Why don't people get it?

I only have about 10-15 more lbs to lose, but I really don't look like it. I'm more concerned about losing the fat and toning up. I know right now is crucial to eating right and not going overboard with the wrong types of foods. I am trying very hard to eat what kind of food I need to in order to get the muscle and lose the fat. Of course my office ALWAYS has some type of food sitting around for everybody. Today it's Panera Bread's bagels. I am so in love with Panera Bread, but I am doing good and saying no. My supervisor won't let it go. It's so aggravating. He keeps telling me "there's low fat cream cheese" "one bagel isn't going to hurt" and all this other crap. Seriously please stop I don't want a damn bagel. But that's how it always starts. I am always good at saying no at first, then somebody comes along with their persuasiveness and I eventually cave because they won't stop talking about it and it's all I think about. Then after one bad thing during the day it leads me to another. Why can't people just respect that I want to do this for myself? Just because YOU don't think I need to lose any weight doesn't mean I'm happy with where I am right now!


  • Niveous
    Niveous Posts: 294 Member
    I don't know. Let me know when you figure it out. :tongue:
  • No one is forcing you though. You still make all your own decisions. If you want it bad enough you will continue to say no. Or fit the bagel in your daily calorie allowance
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I completely understand. i am the same way, it doesn't appear as though there is anything wrong with me but I am not physically in the shape I PERSONALLY want to be in. Honestly, I think a lot of it has to do with the other person and them not being happy with their own body. Misery loves company. Keep saying no. Explain to them very kindly that you just don't eat those things because of how much you care about being healthy and fit.
  • No one is forcing you though. You still make all your own decisions. If you want it bad enough you will continue to say no. Or fit the bagel in your daily calorie allowance

    No, but when they continuously try to get me to take a bagel, it gets harder and harder to say no. What I am saying is, they should respect me and what I am doing enough to let it go. If they ask and I say no, that should be the end of it. And it isn't about how many calories right now, it's about what kind of calories
  • How about putting a huge note on your desk (or your forehead for emphasis ;)) that says "I DON'T WANT A DAMN BAGEL!"
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Most people have good intentions. They don't want to see you depriving yourself. Keep saying no and remember that they mean no harm.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    Oh sister-I feel you. Seriously, when people say-you want to lose more!?!! Where from? I want to say-would you like me to strip for you so I can actually point out all the places I still have fat on my body. Of course I know I will always have some sort of fat, but there is a little left that I would like off my body. Trust me I feel you, stay strong and don't give in!!! It will make your final goal that much better!!
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Punch a b*tch out :-D
  • justimmy22
    justimmy22 Posts: 17 Member
    It is hard to keep saying no...What I have done in the past if they keep pestering me to join in, I take the bagel to my desk and break some off and throw it away and let ppl notice it's missing some and then eventually just throw all of it away (lol). i know it's wasting food and i feel bad (but I would feel worse if I ended up caving in) but if they act like one bagel belongs to me then i feel like I can do wit it what i choose. Don't cave !!!! stay strong!!!! lol
  • Have you mentioned anything to your boss or the people you work with? From how it sounds, it seems like maybe your boss just feels bad that you're not eating anything with them (kind of leaving you out). Next time, just tell him No, Thanks, You appreciate it. And then mention how great you're doing, what your goal is, and that him offering the food like that makes it even harder for you. Maybe ask him to pick up some fruit next time he brings in breakfast?
    I had a co-worker that did that kind of stuff on purpose, to try and get me to cave in and eat stuff I shouldn't. She put a box of cookies on my desk once, so I "accidentally" slammed my chair into her. ;-)
  • How about putting a huge note on your desk (or your forehead for emphasis ;)) that says "I DON'T WANT A DAMN BAGEL!"

    Hmmmm I like this idea... Maybe I'll change the signature on my e-mails to say something to this effect
  • Sometimes I think that sort of thing is fuelled a bit from jealousy too. I find it very frustrating though, not so much the temptation but more the fact that people can't respect someone else's choices (especially if they are positive choices).

    I find this happens a lot with drinking too. My ex chose not to drink and it got to the point where he didn't like going out because people would try and force alcohol on him because they thought he should be drinking, even though he explained it was his decision not to.
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    :drinker: HERE HERE!!!

    I was in the same boat and I was very sick of listening to people tell me how skinny I was.
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    Have you ever read any of the books by Jennifer Lancaster? She is a non-fction comedy writer- hysterical- her first book is called "Bitter is the New Black"... she has 4 or 5 books out now- I can't rememebr which one- I think it is Bitter- but she talks about going to Weight Watchers and listeneing to them blame all thier weight problems on office birthday cake- all of her books deal with her weight struggles- very very funny- (and takes place in Chicago).

    But I do agree with you- some people just don;t get that you are not ina good place for you- while you may not seem overweight to them, it is about how you feel- AND some people feel better about thier weight/eating issues when other are in the same boat you are- don't let them drag you down to thier level so that they can feel justified for thier own situation!

    Hang in there!!!
  • No one is forcing you though. You still make all your own decisions. If you want it bad enough you will continue to say no. Or fit the bagel in your daily calorie allowance

    No, but when they continuously try to get me to take a bagel, it gets harder and harder to say no. What I am saying is, they should respect me and what I am doing enough to let it go. If they ask and I say no, that should be the end of it. And it isn't about how many calories right now, it's about what kind of calories

    I completely agree with you there, they really do mean well though. All you can do is continue to say no unfortunately. Sounds exactly like everyone in my family!

    It really is about how many calories by the way. You can eat "dirty" foods and still continue to lose weight.
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    I only have about 10-15 more lbs to lose, but I really don't look like it. I'm more concerned about losing the fat and toning up. I know right now is crucial to eating right and not going overboard with the wrong types of foods. I am trying very hard to eat what kind of food I need to in order to get the muscle and lose the fat. Of course my office ALWAYS has some type of food sitting around for everybody. Today it's Panera Bread's bagels. I am so in love with Panera Bread, but I am doing good and saying no. My supervisor won't let it go. It's so aggravating. He keeps telling me "there's low fat cream cheese" "one bagel isn't going to hurt" and all this other crap. Seriously please stop I don't want a damn bagel. But that's how it always starts. I am always good at saying no at first, then somebody comes along with their persuasiveness and I eventually cave because they won't stop talking about it and it's all I think about. Then after one bad thing during the day it leads me to another. Why can't people just respect that I want to do this for myself? Just because YOU don't think I need to lose any weight doesn't mean I'm happy with where I am right now!

    Well, I am a carb lover and so I say, one bagel won't hurt you. But the there is no such thing as low fat cream cheese. Just don't go over on the calories when it comes to bread, and maybe a whole wheat bagel? Unless you are an low carb dieter, just watch the sodium for the rest of your day.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    You could just tell him you don't feel well and you don't think a bagel will sit well.
  • janeinspain
    janeinspain Posts: 173 Member
    Because they just don't get it. It takes hard work and perseverance (at least for some, like myself) to get to have the body we want. For them it's easy to say "Oh, come on! Take just one bite!" But in my case as well, one bite leads to another, etc Better to not touch it.
  • Have you mentioned anything to your boss or the people you work with? From how it sounds, it seems like maybe your boss just feels bad that you're not eating anything with them (kind of leaving you out). Next time, just tell him No, Thanks, You appreciate it. And then mention how great you're doing, what your goal is, and that him offering the food like that makes it even harder for you. Maybe ask him to pick up some fruit next time he brings in breakfast?
    I had a co-worker that did that kind of stuff on purpose, to try and get me to cave in and eat stuff I shouldn't. She put a box of cookies on my desk once, so I "accidentally" slammed my chair into her. ;-)

    First off, I LOVE your name! And I've tried to explain to them. Before it wasn't so bad because I was getting married, but this month after being married has been bad because they say "Oh you're married what are you trying to look good for". Really? So now that I'm married I don't have to care about myself anymore? I sometimes just take the food and stick it in my lunch sack and bring it home for my hubby. He can eat all day and not gain a lb, the jerk lol