Sooo I binged this weekend....



  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I think you are taking the wrong approach to eating. Don't restrict yourself from the kinds of foods you like, just measure the portions and count the calories with MFP. You can't think of eating in terms of dieting/binging if you really want to be successful long term. I've lost 93 pounds over the last 19 months and the idea of 'dieting' has NEVER worked for me. I've been seeing a weight loss doctor and have learned a lot about what works and what doesn't. By thinking of food in terms of things you
    "Can't have" you are setting yourself up for failure from the start....which then leads to the binge that you wish you hadn't gone on. In order to change your relationship with food you need to start thinking in terms of making NO food off limits. Right off the bat I learned that I could still have potato chips or a soda here and there as long as I counted those things into my daily totals and then I didn't feel 'deprived' of my favorite things. I eventually realized that I had to spend a lot more time at the gym to counterbalance calories from unhealthy foods so it became easier to start choosing healthier foods--especially when I could see visually on My fitness pal, how quickly the calories added up to my daily total when I made poor choices. Good luck with your goals, but go a little easier on yourself. Long term, permanent weight loss is a slow journey and it has to start with lifestyle changes and the first change I had to make was figuring out how to have a 'healthy' relationship with food rather than the old Love it/Hate it relationship most women have.

    Fantastic reply - I can relate to a lot of this...............!!!