afraid of all food - help me pick a system?



  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Lol yeah yogurt isn't something I'd pick for a cheat food - but to each their own! A vegan lifestyle is extremely hard to maintain AND keep yourself healthy - I know many vegans and once tried to follow a vegan diet myself. It CAN be healthy though, you just have to find good protein substitutes and make sure you get enough calcium. :)

    I honestly can relate to your frustration, I tried for 2 years on and off again with diet/exercise to lose weight and nothing seemed to work for me. I did vegan diet for a month and didn't drop a pound. Did bicycling for an entire summer 3-4 times a week, hard core, and lost no weight at all. I really do feel your pain! And I struggled with anorexia for years as well, so there have been a few brief times when I really wanted to fall back into that... but I guess one day I just decided enough was enough and I really started trying to get my food under control. I mean, a diet is one thing, but changing your eating habits permanently is very hard to do...

    It took me 2 months of exercising 4-5 days a week to even see any significant weight loss. But, before I even started exercising, other than 1 summer of biking, I'd been completely inactive for 3 years straight. All I did was sit on my butt in front of my computer playing WoW for 12+ hours a day, eating and drinking junk. So, needless to say, I was completely out of shape. My leg muscles were partially atrophied. The pain was excruciating. My legs still hurt when I work them hard - but not nearly as bad. I guess I'm just sharing this because I wanted you to know you're not alone in your frustration. The road is not easy - but please don't give up!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Aside from getting bloodwork to rule out thyroid conditions, what I'd do in your case is put my settings as sedentary, and select only a half pound a week, eat the calories you earn from exercising, and try to forget the scale for a few weeks.

    If you're eating with a small deficit and getting regular exercise, you're doing the right things for your body. Progress may be slow, but you also won't feel like you're "dieting," so it'll be something you can sustain for a long period of time. If things seem to be working for you that way, see how you do with the settings to lose one pound a week.

    I can only speak from my own personal experience. When I tried hard to lose weight, it was hard. When I didn't focus as much on losing weight, it came off. When I tried to eat 800-1200 calories a day, the weight came off, but slowly and I felt like crap. When I ate 1350-1500 a day, plus the calories from exercise, I felt great and lost weight faster. When I tried to lose 2# a week, the most I ever lost was one. When I tried to lose 1# a week, I often lost 1.5.
  • havalinaaa
    havalinaaa Posts: 333 Member
    I get that none of you can offer me deep, soul-level advice. But I'm not asking for that. I know that would be impossible.

    I guess my confusion comes from - how many pounds should I input that I want to lose a week - will it make a huge metabolic difference considering my sluggish body? And should I say I am sedentary?

    Proof of my slow metabolism: usual body temp is 96.0

    Unless you are obese per your BMI, .half to one pound a week is a totally healthy goal. If you aren't very active most days, list your activity level as sedentary and log all extra physical activity you do on more active days to account for the additional calories you would need. Unless you have an underlying medical issue (which I realize you feel you might), calories in and calories out are all that matter, your metabolism will adjust. It might not happen in the first week or even four, but it will eventually click into place. Just stick with it and eat a well balanced diet. Make sure you are getting at least 50grams of protein a day, eat at least two servings of both fruits and veggies (4 servings total), and enjoy some whole grains. It doesn't matter when you eat them or in what order/combo, just eat them. Every day.

    When I'm feeling like a slug, I go for a short walk. I'll set a goal of walking 10 minutes. More often than not, once I'm outside and moving I find I want to keep going, usually around 30 minutes. Just getting away from the four walls I stare at the most helps clear my head, and if the weather is nice sometimes I just sit on a bench for a while before walking some more.

    I have never had to battle an ED or had serious medical issues that hindered my weight loss, and I am not a doctor by any means, so please take all i say with a grain of salt. I wish you the very best in your journey and hope you find a system that works for you.
  • DavidRuthstrom
    Here's some truth that has worked for me, my wife, my former boss, and 23 other folks that we've shared it with:

    The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf - available at - Kindle version less than $10 (no, I don't get anything)

    This book was life-changing and life-saving for me. In short, eating "right" has taken me off the type-2 diabetes watch, eliminated my doctor's push for me to take cholesterol meds, eliminated my gout attacks and I no longer take allopurinol for it, gotten rid of my migraine headaches, and I no longer have to take lisinopril for high blood pressure. In addition to these, I've lost almost 50 pounds in 3 months. My wife lost more than 50, my boss almost 60. The other people we started on it after finding out how well it works, have all had great results - not one person hasn't reported similar results, along with improved mood, more energy, and other benefits. If you have questions, email me at, and put "Paleo" in the subject field (it's a work account and I get a lot of emails. I hope you take this seriously - this thing really works and Robb explains the science behind it and why we should eat certain things, and not others.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Hello all,

    female. 25. 5'6'' 180 pounds.

    Hoping someone can help me here. A little over two years ago I moved from Boston to Los Angeles. In that first year here I gained 40-50 pounds. I did nothing differently at first. Then when I started gaining I dieted. I exercised. I tried freaking everything. And I mean that. I ran a marathon last December.

    I'd give up when nothing worked.

    Apart form "trying" here is me at my usual: Not hungry in the morning - alternating with waking up starving.
    -starving at night starving. Usually eat cereal (and I mean whole grain Erewhon cereal)
    -back and forth exercising religiously. then I get hurt and have to stop. or I get exhausted.
    -sleep is not restful. ever. I wake up more exhausted.
    -I am tired all day.
    -I'm irritable.
    -I'm hopeless. I feel like I'll never be better.
    -I cry everyday when getting dressed.

    I have a history of Anorexia (it's been 5-6 years since any of that). The only way I have every lost weight is by eating very little, with days of nothing in between. I have never lost weight in a healthy way. Ever. Despite many tries. This last week I freaked out. I am just so tired of it all. So tired. And everything makes me more tired. SO I ate next to nothing most days this last week. Then felt bad about doing that and ate my calories the last 2 days.

    I tried using this site before with no luck. But what am I supposed to select? Sedentary because I'm so tired most of the time? Some days I'm out and about. Then the next day I'm too tired to move. And the brain fog - yeesh. And how much should I say I'll lose a week?

    I'm pretty sure I have a thyroid issue (TSH tests .82 - 1.4, no other tests). And I've ordered Thyroid-S, but I'm going crazy now. I need something. Or else I'll keep not eating all week and eating on weekends and not getting work done.

    Maybe someone has insight?

    Seek out a health care professional who will help you with your eating disorder. If you don't like who you have currently then try another Doctor. They should be teaching what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat. There is no fad or quirky diet, it's learning proper nutrition. Do no fixate or obsess on your weight that much at this point - you need to get your mind and attitude to a healthy place.

    Seek a support group of people that have dealt with these types of issues. Many many people overcome this and go on to lead healthy happy lives. Make your goal and commitment to be be a healthier and happier you and believe in it.

    Once again quit obsessing about the weight at this point - 180 is hardly the end of the world, you don't have far to go. Focus on bringing your mind to a happy healthy place. So number one...

    1. Find a compassionate Doctor who is willing to deal with your issues and heal you, not just collect his doctor's fee
    2. Find a support group a.s.a.p.

    Also have you tried Yoga for relaxation and meditation to help calm your mind, if not give it a go.