PM Exercisers - I have a question for you!



  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    i sleep like a baby on the nights i workout
  • Codefox
    Codefox Posts: 308 Member
    I definitely sleep better when I work out
  • sweettrini
    Thank you all so much for your input!!! This was my 1st post I think on MFP LOL :p I am going to try it tomorrow evening and see what happens. If so many other people do it at night with no sleep problems, I should be OK, I think!! Will let you ll know how it goes :))
  • PinUpGirlAtHeart
    PinUpGirlAtHeart Posts: 138 Member
    Actually, I was told that people who have trouble sleeping are recommended to do exercise close to the time that they're suppose to sleep because it helps relax your body and whatnot. I need to get back into exercising, but as an insomniac (I don't even sleep usually till around 10 or so a.m. and when I finally do, I only usually get a few broken up hours worth of sleep), I can verify that it does help me sleep a little better when I do exercise late at night.
  • allie1904
    allie1904 Posts: 248
    Thank you all so much for your input!!! This was my 1st post I think on MFP LOL :p I am going to try it tomorrow evening and see what happens. If so many other people do it at night with no sleep problems, I should be OK, I think!! Will let you ll know how it goes :))

    Good Luck! Hope you sleep like a log! xx
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    It totally depends on you and how much exercise you do. Some nights I sleep like I've been deprived for days, others are pretty fitful. But note how I still exercise at night regardless.
  • mjsohm
    mjsohm Posts: 40
    I'm typically an 8:30 PM person with the heavier cardio. Lets dinner settle, and I can raise my metabolism a bit after the evening meal. Zero problems with sleep. Great topic!
  • paravision
    Sleep like a baby. 8 pm Cardio Party (Turbo Jam) SO SUPER HIGH IMPACT. Shower and in bed by 11
  • PB67
    PB67 Posts: 376
    I sleep like a baby :]

    You wake up every two hours, screaming because you crapped your pants?

    I'd workout in the AM if I were you.

    OP: It boils down to personal preference.
  • cufirst84
    cufirst84 Posts: 127 Member
    i find it helps me sleep...a nice warm cup of caffeine- free tea might help ya
  • ohpiper
    ohpiper Posts: 729 Member
    With my work schedule, it has to be early in the morning or late at night. When I have to workout at night, I can't even start til 10:30, which is a bit rough. Doing P90X and Insanity rotations, it does get my heart rate up to the point that it can take awhile to get to sleep. In that case, I pick up something to read for a bit. For me, momentum is important. When I'm doing well with keeping up with my workouts, I want to keep it going. Too easy to start missing and get into a downhill slide.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    No i find it actually helps me go to sleep.
  • firewatergoddess
    My swim on monday is pretty late I swim from 8 to 9 30, I am little hungry so have a yogurt when I get home and I am in bed by 10:30 or 11 and sleep like a log.