Fear Thread! What are you afraid of?



  • yessiseguy
    1. anything concerning health (mine or loved ones)
    2. failure career-money wise
    3. falling especially bc i wear alot of heels, i feel i have weak bones (will try to work on them)
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    Praying Mantises.


  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    I have cleaned up the thread and unlocked it so the OP can enjoy a nice fun thread.

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    MFP Moderator

    That's some top-notch moderating. Nice work.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    1. Being buried alive (coffins are too creepy)
    2. Clowns
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Coconuts - they kill more people than sharks.

    Spiders - they have too many legs.

    Snakes - I try to go all "mind over matter" and tell myself I'm not scared, but when I was in Bali and a nice lady in the wildlife park put a snake around my neck (I agreed to it) I couldn't stand it and had to get her to take it away. Made for a very funny photo but really creeped me out!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    1. Death
    2. something happening to my kids
    3. geese/ducks pecking at my feet.

    4. Freddy Krueger :blushing:

    But hey, Spiders and snakes dont bother me at all.
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    Gaining weight..I need to gain, but I am afraid that once I do it wont stop. also afraid that I left something on after I have left the house and it will catch on fire and my animals will die.
    And cant forget this one..somebody will break into my house and attack me, torture me and then cut me up into little pieces. (Guess I need to lay off watching so much CSI, NCIS ans SVU)
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    answering phones
    climbing ladders
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Wasps (and curiously enough, I'm not afraid of bees at all)
  • jobster68
    jobster68 Posts: 145
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    Needles...specifically blood tests..I hate the idea of veins and needles together yuck yuck yuck i cringe..They have wrote needle phobic in my clinic hospital files lol

    mine too , I think they might have also wrote don't let eat for 12 hours before because last time I went into a panic and threw up on the nice nurse lol then freaked out even more
  • mjmcdon
    mjmcdon Posts: 33
    Any sort of bug in general, ESPECIALLY spiders!
    Anything bad happening to anyone I love.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    Closed spaces
  • Quarantined
    1. Spiders - I shake out blankets, clothes, and shoes too. A huge black spider once built a web inside the leg of my mothers pants, which she had ironed and put on a chair so she could wear them that night. She saw what she thought was dust or powder on them, shook them, and a spider bigger than my hand flew out of them towards me. I was 4. Scared me silly.

    2. Having my wrists or throat touched. I also sometimes get these random feelings that someones going to stab my wrists or slit my throat, makes me squirmy for hours.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I am afraid of the things that I cannot control. All of my biggest fears are driven by this one overwhelming notion that life is just going too well and I worry about how I will be made to pay for that (was raised RC!), I am scared of the things in my past that I did that I could have controlled better. The memories that haunt me at 4 o'clock in the morning and keep me lying awake until dawn.
    I'm scared for my children and the attention they recieve (I have identical triplets) and that something terrible may happen as a result. I fear for my eldest daughter who is the loner of the family, that she doesn't have the space to thrive.
    Moreover than anything else I am afraid of it all changing. I have such an amazing life. I'm so lucky and so happy. We worked so hard and had a lot of heartache to get here. I am stiil in love with my husband, he is my hero. I hope that never changes.
    Oh yeah, not too keen on toads :smile:
  • nothingisred
    My only real phobia is flying, and it's really extreme.

    I've never met anyone with a phobia of flying anywhere near as bad as mine. I haven't been on a plane in 12 years. Anything plane related makes me very nervous, shakey and makes my heart race, even just seeing them on TV.

    I know the exact root of my phobia, I had a really bad experience on a plane when I was 9 years old where the plane came close to crashing (and then we had to get back on the same plane 10 hours later). It's obviously really scarred me! But I also grew up in a town with an airport that saw 5 crashes in the town in the space of 8 years as I was growing up, including one right in front of my best friend's house, so that has obviously made things worse!

    Living in England I've been lucky enough to be able to jump on a train or a ferry to go to Europe but I've realised now that I want to see the world, so I HAVE to get over this. I really want to go to Latin America and South East Asia, and that's not going to happen without a plane! I'm hoping to take some short plane rides next year to help me get over it, I'm determined.

    Funny thing is though I LOVE heights and all of that, I really want to do things like go in a hot air balloon, go hand gliding and bungee jumping and those things don't scare me in the slightest.
  • Booboo78
    Booboo78 Posts: 169
    Mouldy or contaminated food
    Other people being sick
    Closed spaces

    I actually really like spiders. So much so, I kept a tarantula as a pet once!
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    The BIG kamikaze cockroaches that FLY !!
    I have a HUGE dislike for CLOWNS.
    and Frogs
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Not crazy about heights, but wouldn't call it an all out fear.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    1- spider crickets (I think their actual name is camel cricket?) *cringe* I hate to even think about them..
    2- If I'm alone, 95% of strangers in public scare the bejeezus out of me....irrational fear, I know, but I still freak out and imagine that they're gonna kidnap me and film their own version of "Strangers" with me. :indifferent:
    3- the bank being robbed

    Most other fears I can kick if I'm exposed to them - heights, small spaces, bugs, snakes, etc. But these 3, I cannot get over.