How do you find time to cook and eat healthy? I find it hard



  • I completely understand how hard it can be to cook and eat healthy...I find it hard myself. A couple of things you can do, is take 1 hour a week and make out the weekly menu...this also helps you save at the grocery store; prepare meals ahead of time and freeze them so all you have to do is pull them from the freezer and put in the oven or in a pan on the range while your doing laundry, vaccuming, or whatever needs to be done....also remember that there are healthy choices to be made at fast food resturants....just remember if you order a salad watch what you put on it...some salad dressing can be a problem. Once you get the hang of it you'll be amazed at how easy this can make things..
  • borichfan
    borichfan Posts: 208 Member
    Thanks for all the wonderful tips, i will sure follow them.
  • borichfan
    borichfan Posts: 208 Member
    I found some nice cook ahead recipes on
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    I cook a bucket of chili and 3 lbs of chicken on my day off, and that is my dinner all week.
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    My experience might not be the same as others since I'm a single student in an apartment (I work/go to school), but I live off of steam in the bag veggies/premade salad mixes.. I know others prefer to cut their own salads, but buying them in the bag helps me, especially since I get in ~11:30/12 at night from the gym after work.

    If you like to cook, I agree with others - prepare the meals on whichever day you have a few hours to spare. Or just check out some of the recipes others have posted on this site - I just made some protein banana pancakes for breakfast this morning from the forums that took all of 10 minutes!

    If I'm really beat - I keep some frozen dinners to eat on hand. They've helped me lose 55+ thus far - so I can't knock them!

    Hope this helps!
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    prep on the weekends. make stuff and freeze it, or pop it in the fridge.

    crock pot is my best friend, especially in the winter!
  • :noway: Sometimes life isn't that easy folks lol.

    I manage a very busy bridal shop 7 days a week with 3 young children, 1 nephew and 1 neice that live with us. My husband is a demanding, hard working individual who happens to think that a hot dinner should be on the table for him when he gets home, but sometimes he is home before me and will not cook (even though he is so good at it). He HATES eating out but I can NOT be spread any more thin than I already am.

    My husband will only eat certain food (without complaining...and believe me, complaining is the last thing I need) children are the same way (geez, I wonder where they get it) :-/

    They will not eat anything that someone ELSE makes for them :huh: I was forced to hire a nanny because I was about to jump ship from the stress.


    :grumble:'s almost 11pm, we ate dinner at 10pm because 'as my husband says' no meal is a REAL meal if it takes less than 2 hours to cook. BELIEVE ME, the LAST thing I am thinking about is preparing a meal for tomorrow.

    I have a contact through a catering company who plans, prepares and delivers meals for a week. I am really considering it :indifferent: