I know I am going to get beat up for this one but I gotta know. How many of you drink beer out there? I am a beer drinker. I don't drink anything other than water and beer. I'm a country girl, hunt, fish and sit on the back porch with my man and listen to music. So all day I drink water - 6 - 16 oz water bottles then at night I have 1-3 beers and then switch back to water and drink atleast 2 more 16 oz water bottles. I'm still losing weight and I add my beer to my diary daily (ultra light), but I do still wonder if I'd be losing way quicker if I didn't drink. And I know people will find this crazy too but my cardiologist actually recommended for me to drink. (hold on - before everyone gets mad) I have a heart condition that causes extreme anxiety and all the anti-anxiety meds he tried me on I had terrible side effects. We found 1 med to control my blood pressure but my other "med" is to drink 1-2 beers daily. OK, so now.... let me have it.


  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    calories are calories enjoy them how you like
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    I don't see a problem with it. But, I know it definitely slows down weight loss. I've been losing somewhat consistently (except for last week) and I have about 6-12 beers a weekend. That is one thing I'm not going to give up. I'd rather keep drinking and lose weight slowly, than give it up, hit my goal, and start drinking and gaining the weight back. Whatever works for you :)
  • recesq
    recesq Posts: 154 Member
    Do what your Dr. says............
  • nellie_88
    nellie_88 Posts: 307 Member
    I also only drink water and beer, haha! I dont drink nightly, just on the weekends and the beer I like is not light beer. I like full flavor wheat beer! I have noticed that it does affect my weight, but I log all that I drink and just try to keep it to a minimum! I used to drink 4-5x a week but cut back and once I cut back I started losing weight faster! I love beer too much to give it up so I just limit! Good luck to you!
  • mandycasey
    mandycasey Posts: 274 Member
    Well i don't like beer but i feel if you're still losing weight then carry on, u don't want to lose weight to quickly. I usually have a treat most weekends and still lose xx
  • riyahroyce
    don't give up beer! as long as you watch what you eat otherwise and make smart choices (which it sounds like you are with the light beer and all) it will be fine. :)
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    calories are calories- use them how you want to!!! I use about 200 of mine daily on wine! :)
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    I drink beer also. But I switched to Bud select 55 and I count all my need. But I have noticed that this summer I drank alot of beer and didn't loss. .. good luck..
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I save my beer for the bad sat nights :) and have my wine ummm all the others haha :)
  • iwillsoonbeslim
    I love beer and stout, although I don't drink all that often. During my Slimming World years I fought my taste buds and opted for low syn drinks. Now I've seen the light in more ways than one, and when I want beer or Guinness, I bloody well have it! I've never lost so fast as I am now.
    As long's your numbers work, you'll lose :)x
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    I don't think you'd lose weight any faster if you didn't drink the beer. You drink enough water to counter act any dehydration effects that beer can cause which would be only thing I could think of, of why you wouldn't lose weight, but since you still are losing weight it doesn't seem to be a problem. Also, in societies where people live to be over 100 years old alcohol is a major part of their diet they usually drink 2 or 3 drinks a day.
  • adpollard001
    I too have recently heard that 1-2 beers a day can have beneficial effects on the heart. Who woulda thought? But I agree, calories are calories, and as long as you're not overdoing it and logging them in your diary you should be fine, I wouldn't worry too much about it. The only thing I'd say is that when you consume alcohol, your liver recognizes it as a type of poison and focuses about 99% of it's attention on breaking down the alcohol, therefore, a much larger percentage of the food you eat will be stored instead of broken down properly. Enjoy a beer or two, but I'd avoid eating at the same time. Hope that helps!
  • cwesse
    cwesse Posts: 9 Member
    Of course you would lose more if you gave up the beer, but is it a lifestyle change you are willing to stick with.
    Like you, I am also a beer drinker. It is the one thing I refuse to give up.
    It is not like you are tearing it up every night.
  • bullet1
    bullet1 Posts: 61
    I drink beer quite a bit. While I would rather have a nice IPA or a big Porter or Stout, if I'm going to have more than 1-2, I usually drink Miller Lite. I always log what I drink and try and keep it under my calorie count. Doesn't always happen but you have to keep yourself happy and if drinking a few beers keeps you happy and you can still stay on track with your goals, go for it.
  • GouchisGirl
    GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
    I was drinking beer during the week (Milwaukee light, 98 cal) and then went to just the weekends and I also add it to my diary. Like someone said, calories are calories, BUT alcohol (caffeine and tobacco) store fat cells in your butt and stomach and slow down your metabolism. I guess it doesn't worry me enough to stop lol, but I know that a few years ago (before I got married) I cut out alcohol all at once and in 4 months I dropped 25 lbs without watching what I ate, or exercising. Granted at that time it was more then a couple of beers a night, but its food for thought. ;) I say use it as your treat because if you don't have something you enjoy you'll go crazy! :drinker:
  • Erica0718
    Erica0718 Posts: 469 Member
    mmmm....BEER.... :heart:
  • geri1955
    geri1955 Posts: 106
    I like my beer too gf!!! I drink every Saturday night some Sundays if Im off Monday from work!!! I count them as my calories too! Hey do what makes YOU happy, or you'll just be making every one around you happy except yourself!!! Have a great weight loss and CHEERS :drinker:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,114 Member
    Who knows? Keep yourself anxiety free.

    what's that doctor's name?
  • sharonus
    sharonus Posts: 102
    I love beer, but I drink microbrews. I'm not much of a fan of "light" beer. I used to drink one and sometimes two microbrews every night, but that stopped when I started counting calories. The beer I drink averages about 160 calories a bottle, so I typically have to work out during the day to have enough extra calories for that.

    One thing that I started noticing when I stopped drinking beer every night is that I slept better. It's no problem on the weekends as I only have to get up when my kids do, but during the week, it made it a little harder to get up when my alarm went off for work. Even if I only had one beer.

    You said your other med is to "drink 1-2 beers daily" if it were me, I would try to keep it at that.
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    Calories are calories. I dont see a problem with that. Occasionally I have a glass of wine. As long as you count the calories who cares what anyone else thinks. And you are still losing? Thats good then