What is hard for you on 30 day Shred?



  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    Sounds like a plan! :tongue: I saw it at Wally today for that price, but I'm looking through her other DVDs to see if I'd like another one better.

    if you find one you better let me know! If not I might remove you as my friend :tongue: j/k I wouldn't want to break us up! :brokenheart:
    I just started doing the 30 Day Shred last Saturday and I swear Sunday morning I could hardly walk because my butt and thighs hurt so bad!!!

    Oh I agree! I started it yesterday and I did it again today, but when I got to work they wanted me to do a pull list and stock stuff, every time I bent down I was like "Dear God, please help me get up!" It is so funny but when I sit down to use the potty I have to use the wall and the bathtub as support so I don't fall, or my legs don't give out on me! :laugh: