women who lift heavy

how often do you lift? how heavy? Also how many calories do you eat a day and have you lost or gained weight?


  • Maria_Goose

    I'm actually starting weight-lifting today. Ima see.
  • JoAnn73
    JoAnn73 Posts: 161 Member
    i started out with 5 pounds weights back in April. I'm now lifting 10 pounds.
  • jessicamckay13
    I am just getting back into heavy lifting after wrist surgery. I try to do each muscle group twice a week. Yesterday I did chest, triceps, biceps. And ran 6 miles. Today is my off day. Next lifting day I will do back and shoulders. I do light legs and abs kinda randomly depending on my running schedule.

    I am very lean so I eat a ton. I need to net 2,200-2,600 cals a day to maintain weight while running.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I lift 3 days/week. I squat 125, deadlift 115, bench press 110.

    I eat around 2000 cals on lifting days (I try for 40% protein), 2200 on my other, heavy cardio days.
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    3 days a week, about 1800 calories and I'll let you know on the weight loss.

    I'm not into Olympic lifting yet - I'm working my way up to it by doing P90X with heavy dumbbells/low reps.

    also worth noting that I'm eating a deficit because I'm trying to cut fat (so I'm lifting now to retain the muscle mass I have).
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
  • starwhisperer
    i lift heavy... for me. That said I am sure there are ladies on this forum that can and would beat me up with only one hand :). I lift at least 3 days a week, I up my weight as soon as I can do three sets of any one exercise without getting real close if not hitting muscle failure. I have just started doing more leg work, because legs just don't make me as happy as upper body. So my numbers for lower body are probably less than impressive. I don't eat my exercise calories (sometimes I dip into them if I am hungry or out with friends) so I don't eat any different. I always try to get loads of protein when I lift... But also on my days when i don't lift.
  • jessicamckay13
    Oh, so yesterday I did free weights for a bit (15-20lbs for bi/tri) and then my husband kicked my *kitten* with his manly workout. We did incline bech w/smith machine. I think I did 4 sets of 6-10 reps with 15-20lbs on each side of the bar. Machines/cables I was 60ish lbs.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Last month I did 4-5 days a week strictly to build strength. I didn't do cardio because fat loss wasn't my goal at that point. I did a split routine and only worked the same body part twice a week during the 4th week which is when I did 2 legs workouts (Monday and Friday).

    Starting today, now that I am 250% stronger than a month ago (my squats went from just the Olympic bar to 115 pounds in 4 weeks, for example), I am doing a split routine just 3 days a week working every muscle group once every 4 days or so. I go as heavy as I possibly can for 8-12 reps. If I can't do 8 reps, I go lighter. If I can squeak out 13, I go heavier. I do 3 sets per exercise with 60-90 second rests between sets.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    i follow the new rules of lifting for women program so i lift 2-3 times a week and i lift as heavy as possible for 3 sets of 6 reps. I eat 1500 cals on my rest day, 1850 on my lifting days, and 2200 on my long run and two-a-day days.

    oh, i squat 120ish lbs, bench 70, lunges with 60 lbs, working on the unassisted pull up, and deadlift 60 lbs (boo..this ones hard for me). I dont do isolated muslcle group lifts (i.e. bicep curls) because doing whole body lifts (squats) uses more muscles, burns more calories, and is more like moves in real-life so its practical.

    I've lost about 7 lbs since doing this BUT have droped TEN PERCENT (10%!!!!!) body fat (check out my blog 2 weeks ago for pics of this)

    LOVE this program and i've tried everything else so i have lots to compare to!
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    I lift heavy, the only way I see results. I want to remain lean... I eat about 1500-1700 cals/day do some cardio, but not that much... I lose #... A woman can only gain like 5lbs of muscle a year... if you gain more, that's fat.
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    I lift 3 days/week. I squat 125, deadlift 115, bench press 110.

    I eat around 2000 cals on lifting days (I try for 40% protein), 2200 on my other, heavy cardio days.

  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    how often do you lift? how heavy? Also how many calories do you eat a day and have you lost or gained weight?

    I try to lift 3 days a week, but lately I've only been able to manage 2 -- 3 is better, but 2 is better than nothing!!

    I've been eating 1500 cals on non-lift days and adding 300 extra calories. I should probably eat more. I'm changing my focus over to eating clean though and haven't really been counting calories so much lately as you can see from my diary.

    I'm lifting as heavy as I can and add weight when I feel like I can (I don't have a spotter, so I'm somewhat limited). Currently my squats are at like 110# (thought it's been a while since I've done a regular squat - could prob do more now - I hope), deadlifts are only at 85# cuz I think my form is wrong as my lower back keeps hurting afterwards (not normal muscle soreness), so I lowered my weight to focus better on form. I'm currently doing the cable triceps pulldown thing at 45#!!!! I'm very excited about that!! My lat pulldown is at 75#. Um, I can't think of anything else off the top of my head right now. Oh - I do a tall step up with 75#.

    I've been losing weight - mostly focused on lifting - not so much on cardio. I'm currently about 143 and 5'4.

    Definetly lift heavy - it's totally worth it!!

    Oh - I'm doing New Rules of Lifting for Women too - I really like the program!!
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    i am just looking to see what works for everyone else. I lift heavy 4 days a week and do cardio 4 days a week. Sunday is my rest day. i started eating more around the same time i started lifting and i gained weight so i do not know if it from lifting or if i am eating too much.. i eat about 1700-2200 calories a day but according to my bodybugg i burn 2400-3400 calories a day so i do not understand why i am gaining.?!?!
  • tigeratty
    tigeratty Posts: 75 Member
    I'm nursing a sprained ankle now, but I have been lifting heavy for over a year. I did NROLFW for and a few of the NROL routines. This summer I did Stronglifts 5X5 and really increased my strength/weights. I was not tracking my calories at that time and I did gain a little weight, some of which was not muscle because it was in my gut. I also found out my thryoid was off, so that may have contributed to the gain. I was lifting heavy 3x per week and doing HIIT when I could. However, after squatting my heaviest weighs I couldn't exactly get on the treadmill. (Heaviest for me was squat 140, deadlift 125).

    When I stated here, I cut weight days down from three to 1-2. I did Couch to 5k and continued running. I am eating 1600 on off and running days and closer to 1800 on weight days. I also switched thyroid meds. I was losing until this ankle thing!

    I will never stop lifting heavy.

    The hard thing is that you need a small calorie deficit if you hope to build muscle while still losing. If you have too much of a deficit you won't build muscle. I struggle with getting that number right, esp since I usually feel more hungry the day after lifting, not the day of (I work out after work). I'm also diabetic so I have to plan out snacks so that I don't crash during my workout (or driving home from it). I have a lot to juggle!

  • lisaisso
    lisaisso Posts: 337 Member
    bumpin :heart:
  • Beccatink
    Beccatink Posts: 27 Member
    I'm just starting out and I lift 3-4 times a week, I'm lifting up to 12kgs depending on the type of lift and how many reps. I do weights in the gym, 4kg dumbbells and 12kg kettle bells with a plan from a trainer and I also do weight lifting classes with a barbell with up to 10kgs. Looking around the class I seem to be lifting the average amount, there are a few ladies that lift more but most are lifting the same or less.
    I'm sticking to roughly 1600cals per day and my weight has been steady while doing this. Before weight lifting I was doing more cardio and sticking to less than 1000cals most days and found it hard not to gain weight.
    I do use protein powder, mainly as a shake, I try and stick to 40% protein 40% carbs and 20% fat. I'm also trying to do "clean eating", so cutting out the sugar and processed foods.

    Hope this helps x
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    i am just looking to see what works for everyone else. I lift heavy 4 days a week and do cardio 4 days a week. Sunday is my rest day. i started eating more around the same time i started lifting and i gained weight so i do not know if it from lifting or if i am eating too much.. i eat about 1700-2200 calories a day but according to my bodybugg i burn 2400-3400 calories a day so i do not understand why i am gaining.?!?!

    Did you just start out? It can take up to 2 months to see the scale number drop because of water weight gain from DOMS. I have to keep repeating that to myself as I only lost 0.6 pounds last month, lol. But I know it is working because my clothes are looser. I am just going to add in more cardio now and preserve that strength that I gained last month. It will work out, don't give up!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I just started lifting again recently. I squat 65, dead lift 85, shoulder press 20... I'm also do new rules. I am trying to eat somewhere between 2000-2300 in order to be in a surplus and gain muscle. However last week I ended up losing a pound. This week I'm traveling so calories will not be good.