. Granted, the study group was rather small, so perhaps a little more testing is necessary, but it sure seems that the original study on rats that held some correlation between fatty meals and memory/physical performance may have some validity when applied to humans.

    Better, but still problematic. Not only is the sample size small, the trial only lasted 7 days.
    It has already been well-established that the adaptation to a ketogenic diet takes longer than 7 days, and up to 3-4 weeks, so I fail to see how this study brings anything new to the table.

    Yea, the purpose of this study was to see the short-term effects. However, sensationalizing these short term effects may prevent people from starting a diet they could adapt to and gain benefit from.

    OP: we're having a discussion now, your further complaining about the original comments are the only thing derailing us now.

    My point exactly. Makes me want to rub my temples and close my eyes and walk away slowly. Anyhow, it all seems to me that if you choose to eat well you will probably be ok. I mean genes aside, that is.
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    A new study on ME, verifies that study, at least to me. I am not a rat. I am a 47 year old male with the body of a 20 year old, well in better shape than most kids these days, I am not obese and I dont have diabeties. I have been eating a "whole foods, plant based" diet for a long time. It is Very low in fat. My cholesterol level was 114 last time I had it checked and high in HDLs and almost void of LDLs. My body fat is below 12 percent and I can run a mile in under seven minutes, or 12 miles in 2 hours. My resting heart rate is 60 and my blood pressue runs around 127/74. Pretty good for an old man! I can physically and mentally feel a difference in my energy and alertness after I "splurge" and eat too much fat, basically animal products. There is a lot of peer pressure to eat garbage and be lazy, like the birthday party I went to Friday night at the pizza joint. When I do eat garbage, like pizza, I feel like a slow moving, warm, muddy creek, all murky and full of nasties. When I eat well, I feel like a fast running, crystal clear mountain river. That's the best analogy I've come up with. I agree, from my own experience, with the auther, too much fat in your diet makes you stupid and lazy, AND FAT!

    Hope to be like you someday!:flowerforyou:

    Basically, I don't care what the study was on. Common sense tells me not to eat unhealthy things & I do my best not too. Seems to be working so far. :bigsmile: By the way, I DID read the whole article. Common sense people, common sense...

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • auctoritas
    I'm still trying to decide if this whole thread is trying to bash high fat diets or just eating crappy food in the first place. A healthy high fat diet requires low carb intake and healthy foods, and of course you're going to feel like crap for the first couple days since you're switching from one fuel source to another and breaking an addiction to carbs. I know a lot of people who get onto high fat low carb diets gain a lot of mental clarity. Too much fat is FINE as long as it's not coupled with moderate or high carb intake... kind of like high carb diets need much lower fat intake.

    And the article at that was posted earlier... if it was low carb, they were all undoubtedly in keto flu. Keto flu sucks, but after 7 days most people are over it. I don't see the purpose in it as a short term study. It's just pointing out the obvious.

    It's not like zomg news flash eating junk food makes you fat and lazy! If that weren't common knowledge I don't think as many people would be here on MFP trying to lose weight. Plus yeah, rats. They evolved with entirely different macronutrient requirements. It's been shown that humans can live and thrive on a high fat diet consisting almost entirely of meat and animal fats, if any of you are familiar with Stefansson or indeed any human culture that has lived far enough north to lack consistent access to fruits and vegetables.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    I think it depends on what fats you or they are talking about !
    I did not do a study. "They" are referring to a diet such as french fries, pizza, etc. as mentioned in the article. they were talking about a high CARB high fat diet. Yes, yes, must have been the fat. Carbs have zero negative affect on the HUMAN body. Riiiiight.

    I was going to say the same thing
  • mabonnevie107
    mabonnevie107 Posts: 6 Member
    i'd say that a highly processed diet, generally with more processed carbs and bad fats (like from vegetable oils and hydrogenated oils) would make you feel like crap. not stupid or lazy, because we're so hardwired to dig into sugar (which is often accompanied by fat in the form of pastries, cakes, cookies, etc). these studies are so incredibly problematic and incomplete. the best advice i've ever gotten was from the Archevore website:

    There's also a guy named Tom Naughton who lost a ton of weight by ditching grains and some dairy and a lot of sugar. He made a documentary in which he ate all fast food for 30 days, but ditched extra carbohydrates like hamburger buns. it's pretty interesting...

    Above all, though, high fat (as in good fats... omega-3s and whatnot) is definitely NOT making you stupid or lazy. Your body needs it. Your brain is made of specialized fats.

    Basically if you're eating low processed, and perhaps if you need to, low carb, then you're on the right track...
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I think it depends on what fats you or they are talking about !
    I did not do a study. "They" are referring to a diet such as french fries, pizza, etc. as mentioned in the article. they were talking about a high CARB high fat diet. Yes, yes, must have been the fat. Carbs have zero negative affect on the HUMAN body. Riiiiight.

    This is what I was thinking also.

    Fats give me energy and very clear headed...............

    Brain fog and feeling lazy and ill comes from eating that flour and starch filled mess they call pizza and fries.
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