My interesting way of preventing binge eating/ over eating..



  • lep_623
    lep_623 Posts: 197 Member
    mine isn't so much what i eat but that I eat alot... so i cut out buffets, and I bought snacks that are healthy (low in cal. and sodium too) that I can snack on instead of whatever the heck I can find of my brothers that included chips and cokes and stuff (it helps b/c he refuses to eat anything "healthy" so I only have my own grocery bill insteand of mine and theirs :)... I plan several snacks ahead of time and then eat whichever one strikes my fancy at the time. the ones I dont' eat i delete from my diary that night. It also helps b/c i work at a daycare so i have my own healthy snacks instead of the kids sugary and high sodium crackers and stuff :)
  • nsanati
    nsanati Posts: 40 Member
    Fantastic way to trick your mind & body ... I have also vulnerable to the back and forth "salt & sugar" snacking! LOL - anyway - a new strategy for me has been to buy the tiny little ice creams - they are only 5.5 oz and < 200 calories ... this way I don't serve myself a big old bowl of ice cream! When the cup is empty, I am done! Also, I have really begun to enjoy Lean Cuisines (preservative free & < 300 calories!) and I am measuring out my creamer for my coffee in the morning b/c it is so fattening!

    All in all, this website has made me super aware of every bit of food that I put in my mouth! This is a good thing!
  • ellekay22
    ellekay22 Posts: 147 Member
    Thank you. Nap time is my problem time too. I try to nap with the kiddies, but sometimes I have stuff to do and I find myself looking for quick energy in sugar and carbs.
    I'm trying not to look at my calories during my binges, but carbs. If I can keep the "snack" under 15g of carbohydrates, I can eat what I want. If I do go nuts on, well, nuts, they fill me up and I don't eat nearly as much dinner. A lot of calories in nuts, but staying power.
    Also, setting time goals for me is important. I can't have a snack for an hour after I eat and there needs to be an hour between a snack and a meal. This keeps me from just throwing food in my mouth.

    Here's to seeing results.
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    I could kiss you.

    Well done being sensible and a problem solver. I was worried you were going to say you sprayed it all with Windex so you wouldn't eat it.

    Lol, Windex does solve everything.
  • joyeaann
    joyeaann Posts: 39 Member
    I knew that for this to work I would have to actually enjoy it and work with myself instead of against myself.

    I love this line. I think it will be my new healthy life style mantra!
    I also figured out that my down fall was really portion-size. I ate lots of good-for-me stuff... but that was the problem... I was eating LOTS of good-for-me stuff. :ohwell:
    but now I measure and weigh just about everything I eat and try to do a very good approximation on the things that I can't weigh and measure. I log EVERYTHING. Even on my "break/cheat days". It helps me be more aware and accountable of what is going in; I find that although on my "cheat/break days" I am eating the foods that I don't really allow myself on a regular basis, I am still holding myself accountable and LEARNING what a "reasonable" portion size is (even on the treat type things) that way I don't actually OVER eat anymore, even on "cheat days". :happy: :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for sharing your methods... it is great to hear other ideas.
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    I do pretty much the same thing. I measure everything, and put my snacks in little bags... of course I still have bad days sometimes... but measuring helps soooo much! Great ideas!
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    I'm pretty much doing the same thing you're doing! I upped my calories too - to 2000 a day. This gives me plenty of room to treat myself, and in the long run, I'll be eating less calories than I would by restricting too much and then binging!
  • sallywilson06
    sallywilson06 Posts: 269 Member
    Duct tape. It has numerous uses, either directly across the food receptacle (mouth) or wrapped around the food dispenser (fridge). They both help the caloric intake immensely. Given the fashion forward sense of America today I recommend any of the "fashion" designs.


    This made my
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    If I need something, i give in. BUT, I give in to a BITE. Nothnig more. And usually thats all it takes to curb the craving!