Halloween: To eat, or Not to eat...THAT is the question...



  • nanodot
    nanodot Posts: 154 Member
    I do a cheat meal every two weeks. I'm also planning to have some candy corn on Haloween, it's my favorite.

    How about set a goal of 250 carbs that day, and fit your candy into that? Then back to low-carb the next day. Primal lifestyle is very good at curbing cravings, but be aware that a candy jolt will likely cause come cravings to ignore later. Also, work out the next day, to get back to low blood sugar.

    Moderation means living your life thoughtfully and not fearfully.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I don't think one can stay away from holiday celebrations its whole life. And that's what holidays are about, right? Spending time with loved ones and pigging on unhealthy food... So I'd say, go ahead! There are plenty of healthy/thin people who eat too much every once in a while. The thing is just to start eating healthy again on the next day! :)
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    oh boy, I wish I could do this. Halloween chocolate is my favorite but it's way too easy to eat too many. Remember, each of those little chocolate bars has 60-80 calories. It's not a diet blower, but it will be if you engorge on it. There's say, 50 mini bars in a box. If you eat the whole box, that's 3000-4000 calories.

    You're seriously better off buying ONE regular chocolate bar and enjoying it, then it's gone and you can move on. If you buy a box of Halloween candy, there's no stopping you (there's no stopping me). If you're OK with gaining one pound then go for it.
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    I've been on my lifestyle change for almost 6 weeks now. I've done well. Not too many cravings.
    I should mention I'm a carbaholic....a food addict.....I self medicate with good-tasting food.
    One of my loves is good milk chocolate.
    So we all know where this is going, don't we?

    I know I will stray from what I need to eat once in a while. 6 weeks in and the only thing I strayed on was cheesecake in week 2. But that's it.

    I want to engorge myself with milk chocolate on Halloween. I know I will be back to my primal/paleo lifestyle the next morning without a hitch....along with aches and pains (inflammation) from my sugar over-indulgence.

    So I want validation, people.

    Can I get an "Amen"?

    One day will not kill your progress. Have so goodies, enjoy the day and then get right back at it.
  • Gemnildy
    Gemnildy Posts: 124 Member
    Why binge? If you KNOW it is that difficult and it is reasonable to allow for some sort of dessert just make sure that you budget it into your calories OR put in that extra workout to stay in your goals but don't cheat yourself out of the enjoyment (within reason)!

    I also love fresh candy corn at this time of the season... the calories are killer (150 per serving of 20 pieces) but I counted out my one serving of twenty pieces and put them in front of me in a bowl to savor each bite while I worked. I was amazed when I realized that those 20 pieces lasted me all afternoon and I was completely satisfied AND did not have to do anything excessive to make up for it! NO BINGE.. just enjoy with moderation!