I need to VENT!!!!



  • samantha0176
    samantha0176 Posts: 67 Member
    try to workout with your kids..i bought a couple of exericse wii games (my fitness couch and your shape) and we, well the older two workout together...i even got them doing tae bo with me...we also go for walks when possible..i just found out that there is an indoor walking track in town we will be making some use out of it this winter...of course i am a SAHM, so i go to the gym in the morning while the older kids are in school...but it is not always possible to go to the gym in the morning.(.with a sick toddler, or having to run errands out of town...).and the older ones will not go to the gym daycare in the evening...so on those days i have to find a way to workout with the kids...
  • oh and i used to go to the gym too but couldnt go hardly ever because im a single mom with kids so i bought my weights mat and do it at home. its way more convenient for me all i have to do is get up get changed and workout
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    You have a really valid concern.
    Is there a husband? Can he help at all?
    A friend of mine was refusing to help his wife work out, so I told him then he had to give her money to buy bigger clothes.
    He started helping her work out.
  • As others have said, include kids....You can take a hike....but make it a scavenger hunt for them, use steps as a step up step down game and see who can do the most.....get a Wii fit/sports and make a fun time with them that lets you get into shape, there are always jumpropes,hopscotch, balls, etc toys kids use we can use as a workout....look at how activive kids are and they stay fit...try a game of tag...hide and seek, if they are a little older roller skating, I used to exercise in early am, before kids got up it energized me, I also signed up for tae kwon do classes with kids, my daughter was their youngest student ever she was 3, (I lost 16 pounds in 4 weeks awesome workout) and the kids loved it.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Are the kids old enough to workout with you? When my girls were young we often worked out together. Bikes, rollerblades, swimming, etc. Buy a "step" and do step aerobics while watching TV or a movie with them. Or weights, or other home workout assist devices that aren't too noisy.

    When watching TV make a game of exercise. During commercials do exericses (50 jumping jacks, 25 squats, etc.). Take turns letting them/you choose what you'll do during the next. That way you all get exericse. Little kids will likely think this is fun, but older kids might just think it's lame.
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    Sometimes you have to do things for you self. I have to pick my daughter up an hour or so later so that I can squeeze in a quick workout in between picking her up and me getting hone. Fortunately her school is very close and can walk or run to pick her up. I have to pay more for daycare and I spend an hour less time with her a day, but in the long run I will be with her longer by being healthy mentally and physically.
  • kobzal
    kobzal Posts: 74 Member
    I too work and have a 3 year old at home. Two days a week after work, I do sacrafice time with her to go running. However, the rest of the time I have tried incorporating some excercises while at work. Every time I go to the washroom I will either do a set of pushups, some walking lunges, squats, any body weight exercise I can think of. Since I drink a lot of water and have to go to the bathroom a lot, by the end of the day I will have gotten a good 4-6 sets in.
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 417 Member
    I have two toddlers, so I understand. I try to workout while they nap, but if the house is a mess that isn't an option. I also try to workout after they go to bed with a cheap workout video I bought at Target. Your best bet is probaly going to be to find something you can do at home or woh your kids. But it is difficult, no matter what u do...
  • I have 2 toddlers so I understand how hard it is to work out amidst everything else you have to do during the day. But while I am cooking our oober healthy dinner I turn the radio on or some cheesy kid music what ever they seem to like and we dance around the living room and the kitchen! That's atl least 30 mins of serious workout. Or on the days that it seems to have piled on extra thick I wait till they go to bed pull out my yoga mat and use my yoga to get in my work out and a wind down.