

  • Riotactor10
    I'm also a pretty casual beer drinker (mostly weekends) but always try to make sure to leave room when I know I'm going to be drinking it. Everyone has a few things (or more) that they like to save those calories for.

    This weekend I'm hosting a Halloween Party which usually involves a lot of my food diary should be quite interesting to say the least.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    So long as you are honest with not only yourself, but ALSO honest with your Cardiologist, and keeping track on MFP for yourself, thats all that matters.

    I love my beer, my margaritas, the occasional martini... but I make sure I have enough calories/carbs allocated to enjoy them without going over. Had myself a 16oz Bud Light on draft yesterday with my dinner. VERY reasonable on calories and carbs... Margaritas are actually not too too bad either.

    Im under the care of an Endocrinologist. She sees the reports that I print right from here on MFP, she sees what I eat also AND drink... I email her weekly on my weigh-in day as well. I wont hide anything from her.... and the last 5 weeks, Ive dropped 13.4 pounds....
  • aepoliak
    I am a Nurse Practitioner, marathon runner, mountain and road biker, and STILL enjoy a good beer on the weekends. As long as you are drinking in moderation, there is nothing wrong with a drink or 2. Losing weight is a math equation. To lose weight your calories in must be less than calories expended. I make sure I run/bike enough on the days I want a glass of wine or a beer so I can enjoy it without guilt. I run hard so I can play hard (or play at all) ;-)
  • WVUmama
    I once heard Oprah talk about the negative effect alcohol has on metabolism, which certainly impacts weight loss.
    A friend and I did weight watchers for over a year and I lost 60 pounds while she lost about 10. The difference? She drank pretty regularly and I did not. So....... it's not just calories. BUT- if you're losing weight, your doctor approves, and there are no adverse side effects, have your nightly brews :)
  • Uerzer
    Uerzer Posts: 273
    I do still wonder if I'd be losing way quicker if I didn't drink.

    you would! still... you are setting your own goals, so do whatever suits you best XD
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    you probably would lose quicker if you didn't drink 1-3 beers a day but....quality of life is important! i,too, like beer and usually have a beer or glass of wine in the evenings. i do find if i have more than one that i am tempted to start snacking, though. i try to see if i have enough cal at end of day for a drink and then use them if i do. also...if i have more than one i have a hard time getting up at 5am for the gym!
  • Jonna13
    Jonna13 Posts: 288 Member
    I lI've me some beer too!!! I still have one or two most nights but I switched to Coors light and add it into my diary as part of my caloric intake. I've lost 8 lbs in 2 weeks too :). I say enjoy it!
  • TXBlonde81
    TXBlonde81 Posts: 78 Member
    I love a good beer. I try to limit drinking to the weekends but even then I can get a little out of hand (ie more than a six pack over a weekend). Since I'm just restarting MFP yet again my goal is to work out consistently and eat better on the weekends so I can still fit in my beer. I've tried switching to Select55 and similar beers but I find I drink more because I can't get a buzz or relaxing feeling. So I stick with my full calorie Imports that I love.

    I know I could lose faster if I cut it out and cut out my diet soda but that wouldn't be very fun. I'll stick with slow and steady. I got into a bad habit of eating out every meal on the weekend or eating too much pizza. I figure if I can straighten that out then I can still enjoy my vice.
  • ohthelawd
    ohthelawd Posts: 29 Member
    As many people said, calories are calories. I luuuuurve me some beer, though. I only get to go out with my gf every other weekend, but when I've been busting my butt running and watching what I eat for 2 weeks solid, I feel like I can have 3 Sweetwater IPAs as a reward (and if you haven't tried this Sure, that's 900 calories worth of beer, but it doesn't completely negate all the work I put in. Does it slow down my loss? Sure. Do I care? Not really. Sure I have a goal weight, but if I can reach it in 6 months while having some good nights out to keep my sanity vs. 4 months without, I'll take the 6 month route every time. Life is too short to not take time to enjoy it. I don't want to lay on my deathbed and think "I sure wish I had done x, y, z, but hey at least I'm thinner because I didn't!".

  • misti17
    misti17 Posts: 106
    Thanks everyone. I thought I was going to get bashed. Now I feel even more accepted into this group. We are all losing weight and getting more healthy together, and by gosh, if we wanna drink a beer or glass of wine, we dang sure will!!! I love this site!
  • Vegan_Chick
    Vegan_Chick Posts: 474 Member
    My boyfriend quit drinking beer and coke for 2 weeks and lost 10 pounds. If you can take it, it would be worth it!
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Hey, if your doctor prescribe it why not? Enjoy it! Your body needs it!!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I drink beer. Not as often as I drink wine, but yeah, I drink beer.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    calories are calories enjoy them how you like

    However, if I'm going to drink beer I'm going to drink good beer. Guinness extra stout is only 120 a bottle,
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    I pole-vaulted over my calorie limit this weekend with a little help from the local brewery (and my neighborhood bar and grill.) Okay, maybe a lot of help... :blushing:

    But it was FUN. I had a blast with DH and some new friends. Oddly enough, the numbers on the scale didn't change at all - but I was totally prepared for them to.

    I am determined to enjoy this lifestyle. If I don't, I won't sustain it. Also - what's the point of getting healthy and fit if it's not fun?!
  • dixiech1ck
    dixiech1ck Posts: 769 Member
    Microbrews are where it's at. Just remember, the higher the alcohol content %, the more calories. I love me some Victory, Flying Fish, Dogfish Head, Leinenkugels. Mmmmmmmm...
  • jessicajane11
    I know I am going to get beat up for this one but I gotta know. How many of you drink beer out there? I am a beer drinker. I don't drink anything other than water and beer. I'm a country girl, hunt, fish and sit on the back porch with my man and listen to music. So all day I drink water - 6 - 16 oz water bottles then at night I have 1-3 beers and then switch back to water and drink atleast 2 more 16 oz water bottles.

    I am the exactly same way! Well, I don't drink light beer (that's drivin' beer) but I say have yer beer! just make sure you run it off lol you can't take beer out or yer diet! I'd go crazy!! we're working on changing how we look not who we are! lol good luck & CHEERS!!
  • kristelpoole
    kristelpoole Posts: 440 Member
    I love a good craft beer, and wine, and bourbon, and.....

    yeah, live life.

    Trite but true, it's a lifestyle not a diet. ;)
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    I LOVE a good beer, but I've learned that it's really about the TASTE for me, not the buzz of the alcohol. So I buy great quality, often high calorie, beer - rather than the light stuff. I pour myself HALF in a glass and dump the rest. I sip at that 1/2 and LOVE it. Doing this usually helps me continue to lose, and not feel deprived. I find that a beer that I don't like the taste of (fill in every light beer known to man here) I won't touch it. Sort of like hot chocolate. Just because it's "light" doesn't make it delicious for my personal tastes. I like a great dark beer, but I'll only drink 1/2 of a bottle. I don't drink anything that comes in a can as a general rule. On those RARE occasions that I go to a bar, I order the smallest size of the tastiest beer on the menu. I find that if I'm not watching TV while I'm drinking, I'll be satisfied with drinking less, and I'll enjoy the flavor more. I guess I treat a good beer like I treat a fine wine - except I'm a bit more wasteful. Wine will keep. Beer? Not so much!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    calories are calories enjoy them how you like

    However, if I'm going to drink beer I'm going to drink good beer. Guinness extra stout is only 120 a bottle,