Married to a man child?



  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    I should add that all of the above was within the first few years of marriage. Once he realized that I wasn't going to fall for the "Oh I didn't notice the trash" or "I left the bowl in the sink because I didn't know if the dishwasher was clean or dirty" (open it. If it's empty or there are dirty dishes in it - it's dirty.) stuff he got much better. I work from home and don't put in nearly the hours he does so I take care of the house but he will pitch in and help out without being asked more often than not. If I do ask him to do something he does it. I might need to remind him once but never more than that.
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    I am so glad I don't have these issues. I am so NOT the typical beer drinking football watching guy. Give me a break you lazy sacks!!! lol

    Seriously, I can not stand overflowing trash, and all the crap most guys "forget" to do. Believe me ladies, they don't forget, they 'choose' not to do it at all. It's sad, and then they claim "I'm just being a guy enjoying my football". More like neanderthals being cave men. You typical guys are lucky I don't live in your neighborhoods.... I'd be paying a visit to your houses to make sure all your chores are done... ALL YOUR CHORES ;)

    I'm just playing... but imagine how many guys are worried about that now... hmmmm ;)

    Where were you 8 years ago??? :love:
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    kill spiders
    Come to my apartment. Spiders make me scream like a girl.
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    I've been married 18 years. BTDT.

    Hubby put empty cans in the sink. Drove me crazy. I told him to just put them in recycle. He kept "forgetting". So one day I loaded the dishwasher an put the empty cans in it. Then I made sure he unloaded it. He was surprised to see the cans in there and asked why they were in there. I replied "Well I know you know how much it bugs me when you leave empty cans in the sink instead of putting them in recycle. I know you wouldn't continue to do something like that knowing it irritated me. So I figured you must want them for something or else you would have just put them in recycle. So I washed them for you." He NEVER put another can in the sink.

    In our 1st house we had a laundry chute in our bedroom. It was behind the door so you actually had to open the door to put your clothes down the chute. Hubby just left them on the floor. I got sick of putting his clothes down the chute and constantly bugging him to do it. So I just stopped. I did all the laundry that was in the laundry room, folded it, and put it away. The next day hubby asked "Can you do laundry soon please. I don't have anymore jeans or socks." I informed him that I had just gotten done with the laundry and there was no more laundry in the laundry room so I had no idea where his dirty clothes would be. He started putting his clothes down the chute.

    One time he started arguing with me and saying I was nagging him too much. I told him that nagging just means that someone is constantly having to tell you to do something over and over and over again. If he'd do it the first or even the second time he was asked there would be no nagging.

    Thank you for the wise words...I think this is my problem, not his. I haven't been properly training him, haha. I'm going to have to learn to be more creative. I just don't want to be that couple that looks happy for 40 years and then murders each other over forgetting to refill the toilet paper roll.
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    I am so glad I don't have these issues. I am so NOT the typical beer drinking football watching guy. Give me a break you lazy sacks!!! lol

    Seriously, I can not stand overflowing trash, and all the crap most guys "forget" to do. Believe me ladies, they don't forget, they 'choose' not to do it at all. It's sad, and then they claim "I'm just being a guy enjoying my football". More like neanderthals being cave men. You typical guys are lucky I don't live in your neighborhoods.... I'd be paying a visit to your houses to make sure all your chores are done... ALL YOUR CHORES ;)

    I'm just playing... but imagine how many guys are worried about that now... hmmmm ;)

    Where were you 8 years ago??? :love:

    I'm a landlord of 3 grown men... Or should I say 2 grown men and a Man's man. The Man's man is the typical beer chugging, belching, football watching guy. He's a great roommate to have... fearless man's man. However, every single morning I awake to all the lights in the house on and last night's six pack of empty beer cans littered throughout the kitchen.

    Seriously!!! I have 3 different recycle containers out back and a trash can in the kitchen. There is also a pre - recycle spot on the counter just for beer cans. WTF!!! lol

    8 years ago? ... not available... But I am now! :)
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    I have a ? and please don't find this offensive OP.....But are you a stay at home mom?
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    ooooohhh .. Now ya got ME started! THAT is nothing unusual. My hubby, who for the record is my best friend, and I would die for him .. is a dork stick!

    Over the 35 years we've had together, I am still the primary house 'keeper', garden 'tender', garbage 'taker outer', finder of lost things (especially HIS cell phone, HIS wallet, HIS work boots, HIS jacket, HIS truck keys .. HIS .. well, I think you got the picture. I can't walk across the room with empty hands .. I am letting the dogs out with one, picking up laundry with the other, and moving shoes away from the door way with another. and balancing plates and glasses that were left on the back step with another...While, making a grocery list, balancing my checkbook, and preparing the next evening meal.

    THAT's my life! PLUS .. I work at least as many hours as he does .. most often times .. MORE hours in a day.

    I find my problem is not him .. as much as it is ME. If I mention to him to pick up his dishes ..He will .. If I ask him to take the laundry basket into the laundry room he will, I just wish I didn't have to ask. He sometimes does it without me asking, I have to give him credit for that .. but, for the most part, I find I just do it because it's become habit.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Are you sure he's forgetting to do these things, and not just banking on the fact that you'll do it yourself if he waits long enough?
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    I am so glad I don't have these issues. I am so NOT the typical beer drinking football watching guy. Give me a break you lazy sacks!!! lol

    Seriously, I can not stand overflowing trash, and all the crap most guys "forget" to do. Believe me ladies, they don't forget, they 'choose' not to do it at all. It's sad, and then they claim "I'm just being a guy enjoying my football". More like neanderthals being cave men. You typical guys are lucky I don't live in your neighborhoods.... I'd be paying a visit to your houses to make sure all your chores are done... ALL YOUR CHORES ;)

    I'm just playing... but imagine how many guys are worried about that now... hmmmm ;)

    You are the rarity. :grumble:
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    I have a ? and please don't find this offensive OP.....But are you a stay at home mom?

    No I'm not a stay at home mom, and I'm not offended. I work full time as well as he does. I told him, I would be happy to do every household chore IF I don't have to work outside the home. Maybe someday that'll be a reality, who knows.
  • DragonflyinTexas
    I've heard it said that a woman marries hoping that her man will change, and a man marries hoping that his woman never will. Was he like this before you married him? If so then it is not fair to expect him to change.:wink:
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    I am so glad I don't have these issues. I am so NOT the typical beer drinking football watching guy. Give me a break you lazy sacks!!! lol

    Seriously, I can not stand overflowing trash, and all the crap most guys "forget" to do. Believe me ladies, they don't forget, they 'choose' not to do it at all. It's sad, and then they claim "I'm just being a guy enjoying my football". More like neanderthals being cave men. You typical guys are lucky I don't live in your neighborhoods.... I'd be paying a visit to your houses to make sure all your chores are done... ALL YOUR CHORES ;)

    I'm just playing... but imagine how many guys are worried about that now... hmmmm ;)

    You are the rarity. :grumble:

    I've always been this way. I use to have a particular order for the dishes in the dish washer. Now I just wash them by hand after dinner so I NEVER have to load and unload the dish washer ;)

    It just seems way more logical to me to put things away after you take them out. Otherwise, chips go stale, milk spoils and your place smells like a landfill!!! :)
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I've started training my boyfriend already... If we get married he is going to be properly house trained. ;)
    He's usually very helpful, it's when he starts playing Xbox that he becomes unresponsive and accuses me of nagging... Funny that. lol
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    Yeah I was one of those guys. Now I'm single.

    A few things I learned in the process of divorce. ex was pissed and felt overwhelmed. Enough to call it quits. (Trust me we had way more issues than this, but this contributed.)

    Why didn't I know that earlier? The same reason your husbands don't know it now.

    You don't talk our language and we don't talk yours.

    You need to find common ground. You need to use our true weaknesses against us.

    Our weakness is we will do anything for you if we truly believe in our heart of hearts that without us, you couldn't survive. We need to be your hero. And we see through BS, so if you fake it, we can figure it out. Eventually. We're slow.

    And the problem is, you've been doing such a good job of not really needing us, doing it yourself, that we kinda know what your capable of. Sadly for you.

    So sit us down. Convince us that you truly respect us and need us. Without our help you'll implode. You have to take on this or else... the sky will fall in. We need to be your hero.

    I know this sounds childish and pathetic. We're boys. Its sad. But I'm telling you this is how it is. Now you may have to show patience. And you may need to go through this poor pathetic "I'm just a weak little thing" routine multiple times. But if you want a hero, you have to be a damsel in distress. We eat that crap up.
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    I have a ? and please don't find this offensive OP.....But are you a stay at home mom?

    No I'm not a stay at home mom, and I'm not offended. I work full time as well as he does. I told him, I would be happy to do every household chore IF I don't have to work outside the home. Maybe someday that'll be a reality, who knows.

    ok :bigsmile: Then he should help out way more... (I'm a clean freak so I... personally never let him do anything cus he wont do it my way...and being the freak I am will end up redoing it) I'm a stay at home mom so its kind of my job to keep the house clean anyways...I do still ask him to take out the trash, or put dishes away... but he always does it so I cant complain about that
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    i have an easy way to fix this whole issue, though it's not for everybody...

    Get yourself paralyzed and near death, he'll see the light and be MUCH more helpful. Then, make an amazing recovery and he'll realize how lucky he is to have you back.

    I don't know... worked for me. :huh:
  • JustEllieK
    JustEllieK Posts: 423 Member
    First though when i saw this was....Justin Beaver...i mean Bieber. What? Man child sorta.
  • Tiffanydepiano
    Tiffanydepiano Posts: 169 Member
    My husband has Adult ADHD. Thanks for posting to everyone. Mine is just the same as OP. Makes me feel better knowing it isn't that rare. :mad: :happy:
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    I've come to the conclusion that most guys want a mommy they can have sex with.

    There's a reason why women are less likely to remarry than men.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I've come to the conclusion that most guys want a mommy they can have sex with.

    There's a reason why women are less likely to remarry than men.

    :laugh: Amen!