What do you spend on groceries?



    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    I'm feeding myself, hubby, mom, and 4 kids....and I get in right about $200 every 2 weeks. Any extra cash we might have goes to the BOGO deals at the supermarket....I'm trying to stock the house with more fresh stuff and less junk but the kids are rebelling!
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    To feed my husband and I, I spend any where between $80-$150 per week. It really depends on what non-food things we need like laundry detergent, cat food, etc. I spend more when my husband comes with me; he sneaks stuff in the cart when he thinks I'm not looking :laugh: although I always notice :wink:

    Last week with him there I spent $150 cdn. However, that included $30 in photo frames and we had skipped shopping the previous weekend when Loki got sick. So I guess if I took out all non-food related items, we probably spend about $80-$100/wk. I stopped making Mark lunched years ago since he never eats them. Sometimes he eats out for lunch but not often.

    I have definitely noticed an increase in my grocery bill since eating healthy. I try to buy things on sale, but space is an issue.

    I don't think we have Trader Joes in Canada?
    I use to shop at No Frills, which is cheaper than my ususal grocery store, but the atmosphere is horrible, aisles are narrow, kids running all over the place, rude/unhappy cashier. The savings wasn't worth ther stress.

    Hey, and although I spend more on food, other things are cheaper, like my clothes!