Remedy for Sore Muscles?



  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    Some whey protein, lots of water, and rotate icepacks onto the sore spots. You'll be sore the first few sessions.
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    Anti-inflammatory like Tylenol or work out again. It loosens them up and helps them heal faster.

    tylenol is not an anti-inflammatory
  • sryan8408
    sryan8408 Posts: 244
    When I really couldn't stand the pain of my legs being sore after about 3 days of running, and nothing was helping, I took a heating pad in bed with me and while I was waiting to fall asleep I put the heating pad where it hurt. And mostly it was my legs, So I just switched legs and the next morning I felt SO MUCH better!!! And this is after trying icy hot, ben gay, advil, tylenol, epsom salt bath, water, workout etc etc. So try it and I'm sure it will be so much better!
  • chikachic817
    chikachic817 Posts: 55 Member
    The best thing I've found is GET BACK IN THE GYM. Work those muscles again! Recover, yes, but not for 5 days. I've found that working those muscles again (along side another major muscle group workout like legs) is a great way to speed up the recovery and work out the soreness. Good for you for working so hard! :)

    ^^This worked for me. I forced myself to go after a really hard upper body workout the day before. The day afterwards, all the pain was gone :)
  • tschmelzer
    Stretch!!!!! Your muscles are tight and tired. Stretching will help them relax. Also drink a ton of water. Re-hydrating will help them recover faster because they will be fueled!! Hope your next sessions go well :) good luck!!!
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member