

  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Danlyn: Happy belated birthday!

    lttee: I'm on my third day back with Chalean. I did it consistently during the first 2 1/2 months, and I have to say this (unplanned) break has been good. I don't feel like I lost strength during the past 3-week break, though, so I'm quite happy to go back to it. I have to say I envy your commitment to the ab burner because that's the only video I hate! Great job with your veggies, you're rocking it!

    Tuesday (super-late) check-in:

    1- Follow Chalean X schedule - done + turbo jam!

    2- 8 glasses of water/day - done!

    3- 5 fruits/veggies per day - ahem....nope, dinner with friends and no veggies in sight!

    Keep up the good work, everyone!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    CynMM: welcome! Great goals!

    HeartsDesire: as an English teacher, your alliteration is awesome :) Cool on the ticker, neat idea.

    KrisPage: hope you don't feel aches and pains later. What's up with our lil group getting into car accidents? Glad you're okay.

    bhurley: awesome on so close to goal weight!

    MAK: Woo hoo on bowling!! And drinking water there too.

    Philosohoe: miss your rants, especially when they go into your violent/dark humor endings like "punch them in the (insert body part)". Doing great on hitting your deficit, so proud of you for keeping this up despite your extremely hectic schedule. I always get tired just hearing about it.

    Papillon: I'm shocked! You're no mere mortal when it comes to the fruits/veggies. lol, in aspiring to be (and getting frustrated) as having you as a model of this eating habit, it's good for me to know everyone isn't perfect in this. Great job on your other goals.
    And yeah, I need the ab burner. My abs are my target right now, poor thing. Guess I need tunnel vision at some things.
  • editorsc
    I'm back!!!!!! Got a battery for my scale--yahoo.
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    To My Fabulous MFP Mini-Challenge Friends:

    Thank you all so much for the wonderful birthday wishes. It was an awesome day and an even better night spent with my family, immediate and extended :heart:

    Back on track with the eating today and I have to say even though "forbidden" foods taste good, my body feels much better when I stick to what is healthy.

    Walked today, but only once :frown: I'm going to have to keep this goal for awhile since I haven't been doing such a great job with it.

    Everyone is doing such fantastic work being consistent with logging in and doing the best they can working to reach weekly goals. You all totally ROCK :drinker: and I love being part of this group:love:

    Have a great night and a fantastic Thursday:flowerforyou:
  • jennyph2006
    jennyph2006 Posts: 356 Member
    Wednesday Check-in
    1. 30 DS - level 1 and start level 2. day 8 done
    2. Do 2 Billy Blancks workouts. 1 done
    3. Drink no less than 8 glasses of water: 9 glases today
    4. Do 10 Walk at home miles. 3 miles done so far
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    My check in:
    Chalean, five times this week: 3.5, ab burner and finished chalean burn. I'm sad to see that go, was feeling confidant. Now to move onto push circuit. I'm scared.
    3 fruits/veggies: heck yes! rocking this goal this week
    Within calories with protein being higher than fat: yep, sodium still high though :(
    Don't let my family drag down my eating habits: today was a success again! Was tempted to have lunch with husband (if he even could) but decided to not even try it.
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Checking in today! Glad to be back logging in on this thread. Have been super busy like so many of you. I was back in Chicago for a wedding anniversary celebration, a birthday party and to check up on my mom. All is well for the moment and I am grateful:heart:

    Goals for the week:
    1. Drink at least 64 ounces of water each day
    2. Exercise at least 3 days
    3. Be grateful!
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    I'm back!!!!!! Got a battery for my scale--yahoo.

    Welcome back! Good luck with the rest of the week!
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Checking in today! Glad to be back logging in on this thread. Have been super busy like so many of you. I was back in Chicago for a wedding anniversary celebration, a birthday party and to check up on my mom. All is well for the moment and I am grateful:heart:

    Goals for the week:
    1. Drink at least 64 ounces of water each day
    2. Exercise at least 3 days
    3. Be grateful!

    Welcome back to you too friend! Glad to know that you had a good trip and all is well for today. I love your goal #3. The "Attitude of Gratitude" can do so much for lifting one's spirits. Hmm, I should probably focus on this one for a while too. Sometimes I let the trials & stresses of life get in the way of remembering what are the truly important things. Great to have you back with us!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Weds. Check-in

    1. √

    Long workout today and nursing a really sore shoulder so taking my pain pills and heading to bed.zzzzsmileyturningoutlightCUTECUTE.gif
    G'Night All:smooched:
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Check in for Wednesday:

    1) 3 serv fruit/veg -YES - 4 actually :bigsmile:
    2) Under Sodium - Yes
    3) Water - 72oz down

    So far so good; just one day so far I fell off the wagon. I think I am back on track!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hello all!

    Sorry I wasn’t able to log on this morning and check in. I got into work and already had a fire to put out. It was a hit the ground running kind of day… MMMHHH wonder if that would count as an extra work out. :laugh: Enough about let’s talk about how amazing all of YOU are :smile:

    KrisPage – I hope you aren’t feeling any after effects from the accident, and that the soreness after 30DS is getting better. It does get better!

    katiemarie02 – Welcome to the thread. Great goals for the week!

    Hearts♥Desire – Great job with your goals on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday! Love the sun shines! Your posts are always so fun and colorful and sparkly LOVE IT!! Take care of that shoulder HUGGS!

    Projectkristy – Great job with your goals on Monday! Sorry to hear about the headache, no fun.

    Arwaleenah – Nice job with your goals on Monday, I like how when you were tempted by the chai tea you asked yourself if you needed it or wanted it (I need to do that more often)

    Philosohoe – I’m doing a happy dance for your SV & NSV!! PS love turkey sausages… I know they are high in sodium and they are the lowest of all the sausages, but so yummy. Have you tried any of the chicken sausages, I know they aren’t lower in sodium, but they are good. I agree best group ever! And thank you for the not so ranting rant. I’m sure we all are guilty of not taking care of ourselves. Great job having a no culprit item today!!

    Pattehcake – Great job to get some time in on the elliptical when you couldn’t get to the gym. Keep up all the great work. Great job stopping at after two biscuits!!

    6566tess – Welcome, and thanks for the friend request. Great goals good luck this week. When I go out to dinner I like to see if I can pre-plan what to order by seeing if where I’m going has a menu on-line and nutrition info. Makes things a little easier (still hard but every little bit helps right) Good luck.

    Danlyn – Like your no logging after 4:00. Like Ittee you don’t go overboard the whole day but still get a little splurge. Hope you had a great birthday dinner! It is amazing how quickly our bodies get used to the healthier eating. Keep working on the walking I know you’ll get that second walk in and master this goal.

    Ittee - :laugh: I’ve had an audience with each work out. Silly doggies. You are doing so great with your goals. Keep it up. Push circuit just sounds scary. But I know YOU CAN DO IT!! Keep up all the hard work getting the fat/protein/calories/sodium right. It is tough.

    jennyph2006 – Great job on your Tuesday and Wednesday! WOOT WOOT to day 8! Level 2 here you come!

    Littlemount – Great job with your goals. Keep making those great food choices :smile:

    CynMM29 – Welcome! Good luck with your workout’s this week.

    Bhurley1424 – CONGRATS on being 10.5 lbs from your goal that's AWESOME... HAPPY DANCE for youNice job Wednesday, way to go with your 4 fruit/veg servings. Keep it up and 1 day of falling off the wagon won’t even seem like a blip on the radar.

    34again – Great job with your goals (even the one late nigh bite of sherbet, I know if it was me in days past it would have been more than one spoonful)

    Papillon22 – sorry to hear no veggies were in sight at dinner. I know you’ll get that one back tomorrow no problem. Which turbo jam video did you do? A friend of mine lent it to me and I really like it!

    Editorsc – WOO HOO!!! So glad your back (and you got your scale a battery) :smile:

    mrogers52 – Sounds like everyone’s been up in my neck of the woods! Hope you had a nice trip to Chicago. I’m glad to hear all is well. I love your goal #3! I agree with Philosohoe, I think we all let the trials and stress of life get in the way of remembering what is really truly important.

    bhurley1424 – Nice job Wednesday, way to go with your 4 fruit/veg servings. Keep it up and 1 day of falling off the wagon won’t even seem like a blip on the radar.

    Wednesday check in:
    1. 30DS - level 3 – Day 28 check (wasn’t feeling great and I was so close to not doing it… but I wanted to have 1 mini goal I succeeded at)
    2. Get in 4 non 30DS workouts in – still at 2/4.
    3. Log all extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, and sips) – we had a Halloween party at work I didn’t eat too much but it was a little bit of this and little bit of that kind of lunch… know what I mean, I tried my best to log it.
    4. Water, water, water - more water less other beverages – epic failure… drank soda at the lunch party. Was so busy at work didn’t get my usually cups of water in. I’m guessing I had about 4 glasses of water today, and I’m feeling it this evening.

    Time to head to bed. Have a great night and let’s have a stellar Thursday! Keep reaching for your mini goals!
  • arwaleenah
    arwaleenah Posts: 42 Member
    I couldn't check in last nyt busy and non eventful day. Am not happy that 2 days in a row now i haven't been able to put in extra 30 min in my workout routine- am just so worn out.
    on the upside i stopped thinking about having chai tea.
    drinking 8 glasses of water isn't fun coz i jst see myself dashing towards the bathroom all the time especially in the middle of breastfeeding my baby. since i had the baby, i haven't been able to control my bladder. i started doing kegel exercise but if there is any other thing that i could do pliz let me know.
    MAK_01 congratulations in putting an effort in logging in those xtra BLTS, its really hard to do that. Hopefully next week i will work up the courage to either stop nibbling around or write it on my diary.
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Quick check in for me tonight too. Late workout + late dinner = LATENESS & need to go to bed-ness!
    1) Monitor macronutrient ratios with goal of Carbs 50%/Protein 25%/Fat 25%: 40.9/33.8/25.3
    2) Sodium under 2000mg: Awesome Again 1697
    3) Culrpit item of the day: Technically I could say that my protein was high, so my culprit item would be the steak that I had for dinner, but it was so freakin good by the time I got to eat at 8:30pm after 45 min of Zumba and a short but intense 15 min swim, I am totally okay with today's numbers.
    4) Reach a total calorie deficit of 3500 calories for the week: 1162/today; 2509/week

    Can I just say, we ROCKED this Wacky Wonderful Wild Wednesday?!? Awesome job beautiful people! Goodnight!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    NSV: My husband and I were playing around last night and I pinned him. To be fair, he wasn't expecting it and he never wants to hurt me whereas I don't care about hurting him (gosh that sounds horrible). He's 6'2", I'm 4'11", and he's a Marine. And yet, I was able to pin him!! He asked, "Did you get stronger or did I get weaker?". I proudly informed that I am stronger (keeping the whole advantage of him being gentle with me a secret).

    Did ya hear that?! I AM STRONGER!!
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    lttee: there's obviously no need to be scared of the push circuit if you were able to pin down a 6 foot marine! Chalean will be a piece of cake!

    MAK: when I'm short on time, I like doing the Turbo Jam 20 min workout. It's a good workout in a short time.

    Wednesday/friday check-in:

    1- Follow Chalean X schedule - lean circuit 2 done today and yesterday I went for a walk on my rest day.

    2- 8 glasses of water/day - done!

    3- 5 fruits/veggies per day - done!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    getting back after accident and emotional eating on Tues :sad:
    Only could stand .5 miles at lunch for got other shoes and works shoes were killing me. Will try for more tonight and might do day 2 of 30DS.
  • littlemount
    Yesterday had severe migraine headache could not see the computer screen.
    Thursday 10/27 check in-
    Goal 1- food choices getting slightly better.
    Goal 2-Exercise - 1.5 mile walk for 30 minutes done
    Goal 3- Checking in early today.

    My jeans feel tight I am worried if I am retaining water or I need more exercise.This weightloss is a hard job for the above 45 yr olds It is as if 1 lose my weight only to gain it back. Should I just think about my exercise and lose all hope about this weightloss. The migraine headache was triggered by the skinny water I have been drinking for the past few days. I was so upset that afterbeing on this site for 5 months I have only lost 3 lbs. I seem to be in a state of equilibium. Maybe I need to take a break delete everything and start anew.
  • jennyph2006
    jennyph2006 Posts: 356 Member
    Thursday Check-in
    1. 30 DS - level 1 and start level 2. day 9 done
    2. Do 2 Billy Blancks workouts. 1 done
    3. Drink no less than 8 glasses of water: 10 glases today
    4. Do 10 Walk at home miles. 5 miles done so far. I think i might be able to get 10
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Yesterday had severe migraine headache could not see the computer screen.
    Thursday 10/27 check in-
    Goal 1- food choices getting slightly better.
    Goal 2-Exercise - 1.5 mile walk for 30 minutes done
    Goal 3- Checking in early today.

    My jeans feel tight I am worried if I am retaining water or I need more exercise.This weightloss is a hard job for the above 45 yr olds It is as if 1 lose my weight only to gain it back. Should I just think about my exercise and lose all hope about this weightloss. The migraine headache was triggered by the skinny water I have been drinking for the past few days. I was so upset that afterbeing on this site for 5 months I have only lost 3 lbs. I seem to be in a state of equilibium. Maybe I need to take a break delete everything and start anew.

    I definitely understand why you feel discouraged. It is so much harder the older you get. I just turned 52 and this has been a tough road to even get just 8 pounds off :frown: HOWEVER, keeping up with the healthy eating and good habits makes a difference in so many areas, not just weight but feeling healthy and knowing you are doing the right things for yourself. Be proud of yourself for sticking with this for 5 months. You will be successful, it just may be slower than you want. GOOD LUCK :flowerforyou:

    Check-in for Friday:
    Only one walk today - I have to get better at getting that second walk in. :embarassed: Happy Friday everyone!!!!