What food do you miss the most?



  • RKA625
    RKA625 Posts: 151 Member
    I don't really miss anything, like some others have said, if I want it, I eat it, just in moderation. Do I really need to eat a HUGE bowl of ice cream? No, if I want some, I have some, but I measure out a cup, and then add 1/2 a cup of frozen fat free cool whip to it to "bulk it up" without adding tons of calories. :wink:

    I think this summer I will miss my ice coffees, I don't really like coffee, lol, I get a med FV ice coffee with 7 creams and 7 sugars. Well I used to anyway, but I know it must have like a million calories. I may try it with skim milk instead of cream and see if that tastes good.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I still enjoy everything I used to as well... just less of it.

    Same here.
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    I still enjoy everything I used to as well... just less of it.

    Same here.
    i do the same. of course I've been known to run just so I could have a cheeseburger LOL or a creme brule(though I found making it with whole milk is just as yummy and a third of the calories and fat)
  • MattySparky
    we have this burger joint in Canada (maybe in the states too??) called Lick's... yeah if you've been there and had their burgers, enough said. Not that I ever ate lots of them, but damn... they're so friggin good and they make this sauce called "Guk" which is this garlic sauce you put on the burger along with all your other favorite things... lets just say that I can almost taste a licks burger talking about it.
  • MattySparky
    Remember when McDonalds had pizza?

    yeah it was good too I remeber that stuff.
  • ggooding12
    McDonalds? You should watch "Super size me" ICK!!!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Nation's Burgers. Fat Burgers. Taco Bell. In-and-Out-Double Double and a Chocolate shake. Round Table Pizza. Cold Stone Creamery cheesecake flavored ice cream with cherries and chocolate chips.
    my dad's homemade potato macaroni salad (with a 30 oz. jar of Best Foods). drinking whatever and however much I wanted. (alcohol I mean) my homemade chocolate chip cookies. made with 2 sticks of real butter and double the choc. chips the recipe calls for. Real, high-octane Coca-Cola and Pepsi. High Tech Burrito "The Godzilla" covered in sour cream, guac, cheese, steak and chicken (approx. the size of a newborn infant). Carl's Jr. Kaukana Port-flavored Cheese balls covered in slivered almonds, spread on wheat thins. I could go on and on. (and quite obviously, I did!)

    But you know what? As I have learned more about how much exercise it takes to burn how many calories, I have more and more not felt the old urges, because it will just take that much longer for me to hit my goals. I'd rather eat well and hit my goals sooner than eat those (formerly) cherished foods.
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I still enjoy everything I used to as well... just less of it.
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    is rum a food?:ohwell:

    eeek.gif oops sorry!:blushing:

    Yes absolutely, rum IS food as long as you eat it with cake:wink:
  • Phoenixflame
    Phoenixflame Posts: 560 Member
    French fries.

    I used to eat them almost everyday. See, fries represent a lot more than food to me. They were what I remember eating when my grandpa would pick me up from school. When my parents were divorcing, or when I was going through the emotional tedium of changing houses and having to play middleman, I'd walk over to Wendy's and get a hot pack of fries.

    I don't think I'm quite at a point where I can just "have a couple" and let it go. I think that if I allowed myself a child's size, that it would be "loosing the hounds."

    I'm getting better at baking butternut squash fries though! Haven't managed to get 'em the right consistency, but cloooosing in.

    Oh, and greasy spoons! We have this joint called 59 Diner. It has these amazing milkshakes, and that very special "so bad it's amazing" burger. You know, the greasy kind that tastes like food of the gods when you wander in at 1 in the morning with friends?

    I haven't had either in...gods...7 months? Wowza.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    McDonalds? You should watch "Super size me" ICK!!!

    I've seen it, still love their food. :love:

    Just don't have it very often. :bigsmile:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    I still eat the same foods that I have been eating, just watching the serving sizes. I miss cheeseburgers, that is most defintatley my most favorite food, I think if I ate it though it would make me so sick to my stomach now. I ate a hashbrown pattie one day and it almost made me sick because it was so greasy.
  • Dustdevil

    Hot Wings!

    Lots of 'em with beer!
  • DaniNei
    DaniNei Posts: 132 Member
    I miss french fries dipped in chocolate soft serve ice cream.:blushing:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I miss hot wings too, but honestly I have been discovering some new recipes that both myself and my honey are SHOCKED are low cal, low fat and super yummy. I got a recipe off of the Hillbillywife.com website.....Toad in a Hole. I added fresh mushrooms, fresh tomatoes, garlic and cheese, I only made it with 3 Turkey sausages instead of 5.....I was really happy with how it turned out and even happier that my honey loved it....he can't wait to bring some to work tomorrow with him!

    I am learning that there are alternatives to my old favorites, and that I can eat what I love as long as I do it in moderation or find a healthy alternative to the preparation.

    I can make a grill cheese sandwhich for less than 300 cals with real cheese. Have it for dinner one night with peaches or a salad....you can still have that.

    GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • HealthyKt78
    I miss pigging out on mac & cheese and pizza. I still have each every once in awhile but I definitely miss pigging out on both at the same time.
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    I MISS BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I was in Mexico traveling for business recently. Beer and tequlia are almost staples when it come to eating there. I just adjusted my other meals to compensate for high-calorie (delicious) beer and kept on target with my weight loss goals.
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    I don't miss anything yet because I haven't deprived myself of anything. I cut out soda. It's been a month or so now and I tried to drink one a couple weeks ago but it was nasty.
    Of course I crave chocolate and will til the day I die, but I've made myself switch to darker chocolate or sugar free pudding.
    My Reese's will probably always be a weakness, but I can control myself now.
  • iluvbread
    iluvbread Posts: 104
    Starbucks pumpkin scone 470 calories
  • kendallalissa
    Yep, I still eat a lot of the same things...just in moderation, plus switches like ground turkey instead of beef and turkey bacon/sausage instead of pork. I do, however, miss my Sheridan's twice weekly binges!!! Esp the White Wedding Cake Concrete!!!!! I haven't had one since like September!!! It's enough cals/sugar/fat for 2 days worth of eating!! Yikes!

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