Stay-at-home moms 1/26-2/1



  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    Okay ladies I have to word vomit a little because I have those bad voices in my head and I'm hoping if I just get it out they will go away.....
    I am not seeing any difference in my body. SEEING....I can feel a difference strength wise and I know my body is changing cuz I just bought smaller jeans but I can SEE it in the mirror. I don't know if this is because I've always seen myself differently that the way I am or because nothing is happening. I really thought after 30 lbs I would look better. Granted a great majority of that 30 lbs is baby weight but still....In my eyes I actually look fatter. My stomach looks saggy and jiggly and gross. I'm at the point where I'm actually doubting that I'm going to look good when I hit my goal of 165. That's 20 pounds from now I don't think it's going to be enough. UGH! I know better than to sabatoge myself mentally like this but the thoughts are there day in and day out. I just wanted to get them out and move forward. Thanks for reading.

    think logic. it always helps me.30 pounds is A LOT! your body is going to change. it will be weird at first. my friend lost 165lbs. i remember her feeling the same way. you can do this! you are going to look and feel great
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I feel the same way! My hips actually look worse because some of the muscles are toning up and tightening in my upper legs. But just above it in my hips, it's still saggy. Unfortunately, we women do look at ourselves more harshly than others look at us. So we focus on our trouble spots.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member

    Well...hubby and I went and talked to the principal. He was briefed on the situation by the assistant principal so i had to start with what she told me, then tell him what actually happened. Once we got done explaining that she did not investigate the situation and what the situation was he asked what we wanted to have happen. Basically we were told that each child was suspended because they were both involved with getting physical. Thier stance on the issue is basically this: If a child is being attacked, be it verbally or physically, then they should leave the situation and find an adult to tell WITHOUT hitting or verbally reacting to the other person. Well... we all know that is easier said than done. Add to the fact that my son has impulsive type ADHD, his filter doesnt always kick in but he is definitely NOT a violent person.. usually his mouth is what gets him in trouble. I explained this to the principal and told him : Dont get me wrong, Im not condoning violent words or actions, but he was defending himself and that kid put him in a position that made him react and the reaction was ALOT better than what it could have been. He tried to communicate, in a respectful way, that the other kid needed to leave him alone and the other kid chose to make it physical not just pushing him once, but pushing him a 2nd time and then punching him in the face. I also told him that he backed my son into a corner and that pushing him away was the only thing he could think of to do because the boy was way to close and he felt threatened and cornered after being pushed against the wall. I told him that while I can understand punishing both kids (only to set an example to other students that violence is never the answer), I dont think the punishments shouldnt have been the same since he wasnt the one who instigated the fight, didnt use fowl language and didnt really have a way out of the situation. He actually had the nerve to tell me that if my son had not pushed back but instead had basically curled into a ball and let the kid wail on him that only the other kid would have been in trouble. Well, that just pissed me off. I asked him "in all the time you have been a principal, how many times has THAT happened". He asked me what I wanted to have happen and I told him that in the future, I wanted to be called PRIOR to any suspension action was put in place, regardless of WHAT caused it...AND that he should be allowed to return tomorrow since he was off half of yesterday and all of today. I told him that I didnt think he was treated fairly by his assistant and that all they did was prove to my son that there is no such thing as justice or fairness in school when it comes to getting bullied.

    SO...after all that.. we are supposed to hear back from him this evening about weather he can go back to school tomorrow. He said he was going to speak the assistant principal and would get back to us tonight.

    We also spoke with the officer on duty at the school and explained the situation to him and that several kids harass him on a daily basis. He told us we could file assault 4 charges against the other child if we wanted to but that stuff like this happens all the time and that the prosecuting attourney probably would dismiss it. He told us to have our son go to him anytime someone was calling him names, picking at him or prodding him and he would be happy to look into it and take action when necessary. He wasnt involved in the situation yesterday but he did talk with him afterwards about using fists to solve problems. I didnt have an issue with that, the more he hears that getting physical isnt ok, thats fine. As long as this guy is going to do whats necessary to keep these jerks off my kids back in the first place.

    So thats about it...I'll know more tonight if they are going to let him come back tomorrow or not.

    :ohwell: :huh:
  • autumn78
    Silly question, but Im new here and still havent figured this out. I noticed on your replies everyone has a do I get one on my profile?????
    Congrats on the weight loss. I am also a stay at home mom of 3, my youngest being 3 month...Its a hard process but I am determined to hang in there.
    Anyway thanks for reading.:flowerforyou:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    it isn't even 3pm and I am over my fat grams for the day. today AF came to visit so crap in a hat I went and had a whopper jr. it could have been worse so. I guess i have to squeeze my workout in today even though I feel yucky


    Ughhh AF is visiting me this week also. I had a hard week last week with motivation and water weight...this week its pretty much gone. I love BK... used to eat there all the time for lunch when I was working. I hadnt eaten there in a long time and went there for lunch about a week and a half ago. I wont do it again...the bloating was :sad: and i felt :sick: the next day. Unfortunately I love BK..but even the whopper with no cheese or mayo was not a good thing for me even tho it was within my cals for lunch that day... :sad:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Okay ladies I have to word vomit a little because I have those bad voices in my head and I'm hoping if I just get it out they will go away.....
    I am not seeing any difference in my body. SEEING....I can feel a difference strength wise and I know my body is changing cuz I just bought smaller jeans but I can SEE it in the mirror. I don't know if this is because I've always seen myself differently that the way I am or because nothing is happening. I really thought after 30 lbs I would look better. Granted a great majority of that 30 lbs is baby weight but still....In my eyes I actually look fatter. My stomach looks saggy and jiggly and gross. I'm at the point where I'm actually doubting that I'm going to look good when I hit my goal of 165. That's 20 pounds from now I don't think it's going to be enough. UGH! I know better than to sabatoge myself mentally like this but the thoughts are there day in and day out. I just wanted to get them out and move forward. Thanks for reading.

    I know exactly how you feel. I havent lost much yet....but I can feel already that my stomach is the first place its come off and have already noticed a few saggy spots. There are areas that I just dont think I will ever feel completely comfy with. First off.. Ive got "bear claw" stretch marks (sorta like that before picture in the ad above.. :grumble: ) from having 3 kids and I really dont think that even if i lost all the weight I would be comfy ever putting on a bikini again. So.. this is how I look at it. My body isnt supermodel perfect, it wasnt before I had kids and it sure wont be after I lose all this extra flub. BUT.. I know I'll feel better that i reached the goal I wanted to get to, that I have way more energy than I ever had and that my body will be healthier for it. It will also be VERY nice to shop outside of the PLUS sized department and buy cute clothes on the regular sales racks again!

    How long did it take you to lose those 30? Have you tried using some firming lotion on your trouble spots? I know the last time my stomach shrunk and I started using lotion alot, the saggies werent that bad. Still there, but definitely not as bad. Maybe try a body wrap? Those help a little also, as does seaweed soap for firming up skin.
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Silly question, but Im new here and still havent figured this out. I noticed on your replies everyone has a do I get one on my profile?????
    Congrats on the weight loss. I am also a stay at home mom of 3, my youngest being 3 month...Its a hard process but I am determined to hang in there.
    Anyway thanks for reading.:flowerforyou:


    Go into your tools and you can scroll down until you get to the tickers!! I hope that helps! After you click on it on the ticker it will give you instructions on how to do it all.

    Good luck!

  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Silly question, but Im new here and still havent figured this out. I noticed on your replies everyone has a do I get one on my profile?????
    Congrats on the weight loss. I am also a stay at home mom of 3, my youngest being 3 month...Its a hard process but I am determined to hang in there.
    Anyway thanks for reading.:flowerforyou:

    Welcome. I hope mrsbuzz answered your question for you. If you still need help let us know.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Losingit-having been the victim of verbal abuse EVERY DAY of my 8th grade year, I know how your son feels and I know that schools rules when it comes to fighting/bullying dont make reasonable sense. We all know that if he would have walked away the bully would have either come at him from behind or continued his verbal assult. The bully instigated the confrontation and threw the first punch therefore he should be suspended based upon the zero tolerance rules. Your son defended himself. Was it right for him to shove the kid? maybe not but he didn't throw fists. Was it right for him to throw the apple? probably not cuz someone else could have been hurt. Did your son deserved to be suspended...imo HELL no! Lunch detention maybe but not suspension. Since when is it a crime to defend ourselves?? Schools have gotten OVERLY protective and I can understand the principle of it but it doesn't always seem rational.
    I was verbally attacked every day at lunch by a girl that was my age. It got to the point where I would just call home "sick" just before lunch so that I didn't have to deal with it anymore. She always confronted me in the lobby right in front of the office and not one faculty member or staff member ever did a damn thing about it. I missed many days of afternoon classes and eventually ended up with a physical condition because of the stress she was putting me through. I got my "revenge" the last day of summer vacation. We went to blows in a parking lot on the "main drag" in our small little town. I kicked her butt and walked away...I never had a problem with her again. Some people just need to be put in their place.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I havent lost much yet....but I can feel already that my stomach is the first place its come off and have already noticed a few saggy spots. There are areas that I just dont think I will ever feel completely comfy with. First off.. Ive got "bear claw" stretch marks (sorta like that before picture in the ad above.. :grumble: ) from having 3 kids and I really dont think that even if i lost all the weight I would be comfy ever putting on a bikini again. So.. this is how I look at it. My body isnt supermodel perfect, it wasnt before I had kids and it sure wont be after I lose all this extra flub. BUT.. I know I'll feel better that i reached the goal I wanted to get to, that I have way more energy than I ever had and that my body will be healthier for it. It will also be VERY nice to shop outside of the PLUS sized department and buy cute clothes on the regular sales racks again!

    How long did it take you to lose those 30? Have you tried using some firming lotion on your trouble spots? I know the last time my stomach shrunk and I started using lotion alot, the saggies werent that bad. Still there, but definitely not as bad. Maybe try a body wrap? Those help a little also, as does seaweed soap for firming up skin.

    I too have major stretch marks but I'm proud of them and if I ever get skinny enough that I COULD wear a two piece I might just to show off my battle wounds :laugh: I would LOVE to be able to shop where ever I want and own an article of clothing that DOESN'T say X in front of the size (unless its XS :noway: ) I started working out and counting cals Aug 25th so it's taken me 5 months to lose 30 lbs. I haven't tried lotions cuz I have a hard time believing they actually work. I would love to do a body wrap...more for the experience than the supposed weight loss and body firming effects. Maybe I will make that a reward after the next 10 or 15 lbs. I'm trying to stay positive and I keep pushing forward but every once in a while those negatives creep in. I'm just gonna have to start focusing on my "problem" areas and work a little harder on them.
    Thanks for the support ladies :flowerforyou:
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    I am fed up I was having a reasonable workout on my elliptical and I allways do better in the last 10 mins hr steady at 85% for the last 20 mins today and then the belt broke with my final intensive 3 mins I was upset how bad is that upset that I had to get off my machine and worried that I would be without it. I did manage to fix for now the belt had slipped and a piece frayed off the rest seems ok so should be able to use again tomorrow gonna order another belt though so I know when this one gives up totally I will be able to fix asap.

    I want to make the next month really count as I have to go away in mar to collect a puppy for my father in law we have to go on the ferry for 4 hours then drive it is about 2 hours away from the dock so we will start at 7 am should get to the breeder by about 2 pm but the ferry back is a 3 hour drive and then it doesnt sail til 2.15 am so I will probably just get home and climb into bed will have to sacrifice my workout on the saturday and keep my cals low dont quite know what to do as he wants to hit pizza hut for dinner Breccy and lunch will be fine as I will eat first thing and take lunch with me its just dinner I normally wouldnt be bothered but with 18 weeks yesterday til our family vacation in florida (I live in the uk so this is a big vacation) I dont want any slip ups I am correcting my metabolism at the moment so havent lost this week and dont expect to lose next week either but I havent gained which ois great as my cals were as low as 600 a day some days (I know its wrong its stupid but I really have issues with dieting and starving worked in the past but it doesnt work) I suppose 1 day going over should be ok it may even fool my metabolism any suggestions please. We dont have a pizza hut where I live and I do really love it I suppose I could have it if say I lost 10lbs between now and 7 th mar I think that could be possible. I could get a kids pizza that would be small dont know the cals though and ok its probably high in sodium so if I drink loads of water I dont know I will be able to get pizza hut in florida so maybe I should hang out for that instead and get a salad or something healthy. AAARRRGGG this is when I screw myself up got get over issues like this.

    Anyway its Friday get to lay in bed late tomorrow then gotta get 30 day shred in and 30 mins on the elliptical (saturdays are a struggle) Thinks i'll do shred first thing then get kids sorted and chores done hubby is usually home by 1pm and the kids go to their grandparents at 3pm elliptical 1 pm sorted. Walk the dogs at 3pm then chill.

    Sunday rest day woohoo dont get to stay in bed though my son and I do flyball training with the dog and it starts at 10.30am. But will probably get to play on wii fit in the afternoonor something like that.

    Have a good weekend everybody.
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Good Morning!

    Well I have to say that even thought I have been bad this week, not counting calories, not working out, drinking pop:drinker: , and eating fast food I haven't gained anything all week. Thank God!:happy: I have been busy with painting and doing stuff around the house. I am not eating all day. I usually only eat about 3 times a day and maybe 1 snack. Not sure why my body hasn't put the weight back on, but I guess I need to get my butt into gear and just do this. At least I should exercise my heart out.

    Well just wanted to say hello and wish Everyone a great weekend!!! :bigsmile: I will be painting, oh fun!!:ohwell:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    tazzy-I used to restrict myself on enjoying family outings, but now I realize that they only happen every once in a while so I might as well enjoy them. Maybe you could have salad and just 1-2 piece of pizza. Load up on salad first and then just eat the pizza so that you get the taste and satisfy the craving. And you can totally lost 10 lbs between now and Mar 7th. But you have to be honest with yourself and keep close tabs on what you put in your mouth. I hope the belt for your elliptical show up before the old one falls apart.

    Mrsbuzz-congrats on not gaining. When I know I'm not behaving that result is as good as losing. I'm sure that even though you aren't eating great that your activity level is helping balance it out.

    Well I did it.....I hit my end of month goal of 182!!!!:drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
    I was so nervous about getting on the scale this morning. I don't know why this weigh in meant so much to me but it did. I guess cuz I knew that in order to hit my end goal I had to hit 182 to stay on track. Now I have 17 lbs to go in 12 weeks....totally achievable! Praying for no plateaus between now and then..:laugh: right like that will happen! Regardless I'm just happy I made it thru this month, one goal at a time!
  • SarainKS
    Good morning everyone!

    I seriously need to hide the scale. I'm an obsessive weigher. Yes I admit it. :happy: I just can't do the whole once a week thing. More like once a day. I know it's ridiculous but I can't help it. I was disappointed yesterday after working by behind off with workouts but this morning, I'm actually down a pound. So that's a great way to start the weekend. I have a feeling that I'll gain it back because we're throwing a small super bowl party. Maybe I can make some healthy food for me.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I seriously need to hide the scale. I'm an obsessive weigher. Yes I admit it. :happy: I just can't do the whole once a week thing. More like once a day. I know it's ridiculous but I can't help it. I was disappointed yesterday after working by behind off with workouts but this morning, I'm actually down a pound. So that's a great way to start the weekend. I have a feeling that I'll gain it back because we're throwing a small super bowl party. Maybe I can make some healthy food for me.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

    I'm an obsessive weigher but I only record my weight on Fridays. Your weight can fluctuate so much from day to day I only go by Friday's number. I am a little worried about weekend gain as well. Friday we are going to a birthday party for my brother in law and then Sunday of course is the big game and we are having a party here. I do plan on making a whole bunch of healthy snacks (thank goodness for and her super bowl suggestions) but I'm pretty sure I will put on a little weight. I do plan on working out Sunday morning, so I have some extra cals to eat and I will drink lots and lots of water...that's my game plan.
  • SarainKS
    Good idea on the working out Sunday morning! I might just have to do that. I planned on taking the weekend off but why not. :)
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    drevans_mom - That makes a whole lot of sense I think its a plan. I am doing great at the moment I am trying o eat in the right balance and havent had anything with empty calories in all week and the strangest thing is I dont want them either I am quite happ having an orange or an apple to satisfy my sweet tooth I think I have turned a corner keeping my blood sugars balanced with regular intakes of wholesome food. I think as well for my day trip I could just have fruit salad for breccy and a healthy salad for lunch which will leave plenty of calories for dinner I may even get up at 5.30am and do 40 mins on the elliptical or get 30day shred in as I will be spending a lot of the day on my backside I can allways take a power nap on the ferry. That would then give me the allowance to have a couple of slices of pizza but only if I hit my goal of 10lbs between now and then.

  • supermom1114
    I feel so lost lol, I havent been on the boards in days, but I have been tracking my cals n exercising. I just joined bally last night n I have a free personal training session today at 4! So last night was my first time in a gym in a long time, Ive been waiting for Ayden to get on a better sleeping schedule n the past 5 nights hes only woken up once so Id figured it was time. I decide to take it easy for the first night, just a little cardio, so i get on the elliptical, do a half mile at a moderate pace then since Im feeling good I decide to time how fast I can run a mile, got it done in 10:27 which wasnt bad for not having reallly worked out in 5 months or so. but I was on the elliptical n not the treadmill... I dunno something about the treadmill kills me... so theres a tanning salon right next door n I decided to get a membership there n it felt so good to lay there after working out... bliss lol so yea I get home feed Ayden n get him to bed but then for some reason he chooses last night to be kinda fussy.. he woke up like 4-5 times... ugh the night I really needed to rest he doesnt want to let me... oh well, I made it through n hes having another lovely day just bein a happy baby, gas seems to have gone down, hes awake and attentive more, and hes really improving in his tummy time... he wants to crawl but cant quite get his gut up yet lol

    ok well hes done eating so we're off to go read a book or something, I'll hopefully be back on later... but not as much, I've started my online classes so now when he eats or naps I'm focused on those, Have a happy n healthy day everyone!!! :flowerforyou:
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    I too like to weigh myself, but I try not to do it everyday. I have it down now were my weighins are Friday morning, but I weigh myself like monday to see what happened over the weekend, since I am horrible on the weekends.:grumble:

    Well have a good one:flowerforyou:
  • farmgirlh
    farmgirlh Posts: 240
    Good Morning/Afternoon ladies~ Sorry if I don't post very often my internet isn't always up and I found out yesterday that I have a "sports injury" and now no workouts for a week or it will get worse and take longer to heal. I am hoping that I can control my calorie intake for the next few days. Good luck to all of you!!!